Give me one reason why you're not playing the biggest and most popular multiplayer online in the world right now.
Give me one reason why you're not playing the biggest and most popular multiplayer online in the world right now
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I don't have a good PC.
pic not related?
>biggest and most popular multiplayer online in the world right now
but that title belongs to Fortnite now
everyone cheats
Isnt that League if Legends, still?
I'm working and I stopped playing once a hacker warped to me and killed me. They need to address that there's a serious problem with Chinese hackers and either region lock or implement some sort of ping feature so low ping players won't have to deal with that shit.
I played it with my friends yesterday but we got aimbotted by chinks twice
its a shit game and i dont like multiplayer anyways
It's shallow, boring, streamer bait.
Map is too big. I often get into the last 20 or so people without seeing a single fucking soul and then get killed by some fgt hiding in a bush.
because it's shit and basically an inferior version of ArmA 3 with less features, worse graphics, smaller maps, less vehicles, less gamemodes, less polish, bad ballistics and shitty performance.
But I get 100fps on a 1070 with a 8700k
Hey hello playerunkown! How are you doing?
I'm not playing because unfortunately your game is shit and infested by Chinese bots.
Thank you for this free advertisement tho :)
Best aimbots that wont get me banned? I need to stand up to chink shitters.
Because League of Legends is boring
>why aren't you playing a 30 dollar walking simulator that looks ps2 tier and runs n64 tier?
>inb4 "it's fun with friends" meme
I find it more fun in solo
>works for me XDD
it still has shitty performance compared to better-looking games with bigger maps and more features
It's being overtaken by Fortnite, as Fortnite is made by more competent developers, has deeper gameplay mechanics, frequently gets updates, has an actual anti cheat system, and a better quality netcode. Also, it's free.
>full of chinks
>full of hackers
>netcode is one of the worst on the market
Should be enough.
Show us the settings, and launch options you have set up. because I have the exact same setup, and get 70 on ultra low everything with performance boosting shit in the ini
Hackers have all but killed the game now. at least 6 games out of 10 you end you end up being killed by a guy that can track you through walls/hills and shoot full auto with no recoil. Its a mess.
litteraly never had that happen to me over ~200 games with 6 wins and 30ish top 10
Bet you dont watch kill cams.
>most popular
t. hacker
and what does how "good" you are at the game matter? Ive won a few and regularly came top 10 too.
Kill yourself
I'm at work right now but at the top of my head AA Ultra, post processing very low, foliage low, effects very low, view distance ultra and I'm forgetting a couple but those were on low or very low. Changing the .ini settings doesn't do shit anymore since bluehole blocked that and launch options haven't been working for quite sometime. I also run the game at 1440p and the number one reason I was getting shitty frames is because post processing eats up a lot.
I have a 6700k and 980ti and get 100+ fps except for in the plane with pic related. Never touched launch settings or ini.
Got over 500 hours played myself and I can tell you the hacking has steadily gotten worse.
of course i do
it doesn't, just never got killed by hacks
I don't like deathmatches. I prefer when there is objective to attack/defend.
I'll give you four, user.
I don't like games that are still in beta and being sold as a "Complete" game
I dislike playing buggy games with Chinese and Russian bot users
I dislike playing a game where I have to rely on teammates that are most likely the above
I don't support spammers that give people free copies of the game and money so they advertise it
To think respected journalists gave this their GOTY a couple months ago is still crazy.
Because Fortnite is honestly way better.
>weapons actually matter at range and not every rifle has stupid range
>small map means more conflict
>minecraft shit means endgame gets ridiculous
>actually fun to use weapons like the boogie bomb or the rocket launchers
And it has less hackers
no game since end-game raiding in vanilla WoW have given me the same feeling of accomplishment when i win a game or makes my heart race
>drop into map
>hope to god no one landed near you
>if they did you'll probably be killed and have to start over
>if they dont...
>spend the next 10 minutes finding good gear
>finally meet up with your team
>team is a bunch of manchildren or literal 12 year olds who immediately open fire on you for no reason
>say fuck this and restart in single mode
>spend 10 minutes getting good gear
>spend the next 20 minutes running across an empty map until someone snipes you out
this game is literally no mans sky 2.0
>mfw it's coming on Switch
Fortnite has a higher skill ceiling by far. Theres no reason to go back to PUBG. Sorry shill
because I only play finished games
It's good fun on the Xbox if you don't have a PC.
i play on the xbox and I never come across a hacker.
no it fucking is not either. that game runs like ASS on the S. i know because i own it.
>He still thinks that LoL or (pff) Fortnite is the biggest game in the world
KCD runs like ass but that isn't stopping people from enjoying it.
I have played it though. Now, own it, I dunno. Thought about buying it a couple of times here and there, but eh. Probably those times where I thought about buying it would be the totality of times I'd of played it had a I owned it.
Korean, you mongoloid.
>over ~200 games
wow so many lol
it's not very fun
i can only handle a few rounds at a time before getting bored
I don't even know what I'm looking at and I don't care to know
that shit is for gay niggas
It's full of cheating gooks
>cartoon style
You’ve sold me on PUBG gonna go buy now. TFC switch to faggot TF2 style was shit and you should kill yourself.
git gud
lol i dont buy games
It's a shame the ARMA Battle Royale playerbase has taken a hit since pubg release.
>high tier parts
>I only get 100fps
You know you're using like Intel's newest flagship CPU right?
>the absolute state of PeeCee gayming
Because it is optimized like shit.
Because I'm taking a shit right now