About to play MGS3 for the first time. What should I expect?
About to play MGS3 for the first time. What should I expect?
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Metal Gear Solid 3
A masterpiece.
an autistic soldier who isn't even that special kills a bunch of guys with weird powers in a strange bond-esque spy game that's actually just being performed by a guy without a face and his soldiers who follow you around everywhere and do all of your work
A lot of gay jokes.
MGSV isn't canon
Knowing more about a game before going in can only hurt how you perceive it.
Alot of genuine gayness. But in a hardgay cool kind of way.
Dumbed down story, butchered AI and challenge from 2, constant menu opening
Have you played the first two games?
Yeah, I just did. The first was phenomenal. I liked the second one too, but I wasn't crazy about the Big Shell setting. Game got amazing when you get to Arsenal Gear.
if you choose to kill everyone you might regret it later
imagine being this mad
Get ready for the absolute slog that is 4 and the CUHRAYZEEkino Revengeance.
Not going to lie I'm really looking forward to MGSV. The gameplay looks so good.
MGSV is fun, but The open world is shit, nothing to do
Just play Ground Zeros first.
That's the plan
a game that is superior to MGS2 in every aspect
Should I bother with Peace Walker?
If you want more MGS than sure, but everything is summed up in the menu of GZ if you don't feel like it.
if you decide to skip it watch the "movie" on youtube.
Basically if Beck made a game.
>Game got amazing when you get to Arsenal Gear.
be prepared for MGS4 to shit all over that badly executed segment. Everything gets explained away.
Plus Raiden is made not shit in 4.
You should. It has the best controls of the series, is a great tactical ops simulator.
The open world is optional so ignore it unless you want to do side ops.
The story is on par with Snake Eater's in terms of weirdness and dramatic villains, but is more spread out.
The ending will have more impact if you've played the MSX games.
>The story is on par with Snake Eater's
Does no one ever call kojima a hack to his face? Guy's standing on the shoulders of people more talented than him
A garbage game with clunky gameplay and tons of cutscenes.
You are better off not playing anything in this terrible franchise.
im sure someone pointed out its funny how his characters are from movies, like how snatcher guy is literally mel gibson.
>Homo sexual villains that yell a lot with convoluted plots involving traitors and macguffins (Shagohod/Sahelantropus, parasites/Philosopher's Legacy)
>Ocelot being autistic
>Goofy bosses that you forget about when the game is over (kind of like Dead Cell)
>Snake mourning people in a really cinematic cutscene
I think they had to leave out a lot of the live animals that would have made the landscape seem less empty, but yeah, there's not much going on between missions.
Well, unless you're as autistic as I am and ride between mission locations scouting for music tapes and resource gathering while listening to intel briefings on the walkman.
>Dumbed down story
it is really dumbed down compare to 2 when 2's story was a fucking mess?
Cobra Unit dies
The Boss dies
Zero creates the Patriots
Ocelot meets Snake
Volgin fights with the Shagohod
EVA makes love with Big Boss at the end
She steals the philosophers legacy from you
Make sure to kill EVERYONE you encounter, if you don't they come back later and make one of the boss fights almost fucking impossible if you haven't found enough ammunition/weapons forcing you to restart.
people that didn't complete highschool think a story about conspiracy and predicting tribalism in society is a lot deeper than it is.
Best game in the series
Good flow, never a dull moment.
> people that didn't complete highschool think a story about conspiracy and predicting tribalism in society is a lot deeper than it is.
they also think an AI who lied to you the entire game is suddenly trustworthy
>never a dull moment.
What did user mean by this?
>tfw no MGS1/2/3 remade in Fox Engine.
reply if you heard this immediatly upon seeing the image
The missions have barely any variety. It's always "go to X, eliminate or extract Y". It's also too damn easy. Empty magazine clip pretty much breaks the game. I count maybe 3 boss fights and they're all underwhelming. I haven't even mentioned the stupid story and characters but that's a given for this franchise at this point.
The GOAT video game.
Snake Eater or Sins of the Father?
>Empty magazine clip pretty much breaks the game.
I just realised in some 200 hours of playing I didn't use the empty magazine once.
The game really is incredibly easy.
Thank fuck for mods.
Sex Eater