Metal Gear Survive is canon, a massive ruse wrapped inside another ruse, and there's nothing Hideo Kojima's whiny fanbase can do about it. It's about time the actual talent behind the series took the reigns.
Metal Gear Survive is canon, a massive ruse wrapped inside another ruse...
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Is that Sigint?
Give me the rundown
nigga look like morpheus
All that stuff about alternate dimensions is a lie. It's the 22nd Century. It looks like Afghanistan because it IS Afghanistan. Mankind was wiped out by nanomachines. That's where the zombies and giant monsters come from.
But you change the time cycle so the wormhole never opens above Mother Base. The MGS1/2/3/4/Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain timeline is actually a sequel to Survive. The final scene in the game has Goodluck wrongly predicting that a wormhole will open above Mother Base, and getting chewed out for it.
But wormhole technology in MGS V is a direct result of Goodluck's meddling. At the end of the game, you're still trapped in the future, fighting to get back. (There's a post-game with harder enemies and stuff.)
This means that Metal Gear Survive is 100% canon. But it takes place in a timeline that was removed through your actions in the game.
>Konami turns MGS into a shitty flash game that no one likes
>they go all out with the marketing and make these stupid threads to try and generate some sort of interest in their gargantuan fuckup
>all the while, still bad-mouthing Kojima at every chance they get like the salty barge of goobers they are
>Konami turns MGS into a shitty flash game that no one likes
Flash game?
>they go all out with the marketing and make these stupid threads to try and generate some sort of interest in their gargantuan fuckup
They spend basically nothing on marketing and seemingly put all their effort into preventing people from playing the game and hiding its plot.
These sort of wave survival building defense games started as flash games many years ago. They started being made as game mods or custom maps in stuff like Warcraft 3 too. There's a bunch of them on PC, many of which are free. It's literally the kind of thing kids would make for fun or as school programming projects.
Is he going to tell me I'm The One?
No one cares
>These sort of wave survival building defense games started as flash games many years ago.
Metal Gear Survive isn't a wave defense game, though. There's a wave defense mode in multiplayer, and you have to defend generators to create fast travel points, but it's an open world survival horror game. For some reason people keep getting Survive mixed up with its MP.
you cared enough to make that post. I don't care much, in my case,
still looks like a lazy game with recycled assets to me
Why not? It's the sequel to Metal Gear Rising. Armstrong wanted to Make America Great Again, but he destroyed mankind.
So did Ronald Reagan.
What went so fucking right?
When or where can a nig get a turret in this game? Fuck
Who's this nigger?
>won't let me put the doggo discount on MGS for another 18% off
Survive is a foreword to Death Stranding. Screen cap this post.
first time I havent been waiting in line for a MGS game since I can remember
looks like trash
>This means that Metal Gear Survive is 100% canon
Yet it adds nothing to the series besides the completely optional wormhole fultons in V so what even is the point?
I tried that too user.
Still 18% off is pretty good in it's own right.
Still not giving money to the same people that killed Silent Hill and turned its mangled corpse into a Panchinko machine.
I just finished the mission to save the nurse and unlocked the farm but I don't have enough food to survive before the farms become active and I can't seem to find any anywhere, no animal missions either.
>everyone just wants to see something about either Gray Fox or see Solid Snake invade BB's shit or whatever
>hey guys this is the missing link as to why there where wormholes in MGSV if you even care enough to grind enough
eat ur own poop
Because games are about fun, not shitty third rate hack tier stories.
What did Metal Gear Solid 2 add to the series?
>shitty third rate hack tier stories.
Keep crying that everyone still hates you Konami
why not both?
I don't understand why people keep badmouthing Konami when these fuckers MADE Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill and all that shit. Have people not looked at the credits of these games or something?
Damn even to this day MGS2 is the ultimate brainlet filter
You know how the game begins with a wormhole during the XOF attack?
All you do in the game is time travel shenanigans to prevent that worm hole from opening.
>The plot to Metal Gear Survive is literally just the same as Samurai Jack
surely this is bait ... right? hahah ...
It is like calling my shit canon because I shit before watching Star Wars while I was at the theater.
>Because games are about fun
How about you make a game that's about something other than endless grinding?
At times this game feels like it's developed by Ubisoft.
in hindsight, that was probably a poor decision on konami's part for releasing the beta the way they did. All I know about the game so far is that there is an easy tower defense mode, a normal tower defense mode on the same map, and a slightly harder tower defense mode on a slightly more hilly map. I literally don't have any other idea of what the game offers besides what i got to do in the beta before it was over
Except the last 4 hours of Survive isnt complete garbage.
Didn't Kojima fire the translator who told him that Metal Gear Solid 2's script sucked? I can't help feeling like there's this cult of personality around Kojima. He treats his team members like shit, and treats David Hayter like garbage, yet everyone else on the Metal Gear team has to endure "fuckkonami" because they're not special visionaries like he is.
