Kingdom Come Defiency

Worst game I've had the pleasure to endure in the last 20 something years, true incline, indie games are saving the industry

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Delete this, you warmongering SJW! Plenty of games had more bugs than this game on launch.
Fuck off!


Kill yourself you little fag, stop sucking pepich dick ,you are showing your true colors

Retard that is an indie game.


Maybe you should make your own game if you think it's so easy.




Nice rebuttal loser ''make your own game'' instead of coming with a decent argument to defend this trainwreck, fucking indie fag

i get the feeling you're not being genuine in your statements


This was a lose/lose situation, since if they made it entirely into a cutscene, people would bitch about it, give them this so you can at least train your skills in the process, and they still bitch cause of plot armor.


Ah yes
The black panther of video games for all those wannabe deus vult fedoras
Have to admit, they knew how to ((((((shill))))) the ever living shit out of something mediocre

The game is such a laughable piece of programming that it makes Bethseda stuff look like something out of this world, such a fucking joke.

Euro junk my ass, more pure trash.


can we talk about henry's attitude to women or more attitude of women with henry
they always fucking leave him just after fucking what the actual fuck and they don't bother talking to him ever again after that
what do they think he is, a fucking joystick ?

Noble lady stayed in bed.

I knew it, he's a fucking degenerate jew, now it all makes sense

what a lucky men you are to enjoy morning cuddling,mine just fucked off

Projecting. Only people who hate this game hate it because of their politics.

some bugs are decently nerve racking though getting stuck in stair or bushes
or the archery tournament bug are really annoying specially if you're far from a save

There are some valid complaints, but overall I'm enjoying it.


It's like the devs didn't even tested the bow combat, just put it there for the sake of it.

They had a team of 100 people, what the fuck did they all do


ye but i can see people hating it for these reason and more
eh stealth archer is still best class who would have thought

... the fuck SJWs have to do with game being bugged?

your bugophobia is a bit problematic


>i can see people hating it for these reason and more
That's fair. I haven't encountered too many bugs(a few graphical issues but nothing game breaking).

>Worst game I've had the pleasure to endure in the last 20 something years

then you haven't played very many videogames have you

>fight some beggar to prove my strength
>give him 2 groschen at start
>knock him the fuck out during the fight
>loot him for 24 groschen

It's not even steal archer, you just basically stay in place and kill an entire army, it's fucking pathetic and the people that praise this crap are wondering why they get mediocre games.

>being this new

Help, how do I kill this boss? He bugged out and won't die???

Easily game of the year.

It does get a bit boring after you've seen the whole world to be honest. I'm 20 hours in and even though the story isn't over it feels like I'm in post-content because there's not a lot of new stuff to see anymore.

back to your hero shooters kiddies

yeah stealth is total shit in this game anyway
but desu couman are easy picking some bandit or knight can still kick your ass
the one when you talk a to that guy's sister always got me even with my professional grade skill with the bow


Daniel please stop. Your game is truly the black panther of video games. Be happy you made a smooth 10 million off of white suckers

These combat animations and sounds disgust me on a whole new level, what fuck man? Its some of the most limp wristed wet noodle fighting ive ever had to deal with, do any weapons actually feel meaty? I thought the axes would but they act like fucking swords almost.

This faggot is shilling for his YouTube on Steam and other forums too


nah combat is shit
what is good is the medieval funfair atmosphere which is really credible
the towns really feel like people are living in it
i hope other dev take notes on that

Mad you cuman cock sucker, the game is rancid, deal with it

I think fedora alt-right virgins are just as annoying as hambeast feminist sjws and I think this game is fine. Bugs aren't nearly as bad as people say but the bugs I have seen are hilarious.

>Only 7/10 average on Steam even after all the alt right and Sup Forums shilling
It's a smelly piece of eurojank shit, get over it.

bug are "ok" on pc because you're used to it and can manage but imagine on consoles that shit must be unplayable

>responds to samefag accusation with screenshot
>uses "tomorrow" theme
>calls others new

are consolefags stuck with HDD loading times too?


>Sup Forums buzzwords
>platform war meme faggotry
this gotta be the most disgusting post i ever saw in this shithole
yes, answer this post with: you "rightist leftist" or whatever you fags say


Only bug I've had that's actually annoyed me is this one where stairs become non climable unless I sprint. Only happens in the town you go to after your hometown is raided.

nah mate the loading are not tied to HDD some dudes reported long loading even with the game on SSD must some kind of processor related loading
i sill can't imagine people playing skyrim on xbox 360 and ps3 and turnout it was just the easy mode

tippy of the toppest lels

Did you have a stroke?
Man, not only are you a rightist leftist now, but you are also crippled, sucks to be you.

