Prease use your dorra to buy 2b fig you dumb gaijins
Prease use your dorra to buy 2b fig you dumb gaijins
show butt
Only $20,000 burgerbucks and you can have your very own life size Mash
>Not 9S
>Not Adam or Eve
>Not N2
Does her desss come off so she can look like how I played her in game?
Looks decent. Where2cop?
>playing without dress
Shit taste.
You did give her a cute hair ribbon, right?
Thanks mr skeletal
Thighs not thicc enough.
>tfw 2B is now playable in MGSV thanks to mods.
Where's the skirt, though?
If she was in an action pose, sure.
I'm not a fan of bland pose figures.
I don't like old hags, so no.
2b is like 5 years old
nobody wanted to do the bones
MGSV modding is still alive? Pretty neat.
Loli is a body-type.
Yeah, too old
>your older twin sister will never look deep into your eyes contemplating whether she should let you do it raw or not
Her name is YoRHa Type B No.2
And she'll do anything for you
But robots have feelings too
Yeah robots have feelings too
Go back to kindergarten you dumb creeps.
>he doesn't like kindergartner lolis
Faggot, I bet you didn't even play Youmaen.
I play mature games for mature people with mature characters you fucking faggot.
>having shit tastes
>twin sister
>twin sister
You can always tell when Sup Forums doesn’t even play games they shitpost/beat off to
Are the preorders open?
Can you fuck it? Asking for a friend.
Not yet
I'm not used to the figure business so I'm afraid to miss it.
Just check Amiami at least once per week, dumbass.
You as retarded as him?
No! Buy Kat's figure!
I collect art nowadays. I miss buyfagging a little, but I don't need to worry about dust or transportation as much with framed pictures
Her legs aren't that long, 2B isn't smol but she isn't Bayonetta either
open bobs
>2B isn't smol
she's like 160cm
tfw she's the same height as I am
no A2 no buy, it's that simple
that's about 5'2-5'4 in american't units
No one cares about murrican units.
Zero figgy when
Nier Automata is generic jarpg trash
The story doesn't change that
Begone, slut
They made her too thin, sadly
Sorry OP, I'm more likely to buy those two sluts instead. My dick commands it, it just can't resist those legs.
Holy shit, i didn't knew this existed
I was saving to buy Mashu, but I think I'll get 2B instead.
I literally went to amiami the second I saw this thread, she's not up yet but fuck I gotta have her.
Buyfagging is such a slippery slope stay away.
are you implying twins can be older/younger?
>Not a Small Stubby
>Not a Biped Goliath
>Or any type of the machines in game
why live
Could they have picked a more boring pose? Holy shit who would buy this when it looks no better than the CE of the game with the play-arts fig?
Well, time to get my glue gun ready
I hope in mgs survive too
nier always gave me mgs vibe because of the menus
>No Figma
Whats the pont then?