>local list
>meanwhile, the game flopped on consoles
>they rely on a bunch of PC cucks from third world countries
>tfw you lived to see MGS die
No. They started by fatman in 98 or 99 for Starcraft. I helped test those maps. No flash defense game existed then. It was a straight like top to bottom and you built turrets to stop air units from reaching their goal.
the people that made games are long gone, team silent and kojima's team
Samurai who?
Should've just made Metal Gear Rising 2.
>treats David Hayter like garbage
No, he doesn't treat him as anything, Hayter already said that he met Kojima only a couple of times.
Kojima barely knows who Hayter is, he just doesn't care about him.
And Hayter should be glad he lasted this long, since Kojima was planning to replace him as back as MGS3.
user isn't wrong. There's this ludicrous myth that Konami fired KojiPro. They simply restructured the company. The NEW KojiPro run by Kojima is just a few of his pet employees under the same name. The true KojiPro is working on games like Metal Gear Survive.
>I can't help feeling like there's this cult of personality around Kojima
because there is
consider this: he is literally the only "idea guy" in the industry whose ideas matter
Birds around your base, gerbils running around, also in the area where you found the nurse there is potatoes for you to get then you can head back to base and unlock the farmin stuff at the terminal. Just look for bird if you find that you killed everything in the area
>monster made of nanomachines can't die because nanomachines "are not organic and they don't know how to die"
>AI pod knows how to program those nanomachines because of the power of friendship
>suddenly you can kill the monster
>the people that made games are long gone, team silent and kojima's team
They're not, though? Metal Gear Survive has employees dating back to Policenauts working on it. The cutscenes are by one of the cutscene designers for every MGS game since MGS2. Konami didn't fire KojiPro. They just moved them around. And there are Team Silent people still at Konami.
Here's my question, they have the superstructure from fucking motherbase right there,
here's a thought, go live inside it rather then on the bare fucking ground
Google is your friend.
>The true KojiPro is working on games like Metal Gear Survive.
The one that made the shitty movies and MGSV?
No wonder Survive is such a clusterfuck.
Hope Kojima, Shinkawa, and everyone who has ever worked on MGS goes out of business, because they are some of the worst workers on this entire industry.
He kinds reminds me of Denis Dyack. Maybe that's why the two got along so well.
Kojima has done nothing revolutionary or groundbreaking for the video game industry and the cult of personality surrounding him has always been ridiculous.
Konami is a garbage company that treats their IPs with the same dignity as toilet paper, but Kojima's just as shitty. His games are full of half-baked ideas that fail to tell a coherent story but people love it and pretend it's just "Japanese quirkiness" rather than a rambling idiot.
They defend him with the "deep" plot of MGS2 and how he "predicted" the modern world - when the world's always been the way he described it. Kojima's an overrated hack who makes fun games with retarded convoluted stories.
Kojicuck, please.
>even without Kojima, in a zombie spinoff that has nothing to do with previous games everything is still all about muh nanomachines
Just fucking kill it, I don't know what MGS has that turns everyone who works on it into talentless hacks.
Multiplayer horde mode is literally a minigame you can do on the side to break things up and farm loot, it has a fully fleshed out 20-40 hour single player story as the centerpiece.
Your own persistent Mother Base you build from the ground up, open world with survivors you can save and put to work + missions, al la dead rising and a shit ton more. The wanderers are well done for what they are to, legitimately threatening and stealth is generally the superior option but not required.
i love how retarded/autistic all the metal gear streamers get about Survive, some people are getting way too mad about this budget B title.
Oh sorry, you totally convinced me, random Sup Forumsedditor knows more about Kojima and David Hayter than David Hayter.
Adding on, there is also multiple multiplayer modes including raid bosses apparently, and a new mode even being released next month with plans for more.
Kojima didn't invent the idea of nanomachines as a kind of swarm. In fact, the whole "dust cloud" nanomachine thing in Survive actually strikingly similar to the dust cloud in Cairo in Deus Ex: Invisible War.
A what now?
MGS wouldn’t be half as big in the west without Hayter’s memorable performance
>Your own persistent Mother Base you build from the ground up
Yeah, and aside from crafting stations and barriers is all completely pointless.
>open world with survivors you can save and put to work
So, like in MGSV but slower?
>missions, al la dead rising
Yeah, you have side ops, 99% of which are about grinding shit.
>a shit ton more
Not really.
>The wanderers are well done
They are generic zombies.
>stealth is generally the superior option but not required.
Until you have proper equipment and you can just blast through them.
