Can it be stopped?
Pubg STILL the Xbox best seller
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Normies can not be stopped.
So this is what happens when you release a game on Xbox...
This just proves that xbots are actually retarded and starved for games.
There's nothing else for xbone fags to play.
>the only game to play on xbox is pubg
Im so sorry
We all know it would sell just as well on PS4.
If it got ported.
Which it won't.
Good, ps4 doesn't need shit to shore up its lack of 1st party games.
Imagine defending the xbox brand
>Ditch Xbone because it won't sell there
>Game flops
>Tries to crawl back into the Xbone inner circle
>Which it won't.
Why do xnigs pretend they said they would since before xbox debut?
Because it's easily the best game of the gen. I play on pc but I haven't had as much fun and banter in a game since the halo 3 days on the 360.
Sometimes i forget that xbox is still a thing
Honestly so do i
imagine thinking bloomememe in 20fps is a classic gayme.
l o l
>lawbreakers and sf5 release exclusively on playstation and PC
>sell like shit
>pubg releases exclusively on PC and Xbox
>tops the charts
What did he mean by this?
Why should anyone care what you remember
>thread about success of a game and discussion of said success
>uses a platform as reference
>thread full of asshurt niggers and arabs from opposing platform who will never get said game
Just goes to show the low IQ of these retards. I don't know if they know people laugh at them for their idiotic posts.
Can you tell me please what the top 5 best selling games on ps4 of all time are please? Based on your posts I'd assume they're all exclusives.
It's a very simple question.
For being a niche game, monhun is doing very well
Are you implying that pubg is xbox exclusive?
Bad games can't be released on good systems and vice-versa
>That logic
I didn't imply anything. You made the implication by claiming no games and mentioned ps4 first party. I asked for some statistics to confirm something. It was a very simple question and you've already failed it.
>Can you tell me please what the top 5 best selling games on ps4 of all time are please? Based on your posts I'd assume they're all exclusives.
Simple question
Even bloodborne didn't sell well. Ps4 is a literal fifa/cod machine. At least Xbox has a higher retention rate for all games released, and it's exclusives sell much better than on your so(n)yboy console
I'm actually surprised that MHW is selling decently on xbox.
I think you think im the other guy who replied. All i said is that xbox is starved for games, and it is.
>exclusives sell much better than exclusives* on your so(n)yboy console
Microsoft plans to give more Xbox 360 games for BC and with enhancements. I also hope on the next list of original Xbox games, Halo CE and 2 are added, I couldn't care less if Reach gets a 4K enhancement.
Ok but seriously, who is still playing pubg? I cant even stand the sight of it after this long.
So pc must be starved for games too by that logic right?
Even more so than xbox, yes
Not him and don't even own one, but I've never heard normals on Xbox want PS4 exclusives, but I've heard tonnes of PS4 normals beg for pubg.
My brother built a pc specifically for it a few months ago.
Then why is it the fastest growing gaming market followed by mobile followed by a slowing console market? You're either really misinformed, deluded, a shill or a straight up retard.
>game with PC version
absolute state of consoleplebs
Any source to back up those claims?
There are still people who play LOL or CS:GO, why is this different?
It's bundled with the console now
Agreed. See you on RDR2 fellow masterrace! Huzzah!
Xbox fans like Japanese games they just hate weeb games.
Lol at all the sonygroids itt
Just accept it. The biggest game this gen is on Xbox and not on ps4.
Console gaming is dying. I'm still waiting for those top 5 best selling ps4 games of all time.
Fuck PUBG, Fornite is better.
But while on the topic of the Xbone, Vanquish is now BC
"Xbox exclusive"
Its also on PC so it isn't an exclusive at all.
What does MS mean by this?
This tbqh. The original Xbox was full of amazing jap titles, but none of them really had anime waifu shit.
>posts an image proving that consoles are doing better
Boy you really blew it
>Console gaming is dying
>PC is also shown to be on the fall
why is this console still relevant again?
Uhh buddy? Did you even look at what you posted?
>console gaming is dying
>shows image of console gaming still doing well while PC is falling
It sure is
The xbox fanbase, everyone.
>console gaming market is dying
>pc gaming market is booming with internet cafes in China having record usage
>pubg fastest selling game of all time with record play time
>pirated games still hugely popular
>moba like LoL recording record revenues
Really makes you think
Don't worry, it isn't.
All xbox games are on PC so there's no point in getting one.
