How do you feel about lewd and impractical video games armor?
How do you feel about lewd and impractical video games armor?
Post the most impractical armor you can
That's totally fine because it's not a woman. I sure love hypocrisy.
>Complaining that armor isn't realistic, and then go out to fight giant monsters that would crush any armor effortlessly
Lewd and impractical armor is a matter of aesthetics and design choice.
It can be fanservice, but even fanservice is an aesthetic choice for a purpose. Honestly I think it usually looks cool and I mean tons of cultures fought naked so it's not like its inaccurate
what a slut but makes more sense because male bodies are naturally stronger
That's why you wear as little as possible and build muscles harder than any metal.
>character can shoot fireballs from his hand
>character can jump 3 times high height in rapid succession
>character can respawn multiple times or even infinite times after reaching a checkpoint
>character lifts weapons that weight more than a bike with one hand and swings it wildly.
>muh armor is not practical and realistic, immersion is ruined.
It's all about fashion, eroticism, and aesthethics, if you want realism go play a fucking sim.
barafags can control themselves and not tack on a massive banana hammock in a way straightfags can't
As a man who loves other men, I actually wanna see more of this in gaming but most people just pander to the other team so I have to settle for whatever obscure lewd games I can find instead. Such is life.
That being said, I absolutely hate armor like this at the same time because I know for sure any hit to all that exposed body is gonna be 10 times as lethal and yet we have games like Soul Calibur where people with giant swords and axes are getting their weapons knocked away by small girls with tonfas. Wearing "STAB ME HERE!!!" lewd armor is pleasing to the eye but frustrating to the logical part of the brain.
>Straps making indentations in his pecs
This user gets it.
It's sort of historically accurate.
Evasion is always better than defense anyway.
Surtr is a nasty slut! A NASTY SLUT!
This is true, straightfags want giant tits on everything and barafags want more thicc aesthetic without it being too extreme usually.
Anything can be a knight if it has a helmet.
he deserves to be mating press and be used by the public
This was due to a lack of resources.
How can an evil knight look like such a sleazy whore?
Do I like sexy skimpy armor? Yes.
Do I want dudes to also have sexy skimpy armor? Yes.
Do I want the sexy skimpy armor to look like that? No.
That armor looks like all the other fucking mmo armor, which is a big problem too.
For girls, it shows them off and you can always see there face and who it is.
For dudes, it always big and bulky shit that hides their face, making them a faceless generic hero.
why are gay artist better than straight artist even gay artist draw better females
>liking giant beefy muscular guys as bottoms
it should always be a muscle mountain fucking some normal guy
Because he's an evil knight and a whore!
Wow user, you have extremely boring taste.
I'm okay with it, as long as it's not only one sex.
Beefy muscular men were meant to be be gangbanged by big dicked monsters.
>not wanting to dom someone bigger and stronger than you
you have the worst taste imaginable. nothing more erotic than seeing a thicc muscle daddy, the epitome of alpha masculinity, being turned into a cockcrazed cumslut
I dated a 5'7" twink who was exclusively a top and had a fetish for muscular men. It's pretty common.
Why not both?
is this guy from housamo
This. Big men are cumrags.
They did not actually fight naked, that's a stylistic choice done in a lot of art to make them seem more "heroic"
He's perfection. Why can't modern game devs reach this male peak performance?
this. or mountain on mountain.
>mating press
that's gay user!
I just chose that picture cause they were only wearing helmets even though it wasn't related.
mating press is truly the best position. a shame its hard to find in 3d porn.
>twice the butt
>can see the top's balls slapping
best position
As a straight guy, I want more bikini outfits for men because I like my avatar in games to be as nude and sexy as I am
I like all kinds of armor, skimpy, realistic, big huge on all kinds of characters. The only armor that i despise is armor with huge shoulderpads, and i'm not talking about Warhammer/Warhammer 40k tier huge shoulderpads, those are fine(for the most part), i'm talking about the horror show that are shoulderpads in games like world of warcraft and some other mmos. I don't remember if it was world of warcraft or guild wars 2, but one of those games has an armor where it has like fucking furnaces on the shoulderpads and it looks extremely stupid.
I really don't care at all. A lot of the female "sexy" armor looks fugly to me but as long as it doesn't clash with the tone of the game it doesn't bother me, even if it isn't equivalent between men and women.
I wish there were more games like the original Conan stories where they were absurdly gay but always said "no homo lol" anyway, though
>my shoulderpads are bigger than my torso and there's nothing you can do to stop me!
but what if they were absurdly gay and didn't say no homo
It doesn't bother me, male or female.
leotards > skimpy armor
Tokyo Afterschool Summoners / Housamo
Depends on the setting and context.
I think giant weeb weapons upset me more
I love skimpy clothing on men in vidya
>armor needs to look realistic
>women are capable of fighting just like men
If you think women can fight with men, then you don't want realism.
Pick two.
That's be fine too, it's just one of my favorite things in fiction when someone is being incredibly gay and doesn't realize it