When's the Direct with all new exciting announcements?

When's the Direct with all new exciting announcements?

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needs NieR: Automata and FFXV

sent ;^)

You will all understand soon

At this point, it isn't happening. Wait till E3. Only reason nindondo is doing this is because they aren't sure if pokemon is coming in 2018 yet or not.

2nd on Nier A

google it?

they still need to announce the release date of the odyssey update

"Scheduled for release this February" so within the next ten days

>People told to temper Year Two expectations after the overloaded Year One
>Still bitch that Prime 4, Pokemon, and Smash 5 aren't coming out next week


E3 2019

A superior PS4 can play those since last year.

What's the joke?

not on the go it cant

I don't want to play them on ps4.

Leaker said 22 Feb, probably Mario Party 11.

Why would I want it on the go when the Switch would force it to 30 FPS and 240p?

When's the next Sony/Xbox/PC Direct? oh...

a moped

which leaker

who gives a shit about those things when playing anime?

Handheld so I can play it hidden from kid and gf?

>I dont like the console that has games, I like the one that doesn't

Why would I want 30FPS on 1080p when I could have it 144FPS on native 4K?

i hope this is bait...

I don't think you understand how big of a deal portability is

Remote play.

it isn't for people that don't leave their house

I don't get it why would the game only use a third of the screen?

Funny how psp and vita were called nogames for this

Why not?
I guess laptops, mobile phones, etc aren't either?

I play all my handhelds at home

No those don't count because they're not made by Nintendo. Only the Big N makes portable products.

Isn't that shit highly dependent upon your network and model of console?
Sounds like a crapshoot. I mean, I own a Vita and played it for several hours yesterday but still.

>requires an internet connection
>garbage input lag

Sure sounds fun!

Anyone else just want animal crossing on switch? Only thing we have remotely close right now is stardew valley (which i dont like)

I leave my house plenty and don't often play my handhelds away from home but they are max comfy when on the couch in the room with family

>and FFXV
barely runs on a standard PS4. absolutely won't on mobile hardware.

Only children care about portability. Walking from my door to car, I'm not playing games. Driving, I'm not playing games. Place I'm supposed to be, not playing games. Drive home, not playing games. Children: mom drives me around, I'll play mario. Mom dragged me to the bf's house, I'll play zelda etc.

No, user, they were called nogames because they had no games, not because they were portable. If you split up 'nogames' between the 'o' and the 'g', you'll see that the word is actually composed of two seperate words: 'no' and 'games'!

But they did have games. You just didn't like them.

this is unironically me

I like stardew since I grew up playing harvest moon games but AC is definitely one of my favorite game series. It isn't the only game I want but it is at the top of my list.

What kind of situations do you guys find yourselves in playing games outside of your house? If I'm out, it's because I'm busy doing something. Playing portable games hasn't been a thought to me since my parents used to take me around on errands.

>only X does Y
stopped reading there

All the other weeks waking up on Tuesday I had severe doubts we'd be getting a direct. For some reason I totally thought this morning we'd have an announcement since this is the last Thursday of the month coming up. At this point I feel like they legitimately have nothing major to released in the first half of 2018.

>being so american you commute to work by car
>never travelling for business

>never been on bus
>never taken an uber
>never been on plane
get out more.

it's weird they still haven't announced an exact date though

I can understand people wanting to play games while on the subway, or while carpooling, or on an airplane. I see the use there. However, I want you Nintendo fans to explain to me how it objectively makes games better.

How is Skyrim, for example, magically the best game ever made because you can play it on the go? Does the portable mode magically remove all bugs and poor gameplay optimization and bethesda's quality (tm) assurance? How about Sonic 06? Does playing it on a portable magically take away all the glitches and bugs?

Nintendo is planning something big. Waiting till E3 for the hype to build, teasing us on twitter, and estimating 30mil consoles sold this year... what will it be?

>fucking stable income can afford his own transportation!

>How is Skyrim, for example, magically the best game ever made because you can play it on the go?
Who said this?

