
What are your honest thoughts on this game?

Also,server when

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unironically the greatest game ever made

The best game on PC made this decade.

8/10 game, highly recommended for anyone that likes games.

Solar Flare is the only lategame Armor set worth wearing

only about 3 people around here don't like it, and that's just because it hasn't came out on switch yet

true, but i like to wear the stardust armor over it, cause frankly it looks the most apealing

I went into the game when it launched with fairly low expectations and, to my surprise, it ended up in my top 10 games

pretty good game

Mods though

There are only three good games, and Terraria is one of them

>oh boy i can't wait to see how fucking terrible this 2d autism really is
>alright well i guess i'm buying it because this has absorbed 36 of the last 72 hours

One thing i really like about terraria is the boss fights

The game really lets you challenge things at your own pace so you can decided when your ready to do a particular fight. maybe you want to spend a long time preparing an arena and getting gear, or maybe you just want to fight the boss on whatever terrain is nearby

consider pic related, if you wanted to, you could
-build a long bridge in hell and used ranged weapons
-use water walking boots and try and avoid natural stuctures
-or use this gay method youtube.com/watch?v=IXOy_RUzq5A
point is the game allows for a lot of options when tackling enemies

also, server when?

>Downloaded it because it looked like a mincraft clone, just to see the comparisons and laugh
>It's suddenly 05:18
>Bought it next day
>600+ hours logged

Based opinions.
Up there with the best games ever.

Is Otherworld dead? My cousin and I played the shit out of Terraria and we've been waiting for news on Otherworld.

My mother in law hasn't had a job since 2007. She constantly plays this game. Every time I walk past her bedroom and see her playing Terraria, I want to grab her by the back of the head and smash her face against the wall. I'm out of the house 60 hours a week. She hasn't had a job in more than 10 years. We have no children. Her room is a pig sty. She constantly plays this fucking game. I will never play this game because of her, and I assume that anyone else who plays it is similarly useless in life.

Otherworld was never alive
All we'll ever have of it is the main theme

can someone make a server?
im pretty bored and im to much of a casual to play death mode by my self.

Is she fine? She can come stay with me if she fine.

Lacks apache

Hopefully they scrap overworld and integrate it with terraria 2
there will be a terraria 2,

last i heard they started from scratch since red wasn't happy with the state of the game

terraria 2 hasn't even begun development yet

>The game really lets you challenge things at your own pace
To an extent. The Eye of Cthulhu will summon itself provided you haven't killed it yet and you fulfill its summon requirements, and the mechanical bosses will summon themselves once you've broken a demon altar and haven't killed them yet. Goblin invasions, pirate invasions, blood moons, and solar eclipses will also happen regardless of whether you want them to or not.

>download thorium mod
>be bard
>need friends to actually make it worth my time
>sucks ass

Still I like the game.

Stardust Dragon @ max length is broke af tho

Somehow, a game that started as a soulless cash-in of Minecraft grew a spirit of its own.

A solid 9/10, truly a great game for many reasons. I have a small amount of nitpicky complaints and it can be broken easily but that doesn't matter really

I really wanted to like it but after 25 hours it never really grabbed me. I've put in over 300 hours in Minecraft across different platforms so it's not that I'm not into these types of games. What did I do wrong?

>Honest thoughts
Fake difficulty on expert mode back half vanilla. Mods range from "pretty fucking fun" to "Even more bullshit because the mods have bosses that Terraria can barely fucking handle, and every boss has a "USING ITEMS FROM OTHER MODS TO DO DAMAGE FUCK YOU INSTANTLY DIE!!!" mechanism. Minus fishing mods and magic storage, there's literally no good mods for Terraria, and thus - replayability is at an all time low.

nigger, ive been playing terraria for the last 5 years, and i always come back to it and some of that was before mods, so i dont know what your going on about.

>in 7th grade
>friend: "hey user check out this new game on Steam, it's called Terraria."
>"lmao 2d Minecraft clone"
>friend: "c'mon user it's really fun give it a chance"
>buys game later that night
>mfw 7 years later in college I'm still playing this amazing game called Terraria.

You DO have it, right?
It's 2018 afterall...

I don't have building autism, I hate melee and half the ranged shit, and I don't have the RNG to get fun items to make that early game not shit. I very selectively choose when I come back to Terraria, since it's a snorefest until Skeletron Prime, then another snore until Duke Fishron.

Never again.

Otherworld is coming out soon r-right?


>working on this by making 40 characters, going into my world every day and catching as many fish as i can on one character and putting them into a piggy bank each time, then bringing them back into a chest and submitting one with each character before the next day
>at about 80 something after 4 ingame days because some days are tough to get all 40 fish for, one only got about 10
>havent gotten golden rod
fucking bullshit, why the fuck do i need to catch 30 on one character. the angler is the same. just give me my reward so that this is easier.
then again, i'm never fishing again once i get this and the last thing for the cell phone, so i probably should bother about it.

1.4 when
sequel when
spin off game when

yeah, I got it, but I never got the hotline fishing rod. ever. and I've fished at least 500 times for the angler.

i just wanted to make inferno potions, was that too much to ask?

Eventually, maybe
Fucking ages off
Maybe never

That is the only achievement I don't have. Why did you have to open old wounds.

actually the best sandbox game ever.
Only wish it was 3d to deepen my immersion
