Will you follow your tank into battle?
Will you follow your tank into battle?
Not following a dead person into battle...
uh oh poo poo...
What the fuck is wrong with you guys, I love butts but you are disgusting, what is with this sudden fart obsession in last year?
it's a meme you dip
is this the same person that keeps posting that "kill parthuunax" thread?
because you need a fucking life dude. I saw this exact same thread yesterday.
What is it about certain drawings that make boobs/butt look firm yet soft?
Is it the hillights?
There's just something arousing about women with hot butts shitting
imagine if an animu girl were so strong and overleveled that her brap alone could AoE kill others in 1 shot
really makes my dink hard
Dunno man, seems like the site's been logging a lot more of it lately.
Sometimes I wonder how can an artist make a butt and pussies and assholes look so delicious that I want to lick them thoroughly, when in reality I'd be rather repulsed to do that
Now post the front shot
to get this kind of reaction
Uncontrolled influx of underage.
>someone actually sat down and made this
>it was probably (You)
It's funny
Found the DRK player.
a casual "wtf" -- what a payoff
I agree.
Titties are healer, you stupid fuck. Thighs are DPS.
Well people used to post traps/bara but people started to like that, in another 10 years the fetish ladder will escalate again.
It's actually an edit of Minfilia taking Beastmen cock while Thancred stayed in hia shed.
Wrong, healer is femboy traps.
Healers are vaginas idiot. You can fuck titless slut
>Healers are vaginas
>best role, worst hole
>Following the tank
>Not being a Tank/DPS hybrid that kills stuff so good you don't need a healer
We used to knock people like you down back in my day.