Contrary to what the alt-right white nationalists who shill this game would have you believe there were PoC in Bohemia in the 1400s

Look at that stealth, it's like batman himself did it, that fag guard is truly dumbfounded

I thought this thing was realistic, whats up with skyrim level of arrows into the head?

Stupid rightist leftist

Why is this dude and all the videos so fucking passive? When I played as soon as I try to attack anyone, they block/riposte my shit and just wreck me instantly.

Oh so this is why it's fucking popular. Cool. I ain't falling for another Sup Forums meme. I'll check back in a year to see if it gets patched up. If not, I'm writing this off as another over-hyped STALKER experience but with the added bonus of triggering "duh ESS JAY DUBYAS"

>This was a lose/lose situation, since if they made it entirely into a cutscene, people would bitch about it, give them this so you can at least train your skills in the process, and they still bitch cause of plot armor.
Just give it a win state and let player who win skip the whole chase down Runt questline. Seems easy enough to solve, slightly alter some dialogue and cutscenes and you can pretty much keep everything else the same. Theresa shows after the fight and you go to Rattay, you show up at the castle and give Radzig his sword, he still chastises you for disobedience but relents and accepts you into his service as before. Then Train Hard, and The Prey go exactly the same and then you just skip chasing down Runt in Neuhof line of quests.

>415k sold on steam
>no niggers
>best rpg in years
>a instant classic
>good reviews
>hotfixes and patches fixing bugs
>mods already being released
>will sell over a million after it goes on sale
>gaming is saved and the SJW infestation is failing
>cucks like OP who cant even save an image properly come here to shill against it
>resetera eternally ass blasted

Your current max stamina is linked to your current health, if you look his health is down at nothing so his stamina is probably the same.

It's because he's important later in the story and Warhorse doesn't expect you to be attacking him during this fight at all

It's like they should've spent less time responding to salty SJWs and more time making sure their game fucking worked.

>game sells 800k in less than a week
>oh its only because SJWs hate it
>STALKER isnt good either

Yeah those ten tweets from 3 years ago really slowed down development

>Fuck up in basic training
>It is raining
>Drill Sergeant tells me to grab a broom and sweep all the water off the pavement until it's dry

What did Theresa do to piss off Peshek so badly?

ALWAYS at these particular set of stairs. Fuck this game, it pisses me off thinking about it.

k sold on steam
>>no niggers

Really dude, do I have to point out why you're such a fucking retard, and why I should laugh at you?

Read this How is this anyway uncomparable to a libtard or a SJW feeling good about a game adding a token out-of-place trans character. Sup Forumsturds are the Bizarro-SJWs.

If the main reason you started this thread was to post about ebin wins against SJWs then yes, I'd say it's safe to assume because of meme-lords like yourself. MUM after checking the archive it seems like that is the only reason people talk about it as opposed to the actual gameplay. And yes, STALKER is trash with or without mods. CoC is k.

>Game being this buggy
>Poor optimization
>Last two quest chains in the main story felt rushed and poorly written

Well, something slowed down development

Cheesing the AI is always fun

I lied to him and send him after the butcher at Rataje, I ran there after killing his buddy to face him again but with the guard backing me up. Nothing happened, the butcher didn't have any dialogue and neither did the guards.
What a missed opportunity
I guess he'll show up later but thi

>Slash dude in unprotected head

>fight some beggar to prove my strength
>fight a couple more
>finally face the final fighter
>as he wakes up after losing sees a beggar corpse and shits his pants

I swear I didn't kill him, I just fast traveled back to town after knocking him out


How the fuck do I wash myself or fix my clothes?

baths and tailor

Troughs/bathhouses and tailors, respectively.

Truly impressive AI, almost compares with AI that Elon Musk did for Dota, truly piece of art.

>calling someone new who posted with an image macro from 10 years ago

That is the sound of triggering my son.

he is a robot

>10 years

Yes we already know you didn't recognise the image, the filename is irrelevant.

>being THIS new
you make me laff.

>arguing about who is the biggest Sup Forums loser
You both win

who are you quoting?

Sigismund of Hungary, (later Sigismund Holy Roman Emperor)

The two newfags arguing about who is the newer fag

I actually wonder what thet girl looks like today

By definition, an Indie game is developed AND PUBLISHED by an independent studio. KCD was published by Deep Silver. How is KCD indie?