>I want to kill the planet with my car!
>If I walk anywhere, uber anywhere, or take a plane, I'm poor!

From guy name RedBird and he was right about Mega Man legacy Collection release in May.

Cars are for driving to other towns, user.

I take the bus. I can do productive stuff like learning a language or something. Driving is for cucks and a huge waste of time doing nothing.

I have stuff to attend to even when I'm at home. If I have to clean up a sudden mess, its way easier for me to put a portable on pause and come back to it when I can than to do so with a console that sucks energy.
Its a comfort thing.

It isn't but it is a better experience if you can take it to a party and play with some of your friends.

Every single Nintendo fan who owns Skyrim on the Switch has said it at one point or another.

>dude it's the best version! the PC version is gay! mods are evil and hurt the game's "artistic vision!"

You know, all that pro-corporate spiel.

kek, children.

Adults work in other towns, dumbass.

>even nintendo youtubers said that it was a bad idea for them not to include mods
where did you hear this?

And what if all my friends are busy playing couch coop on the Ps4, or PC? None of my friends own a Switch, so you can't rely on them to argue that the game is objectively the best version.

so just your anecdotes then?
wew lad.

>if you can't win, just call them kids
>ur mom gay lol

A10 minute drive is a 50 minute bus ride. You are wasting more time.

Consoles also save-state and pause.

This is a rare situation and negligible power saving.

>even nintendo youtubers said that it was a bad idea for them not to include mods

>a Nintendo fan EVER questioning their corporate overlords

So again, who said this?

Those are excuses or childish reasoning.

>all cities and bus routes are the same everywhere

I don't know about you niggers but I realized portability was king when I bought the MGS collection for PS3 but didn't finish MGS2 until I got it on Vita.

Wii u wasnt mobile and neither is that shit

wii u had gamepad dumbass, doesnt have to be on tv

seeThere isn't a single Switch user in existence who says that Skyrim on the PC is the best version. They will fight tooth and nail to argue that portability makes it better than any other version.

its gonna be March 3rd or post E3 at this point

This, a fucking gamepad has all the pros of a handheld for me. FUCK Nintendo for shitting all over the WiiU.

>There isn't a single X in existence who does Y
stopped reading there

I'm a switch user, and I say that PC is the ultimate version of Skyrim. Your logic is invalid.

Because 60hz
T. 2k fag

Portability for is a huge factor over other consoles. They have zero reason to exist compared to Switch/PC



>They have zero reason to exist compared to Switch/PC
>putting Switch first when the PC version is objectively superior

Thank you for proving my point. Your bias is showing.

>you will never grasp at straws this hard
thank god, I would kill myself out of embarrassment

Why does the PS4 and Xbox get a pass? It's not a valid game if its on the nintendo's, but it is if its on sony's and microsoft's

Not an argument. You're still proving my point by being so abrasive.

I wrote Switch/PC

Stop shitposting, faggots. Just discussing possible Direct dates.

Where did I say they get a pass? Skyrim is a broken piece of garbage that's only even passable with mods. You're saying the game is objectively better without mods all because it's portable.

You should've written "PC/Switch". The Switch is the weaker console, so it doesn't get top billing.

and its not fucking mobile still. i can take my switch were ever i want wii u only a room over and its speakers are shit. remote play is not the same as mobile because for it to not be shit you need to be in the same house and have a good connection. its a glorified wii u at best. and i say this loving the wii u. ps4 remote play is not mobile

What's your argument? "He wrote Switch before PC so he's a nintendo drone"? This is really what you'd call your argument?

The average user doesn't want to mod their game. Skyrim is a great game in vanilla. And I'd rather have a game that is portable than one that isn't.

It doesn't help that he's basically saying that portability is more important than mods.


wii u is mobile noob

>Skyrim is a great game in vanilla
Back in my day marketers used to try.


Can you spoiled faggots stop whining

We have more games than people have time for

>DK Tropical Freeze
>Megaman Legacy Collection
>Hyrule Warriors
>Bayo 1+2
>Dark Souls
>Payday 2
>DOOM update
>Literally THOUSANDS of indie titles