Secret of Mana remake

Bought this out of nostalgia. Started playing and it was mostly the same until the first night at the inn after getting the girl in Pandoria and they talked about getting kidnapped by a goblin and it felt neat. Not really heartwarming, not really comfy, but pretty fucking neat.

Then more started happening and now I think I am playing this again just for these

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More power to you, OP. I went to pre-order a week before release and GameStop claimed they were out of stock...on a pre-order. Then they pulled sale of the physical game entirely. Brought it back a day after release, then removed it again.

what's with the tiger stripe bikini?

how do you even get on the internet when you're this cut off from information or this big of a retard.


shut up cunt. why would i be aware of a pre order bonus for a game i played over 20 years ago, likely before you were even alive
nice you made the right choice.

OST remake is awful

you can use the old ones in options

I'd love to see a mod or something that updated character models with what in game armor they are wearing.

Tbh I was curious of what they would do to the music, then I heard it like this one
They just lost me

so is it a good remake or a strange, pointless, confusing cash grab of a shit game that is an insulting middle finger to the original?

It's 1:1. Take it or leave it.

Its a buggy and unpolished mess. If they bothered to test the shitIt would be a nice game. I like the extra scenes they added at the inns.

>an insulting middle finger to the original
You just summed it up, don't waste your time

>no online co op
>40 dollars

It's garbage.


hmm alright.
so is there anything good about it

No matter how much I cry about it, they still won't localize this fucking collection..

Why doesn't it have Online Coop?
Fucking why?

>Its a buggy and unpolished mess

so faithful to the original

If it's your first playthrough, play the original. If not, play the remake to see the changes.

>gameboy not well known
>secret of mana was king
>secret of mana 2 (3) never released
it would just confuse people

Few added things like mediocre voice acting
cutscenes at inns, kinda fleshes out some little things like Dyluck actually having feelings for the girl
Luka's feet
and magic/weapon skills seem much easier to level up and max out. only at the fire palace

Since you are skeptical, just wait for a steam sale in a few months

>Luka's feet

gonna need some pictorial evidence

post the butchered town music

Money in this version seems easier to get. I had over 20k left after buying armor in the golden city.

Bad user! Bad! Set that limit back to 4.

dem hips

I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that was an actual armor from the original game. I just remember fantasizing about the girl wearing it back then even though it was never shown in the sprite.

Goblin kidnapping must be canon. I got that conversation too even though I purposely avoided it and got the girl the other way

I cant seem to get her in a cutscene anymore, I am so sorry.

You can skill miss it and they can still talk about it
Way to trigger it:
Talk to all of Dyluck's men and Dyluck and they all march off screen, then talk to Luka/Gemma.

If you do not talk to all of Dyluck's men the Goblin thing wont trigger

Without getting kidnapped you need to wait until the forest or after the sprite/axe to get the girl, but if you get kidnapped you can recruit her wait you didnt ask

Its hit or miss but mostly hits imo. I never liked the snes town themes so them being ass here doesnt phase me, so its mostly just a few early zone themes that aren't too good while everything else later is great.

flammie a good boi

Good remake with bugs.

Can you play this with online co-op? The game was always better with a 2nd player imo

I dont think there is even a second player, I cant find the controls anywhere. even the UI kinda hints there is only one player.

Steam's tag system says it is single player.

1-3 player local only. Steam has issues with multiple players though, When I started I didnt know the game counted ds4win controllers as another one so my ds4 was player 1 and ds4win was player 2. putting in inputs for both at once.

Every time time I get into a cutscene I have to deal with this fucking face.

The remake is too expensive for what is an almost 1:1 recreation with some additions and removals (like the cannon travel scenes). If it was $15-20 people would still bitch but it'd be more acceptable.

It also doesn't help that it's really obvious the devs cheaped out in a lot of ways, and the Vita that it was obviously held back by can't even run it at a stable framerate so it makes me wonder what the point was. And yet they clearly had the budget to hire fourteen different composers.