>uses mgs5 (cold war) assets for machines
>22th century dudes!
sound like a shit excuse
>Metal Gear Survive is canon
Yeah, in the same way that every Silent Hill game after 4 is canon, in that a bunch of no name fucks that had nothing to do with the original series slapped some shit together without understanding anything about anything and then gave it the same name.
You'd think that with Kojima gone and in a zombie spinnoff the franchise could finally move on from the fucking nanomachines.
I don't know how the nanomachines, which were used for nanocomunication, keeping track of your vitals and little else suddenly became literally The Force.
I just want a list of base parts, llke the build-able structures
You don't have to believe one or the other, they're both true
Konami is a shitty company with shitty practices actively ruining their IPs for short-term gain
Kojima is an overrated narcissist with shitty project management skills
This shitty movie-game franchise is known because of a guy with no range whatsoever, who barely gets any work outside of this very franchise?
Sounds like MGS drones are fucking retarded.
>Implying Peace Walker+ Phantom pain weren't both fan fiction.
And then Big Boss stopped a metal gear from crushing him using only his upper body strength!
And then Big Boss built his own Metal Gear that was better than his Metal Gear from Metal Gear!
A-And then Big Boss had to fight super zombies!
A-And then he defeated a Gundam and brought it back to his base!
Big Boss didn't actually do all that evil stuff in Metal Gear! I-it was Venom Snake
Venom Snake is Big Boss's's's's evil look-a-like!
Yeah but, can you put a fucking roof over your head in Mother base?
I want info on the classes, i want to see the skilltrees.
What’s your favourite series, goalposter?
>Peace Walker and MGSV have better technology and Metal Gears than 1, 2, or 4 despite taking place decades earlier
what happened to game guides? sheesh
Obvious shilling, wait for game to be released and watch it die, day after day.
r-remember me? This will change fighting games forever Sup Forums is s-stupid baka
>Its in the 22nd century.
But that's when Zone of the Enders takes place.
This is clearly Laurence Fishbourne. It looks and sounds like him. Aren't Konami worried about being sued? They were almost sued before for ripping off Kurt Russell's likeness for snake until John carpenter stepped in.
There are some ZoE people working on the game, coincidentally.
So is MGSurvive good, though?
Is it as grindy as Phantom Pain?
Looks more like Malcolm X to me
"Hack" doesn't means "people I don't like" little child. But hey, what am I to expect from a retarded frogposter?
Survive's grinding makes TPP look like a joke in comparison.
You need to grind for absolutely everything.
You can't even sprint for more than 5 seconds without some gauge dropping.
Absolver didn't have singleplayer.
It's grindy in a different way. There's a huge focus on resource gathering and building your base. It's structurally pretty different to MGS V.
Shut the fuck up, shinkawa is great
>GMG still hasn't sent keys yet
I swear if I miss out on any pre-order shit
This, he makes shitty movie games with wacky nanomachine stories and autistic details like melting ice cubes
Bruh... are there katanahs? Or HF blades? I know there are machetes and shit, but I want some *unleash katana* action.
>There's a huge focus on resource gathering and building your base
Oh. That sounds awful.
>You can't even sprint for more than 5 seconds without some gauge dropping.
You mean like some kind of... uh... stamina system? That thing lots of games have? Particularly horror games?
>be Kojima
>make MG 1-2 and much later MGS1
>''you need to make another one''
>okay well I'll make it but I'm using the occasion to pass a message literally in the game saying you should stop wishing to play the same game all the time, and it's the last installment
>''make more''
>okay well fuck it I'll make a prequel about Big Boss and try to plug in as much of my favorite pop culture into it and just have fun making it but it's my last one now come on I want to make something else
>uhhh... man this is tiring ok I don't have much choice but to retcon many things and basically you know what? IDGAF 90% of the game will be cutscenes and 3/4 of the gameplay sections won't allow the player to fuck around I'm just so sick of making MGS
>*eyes flashing red* MOAR
>I just don't care anymore I'm mixing PO and MonHun together and fuck cutscenes TAPES is what's next. They want to snooze? oh lord
>*earth is shaking, a demonic voice emerges from Konami HQ* MOAAARRRR
>fuck... I've been doing things I don't want to do for so long... I feel empty inside.... I got it! I'll just make an empty game full of false promises and leave players with the same feeling I have inside of me
no wonder Fukushima left the train before it derailed
He helped make MGS, a franchise that has poluted this industry and forcing the idea that plot in videogames matters and spawned a shitload of muh cinematic games.
Everyone who has ever worked on this franchise needs to pay for the cancer they created.
>implying the whole Metal Gear series werent fanfiction
And then there's a cyber ninja! That's so cool! And he's super strong, and he can deflect bullets with his katana! He's like a born killer, and he cuts the old guy's hand, but he's actually a good guy, and saves Solid Snake in the end!
You are still a hack, Kojimbo. Your franchise is better when you are not around. Get over it.
ESL-kun please