>Start Game Design class at school
>Teacher: "So what's everyone favorite games?"
>Fallout 4!
>YO call of duty! (high fives)
Start Game Design class at school
yes we know, youre the misunderstood intellect
Just say Dark Souls
Reported for underage.
epic thread bro with greentext and gay design school, here's for 400 posts
>be that guy that says Gravity Rush 2
How would you react OP?
Don’t ever make a thread again
>Start middle school English
>game design class
> Game Design
>Not game programming
Fucking nu-males with their anime bulshit, tipped fedoras and pseudo-intellect. Try something other than blender to make a game, faggot.
tell him to help me get some dusty tokens after class at my house
it would like be, WOAH HES SOOOO HARDCORE
bc these shitters wouldnt know what a hard game is
If somebody played enough games, old and new, to form reasonable opinion, why would he take game design course?
>used to take aeronautical engineering
>school is widely regarded as a quality STEM institution
>quality STEM education is hard and 90% of freshmen do not end up graduating
>to counteract this, the school has shitty majors like game design to pad out enrollment
>game design majors can't find jobs because its a shitty, pointless major, and default on their loans at insane rates
>school went bankrupt and closed, and i had to transfer credits to a more gen. ed institution to get a less quality degree
hate game design
>talk about anything college related
>STEMfags storm in to shitpost
every time
t. brainlet
t. post office worker (26 years)
And get made fun of for sucking dick? No thanks.
>and default on their loans at insane rates
Maybe America was onto something after all
>start programming class at school
>teacher: so what's everyone favorite language?
>Expecting normal people to give a shit about non-mainstream titles
Game design enabled the school to teach your major despite enrollment hemorrhaging. Be happy that meme'd retards subsidized you at least part of the way.
>Not just saying something like "Chinese"
Realize that you're probably the class autist and avoid you.
Rather do something I actually want to do, rather than pick a STEM job just for the sake of bragging about it and feeling superior to others
>Do a film studies course in uni
>"So what's everyone's favorite films?"
>Pulp Fiction!
>The Dark Knight!
Not everyone likes niche shit like Sup Forums does, get over it
what if my favorite language is some constructed shit like Solresol?
>muh see-tic-tac-toe-board
>muh low level garbage that I have no resources to actually push to limits, but still swear by it
aha, you're so artistiqué you can't even speak english properly. understandable, have a nice day.
What do you even do in a game design class?
Yeah but the difference is that popular movies aren't trash
>Go to business uni
>"So what's everyones' favourite money?"
I wish people wouldn't be such normies
>Not just answering Oil Orgy 5.
I'd completely ignore you for having shit taste. Even Senran Kagura games are better than Gravity Daze.
Druken Master 2
but those movies are actually good, aside from the Dark Knight
Get pozzed in the neghole
How would they look at you if you answered Kung Pow
>implying you wouldn't get 50 bitcoin replies
Learn about how to design games.
me starting gamedesignschool
>first thing teacher teaches you how to earn money with ingame currency
somewhat wrong
Are you being ironic?
>went to high school in Florida
>decide to go to public university because of extremely low instate tuition costs which additionally are completely paid for by the state if you are even remotely intelligent (bright futures)
>literally pay nothing for my entire 4 years and graduate debt free.
>4 friends from same HS ended up going to full sail or digipen.
>30-45k in debt after graduating.
>two of them didnt even land jobs and one of them only found work at a mobile only studio
>walk into first CS lecture
>gag from the smell
which language is that
but i want to be an engineer user
i think the retard is you
>picking a STEM job just for the sake of bragging about it and feeling superior to others
>not picking STEM because you have poor social skills and no interests that you could turn into a viable career
Normies sold during the dip
>Not wanting to suck dick
He wants to suck dick but he doesn't want to get made fun out of for it
Pulp Fiction is a good movie and the other two were okay blockbusters but c'mon son, we live in a capeshit world
> underrated
> it would like be, WOAH HES SOOOO HARDCORE
> bc these shitters wouldnt know what a hard game is
You don't know either.
