Why is Kingdom Come Deliverance such trash?

Why is Kingdom Come Deliverance such trash?

I dont get it the pic describes something good
Is this some new way of meta trolling

I guess he is trying to blame the "horrendous coding" on this auto-correction instead of it the game code actually being that smart. He calls it a bug, others call it a feature.

meme game just like skyrim and dark souls

>game let's you kill NPCs who are supposed to show up in quests
Wow that's fucking embarrassing. Only a real shit studio would let something like that get released. A real game would protect important NPCs so all quests are experienced correctly in the way the studio intended. It's pretty clear Vavra has no idea what the fuck he's doing and the players suffer for it. Maybe they'll decide not to buy his next game, instead purchases a quality product from a reputable company like bethesda.

I dont understand what people hope to accomplish posting stuff like this
I guess you want people to think you are serious to be angry and you get to see their angry posts and that makes you happy?
Only it never actually works

shut the fuck up Todd

Mr. Howard.

The issue is he murdered that guy a few days ago. His should have got a replacement by then, or his boss should have already known that guy was missing for days.

Leave it to Vavra fanboys to completely miss the point.

>no rodd broward pic attached
4/10 apply yourself

its a joke
calm down

THANK YOU BASED TODD! This is what I'm talking about. I absolutely loved that you couldn't kill people who were part of quest lines in Skyrim and Fallout 3. I mean seriously, remember how Morrowind would let you hang yourself, disgusting. Pic related

I mean, why couldn't it be literally real life. Fucking shit game.

>some miller’s henchmen capture a cuman and lock him up in a barn
>ask if I can help, miller says cuman is hiding riches we could share
>tasked with finding a translator to learn about the stash location
>bring translator in
>don’t speak cuman but it’s obvious translator is plotting with the captive
>hear the word “Rattay” but translator makes no mention of it
>no option to call his bullshit, log out of convo
>talk to him again and Henry says word for word that he heard him say Rattay.

This is whenI freaked out. It was my thought exactly.

It sure has some eye raising moments, but these are mostly likely hardcoded and not dynamically applied to quests. Unlikely from an indie dev studio

Dude I was impressed when the guy came out to check on his barking dog. This game is going to spoil us. Hopefully it raises the bar.

What? Does it matter how the sausage is made? It's how it tastes and it tastes good. Most quests have branches that let you fail. It's not the end of the world. I didn't do the shit throwing mission, but I followed them down there and watched, and then got in the fight anyway. But I could have just watched.

It's the level of immersion this game has that rules to me. This is how AI/NPCs should react in newer games. Funnily enough the only bug I've seen in my game on PC is some dudes run to "sound the alarm" but about a minute later they start strolling back to where they were as if nothing happened.

Also the alchemy shit seems more complicated than mix "this then that" however I haven't found the other herb I need to create the savior schnapps

T. Either tod or soyrim boy

Try to kill Hans Capon or Hamish, or Nightingale himself, tell me how it goes lol.
Game is a few steps above Skyrim but it's no FNV

Games are all about maintaining that illusion.



>no man's sky
>can you see me?
>I can't see you
>we are in the same place!
this doesn't surprise me at all OP. at. all.

I wasn't critiquing it, just making sure people don't get delusional with all of that immersion. Its nice to praise a game for its features, but you shouldn't thank a killer for sparing your life just because he missed the shot.

Yeah, about that...

It's all smoke and mirrors, the only thing that actually matters is tossing in the right ingredients in the right amounts and then distilling or decanting. You don't actually have to do any of the heating or grinding shit.