The only console I own is ps4 for cod/fifa. Pc for everything else.
It's Okay Microsoft own both Microsoft Windows PC and Microsoft Xbox consoles
Refute this
Xbox won
The only PC games i played recently is Spellforce 3 and i might get Age of empire Definitive edition today the rest is everything on Console.
that is some literal shit tier list for ps4 and xbox.
i dont get it how people can enjoy those fucked up games.
Holy shit you blew him the fuck out
Dont reply to yourself, its embarrasing. But your an microshill so i guess youre used to it.
Consoles = Xbox/PS as a whole including hardware
PC = it even tells you there is games only like boxes or download. Nvidia made over 1000 million dollars last year from gaming graphics cards alone. PC gaming as a whole is hitting record highs. Massive price reductions in general for PC games and P2P or half priced early access is also making entry easier.
So many console fags bickering in the mud. How depressing.
Your graph isn't showing that.
If were going by those metrics then playstation has Bloodborne Knack and...Project Diva? As exclusives most "exclusives" on ps4 are also on pc
Im glad im not 13 years old anymore
This is just plain wrong.
Unless you're dyslexic, I just explained why. They're using pc software only and browser games, not hardware. The console chart includes hardware. If Nvidias 1000m GPU sales were included there it would be a different story. This is more money made than both Sony and Microsoft gaming divisions combined.
Nah that wasn't me you seem kinda obsessed though
Wut? This is blatantly wrong.
1000m from* GPU sales
>"Your wrong because I said so!"
Sony fanboys right here
>being this wrong
Boy the xbots are on one today. What a dumpster fire of a thread
I wouldn't be surprised if the sales are close to six million on the Xbox now. Not bad for how buggy it was when it released.
Nier, Nioh, Persona, and weebshit VN #2434256 are all on pc
Why would anyone want to play pubg on playstation when they can play Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone instead?
>Using games a list with game not even out yet
Also FF7Remake is coming to Xbone
Pic related are xbox exclusives.
All the games that are constantly shilled here by quite obvious paid shill are yakuza, bloodborne, persona, nier, nioh and gravity rush.
Yakuza and persona are playable on my ps3xploit hacked ps3
Nier and nioh are on pc
Gravity rush is on vita
The ps4 literally has only 1 (ONE) worthwhile game which could be worth buying the console for. That doesn't mean it's worth it at that same time though because who buys a console for one game? If you have friends on it ok but as for exclusives there is no reason to buy a ps4 at all imo.
>Not playing the superior PC version
Realistically, how long until xbox is dead?
When there's nothing left.
MS can afford to keep the Xbox alive for as long as they want.
Another decade at least.
I don't see it happening anytime soon since the brand is making so much money for MS. They're dumping 100 billion into their gaming department and Phil was just promoted.
It's generating similar numbers to Sony with half the userbase at around 3-5bn difference in consumer spending and the Xbox one x is outselling the ps4 pro in the USA and UK, Both of which are the biggest markets for their respective continents.
Realistically, Xbox will outlive Playstation. Sony is bleeding out, and the only thing keeping them alive is the console division, but everything else is losing money. Microsoft on the other hand is still rich and powerful, and Xbox brings in enough money for M$ to keep supporting it.
>spending over $2k on a PC because cryptofags destroyed the market
>Play indieshit exclusively
>$500 for a high end 4k machine
>Still play indieshit plus AAA titles with no hardware issues
Why the fuck would anyone chose PC over the based Xbox?
MS can afford to throw as much money as the whole worth of Sony which is like 60bn dollars and still be about 8.5 times richer than Sony at over 500bn dollars.
>KCD 4th on the list, barely released a week ago
I think you have another thing coming pal
Not any time soon. It's doing better currently than the PS3 was last generation. People here argue about Bloodborne and Crash but at the end of the day those games sell two million copies, because the target audience for consoles are simply looking for the most convenient way to play Battlefield and FIFA and Netflix.
Why are microsoyboys so afraid of talking about their most played game? Are they ashamed the pubg the game that was supposed to save xbox is getting destroyed by the superior fortnite?
PlayStation and their sensor division is the only thing keeping them alive. If another earthquake hits east Asia it could be the end of Sony.
You can also use your roms and stuff to emulate through your Xbox if you want.
Never, the real question is how long until Sony sells off the PlayStation brand?
This is also the most played game on ps4. What's your point? Nothing you just said has any affect on OPs observation.
It's nice to have the option to play either one at any given time on the Xbox.