I bought in at $6,200, but I barely had any money left from buying at 8,000ish.
please beat him over the head
>Not being that guy in the back and saying "I prefer Project Diva Future Tone"
Gotta say you fucked up by doing game dev, the real path is getting an engineering degree while doing game dev in your free time, you get good crossover from software classes and systems design, you can do shit like directX or OpenGL programming as an elective and all that.
Then if you hate game dev when you actually get into it because it's soul crushing to work on a project you're not passionate about you have the chance to be an engineer.
Also helps if you go the indie route and your game sells like shit and you're out of money since you can actually get a job afterwards.
I did electrical engineering and all my software electives that were shared with compsci/gamedev majors were full of full blown autists loudly talking about mlp, competitive melee, and shit like dogecoin. I literally stopped attending my graphics programming course since one dude wearing a "20% cooler" shirt always smelled like shit and there was nowhere you could sit in the class to escape it.
>pulp fiction
Go the fuck home.
such edge
>I like disjointed garbage and blood and the n-word, hehehe
>he's the pleb, not me! IM SMAURT
user... this is Sup Forums
Ew. That is fucking gross.
There is literally nothing wrong with java.
If they would use blender at all. Most fags are just using Unity shit.
You know the rules. Post a link so we all can watch.
>Me, an intellectual: BYOND
All of those are good games though.
I would never hire someone who actually went to fucking game design school
What the are you doing user?
Go actually work on games rather than fucking learn about them, jesus christ.
say that artifical academy 2 is the logical conclusion of videogames
y worst thing is that most companys only accept people with atleast 3-4 years actual commercial experience in games.. which make a designerschool wasted time
>What's Zelda?
I don't know how anyone can code in Java after trying C#, what an absolutely awful language Java is.
Had to use it for my Google interviews and since 90% of their shit uses BigInteger it was so painful to write. No operator overloads or auto type conversions for it so instead of like C# where you can say
>BigInteger.Parse("99999999999") + 111;
In Java I had to do:
Stop, some people might think you aren't memeing
>admitting something he didn't make is good
Unironically I agree with this
I would rather play a shitty illusion ero game than fucking fallout
In fact I'd rather play any fucking ero game rather than most modern "appeal to masses" game
>It's an "Everyone who posts on Sup Forums is an engineer making $200k+ a year episode"
stop LARPing guys, If you're actually an engineer and you still post here then clearly your life isn't very fulfilling
Well what'd you say, fag? Huh? Mr. King of Taste?
dear fucking god that is a mess
Game Design are rushed tiny curriculums full of casuals, your fault bro.
Unless this school is really acclaimed for that and/or has professors with industry contacts, major in CS and take game design classes as electives.
Katamari Damacy
Project A
Come at me.
>taking a game design class
So what language did your college's programming courses use, lads?
What would happen if I say Monster Hunter or Shin Megami Tensei?
>Java is bad
>but C# is somewhat not just reskined java
heard about something called design/refactoring? You can extract your big integer to a method and have just
>bigAdd(a, b)
If you hate java, but like C# you are a faggot, please learn about higher level languages, instead of stopping at reskin with syntactic sugar added and insta lockin into windows server/.Shit 5.0.
Every single design pattern that applies to java applies also to C#, just think about it.
I'll stop when people stop memeing C# as actually any improvement at all over java.
That's why you code Java with an IDE.
Intellij makes writing verbose code easy as fuck.
There are big benefits to having strong typing even if it seems like it's just a nuisance on the surface.
>game design thread
>codeautists storm in to bitch about how their code is better
also 5
You would be stabbed in the heart and sacrificed to Chad
I hate it
nobody even said C of any kind, at all?
I just don't like it's lack of pointers and references.
Can some somebody actually explain why taking a game design course is bad?
Can't we all just agree that Python is the epitome of Coding language and end this?
no beefs about it, it's el classico