who the FUCK thought fullscreen normals were a good idea?
Who the FUCK thought fullscreen normals were a good idea?
Anime players. Stick with non anime games if you want actual neutral.
Also, most full-screen normals are disastrous on whiff unless the character is chiefly built around them and the character has glaring weaknesses up close. On top of that, most of them can be DP'd or jammed.
UNIEL actually has neutral
This. The only neutral that matters is shimmying back-and-forth within maximum poke distance and throwing safe normals to confirm into knockdown so you can switch your brain off and immediately switch to setplay/vortex.
>Full screen normals
But how though
Is this the UNI thread now
UNI is actually pretty decent
Hell yeah it is. UNI BOYZ lobby is up, pass is vee
Join if you trying to play FOOTSIES
>implying dhalsim has ever been high tier
> implying you ever played ST or Alpha 3
Why does UNIEL have such godlike alternate colors for their characters, especially compared to shit like BB/GG? I don't even like her or play her but I want to have sex with her light blue/turqoise clothes.
you literally described SFV
I'm in I guess
The joke
Your head
characters have unique color palettes instead of the universal palettes that BB uses.
best palette coming through
What a garbage game.
That's most definitely incorrect
I see you too are a man of culture.
Shit taste
More games need to do this. Just by tweaking the colors, Linne can be wearing spats, stockings/leggings, thigh highs, or nothing at all under her jacket. Don't even need alternate costumes.
The closest I can think of is BB with Mu12 and either she is nude under the armor or its a bodysuit like Nu/Lambda
Don't be such a casual.
*Drehen Durchbohrens your path*
You won't get far with your light medium heavy special super combos in a random select battle against me
I call bullshit, why did the IW do less than 3K after the rekka? That scaling is fucking awful. I also tried to vanish to extend my blockstring lol, wrong game.
Byak's rekka hits a shitton of times, that's why it's mostly used as combo enders.
right, I forgot scaling is based on number of hits, not number of moves
last one, then I gotta close the lobby.
Well that was fun
is chaos homosex?
gg's, I don't know if I'm getting better or what, but Gord is way easier to use than I remember.
Nah, Hilda just happens to be undesirable to any high IQ men.
That tends to happen. Kind of like how I had the damnedest time canceling the first hit of Eltnum's 2C into gunshots but now it just comes out without any hassle.
i played this years ago when it first came out and eeveryone was mad about gordeau, how much did the balance change since then ? worth picking back up?
Gordeau got his hitboxes reduced and his hurtboxes increased. He's still a terrifying character but he's not absolutely stupid anymore.
>Like Unist
>no locals
>no decent connection online with others (minimum 4 frames)
>only event for it is two states away and only happens once a year
Unironically around here at night.
We just made it past 7 months of lobbies
>live in city with solid unist scene (atlanta)
>too autistic and shy to go to locals
we can trade houses m8
What's the appeal of this fighter?
Legitimate question, I like hearing what aspects and mechanics draw in players.
It's single player MvC but most characters have longer range normals, specials, or projectiles. You got wall bounces, OTG's, and can almost super off anything.
Are you actually this stupid, or do you just not understand what neutral means?
"anime games dont have neutral" comes about because you can easily get into up close scramble situations because of the high mobility. by having big fuck off normals you have to actually work to get in in unib and thus there's "more" neutral
SF4 and now 5 have seriously damaged a generation of fighting game players. If you think unib doesn't have neutral I can't imagine what you think a game like samsho 5 where halfscreen normals can take 50% of your health exist
Unique characters is a given.
Tug of War mechanic actively rewards players for playing smart (teching grabs, blocking properly, etc)
Semi-Crazy anime combos mixed in with grounded neutral
Pretty good OST
Waifufags geting BTFO by faux-waifubait character's execution is also funny to see
>gord gets you in the corner with his dash C
>unless you have meter, a DP or a big 5f normal you're now stuck forever as he can just loop dash C -> 22A -> repeat over and over till time runs out (or throw you and then reset it
Anime aesthetic while playing much more like a traditional 2D fighter than a BB/GG. GRD mechanic is one of the most unique universal mechanics in fighting games creating a kind of tug-of-war and a game within the game.
Beyond that, great music, the best tutorial in fighting games complete with a mission mode that teaches you practical combos from various starters. Finds the perfect balance of accessibility without creating a completely casualized mess for mass appeal (looking at you, DBFZ and BBCTB).
nobody knows how to describe this game (the closest is probably a combination of samurai showdown and last blade) so you really just have to try it yourself
I find Orie on the easier end, execution-wise
gord can still do stuff like and got a bunch of braindead new tools. between the last console release he got nerfed super hard but then he got buffed super hard for this new console release so its pretty much exactly where he is
the only difference is that more characters are on his level
Shield that 66C and punch his face.
I tried that shit on so many people and get my corner advantage taken away.
You can't deny that Yuzuriha draws a boatload of attention from waifufags and like 98% of them drop like flies after trying her.
I appreciate the joke though
except that if you shield the 66C gord can just cancel into command grab on reaction and blow you the fuck up, and now you can't even build GRD while sitting there blocking hits
How many times did I try that against you and I was the one getting fucked up after you shielded it? If it's blue shielded, my momentum literally stops.
the bad concept of neutral came about because of an overall lower level of play due to netplay. Sure a lot of standout players hail from netplay and can succeed but when the game to you is blockstring into overhead on 4f delay and you're winning, then of course your idea of whats actually happening or should be happening on the screen is muddied into something warped.
It's funny because DBFZ exists now and people with terrible neutral are getting destroyed by super dash because they can't just aimlessly move around the screen like they've been doing in other anime games so the mechanic is too good or a problem.
superdash is pretty fucking retarded t b h
not him, but "blue shield"?
Blue Shield is basically the instant block.
Green Shield is the stronger pushblock but is less advantageous.
this is how
we talk now
There is literally nothing wrong with the format of any of those posts. Fuck off.
Is Akatsuki still low tier like the first game? What'd he get?
>2 games only
Ok youre right but hes low tier most of the time
No, he's solid now. Game overall is pretty balanced, Enkidu is kind of weak but everyone feels viable.
>Play on PC
>stuck playing BB and GG since UNIEL is even deader than them and UNIEST hasn't been announced
>fighting games
>on pc
You have only yourself to blame. All the good fighting games out right now are also on PS3 with crossplay with PS4. No excuse at this point.
I really don't understand you faggots, fighting games have ALWAYS been a console thing, what the fuck even makes you dumbasses buy it on pc?
lack of console obviously.
I don't want to pay for internet, despite owning a bloodborne/persona machine
I also play with keyboard
Excessive port begging and shilling can be strong. Sup Forums has tricked me into buying fighting games on PC on 3 separate occasions, last time when UNIEL was on sale for $5. Completely dead within 3 days.
>Would you rather
>we maymay arrows
>like le Sup Forums leegion
PS3 has free internet, dummy.
Oh shit nigger what are you doing. Never mind that, hope [ST] gets its Steam release soon so I never have to play with a retard like you.
to play with friends who also have it on pc and ez to just stick it on a flash drive and bring it to a friends house
Have a Melty background so PC is hometown. Also want a chance at a rollback hack, either by my own hands or someone elses.
Yet you say you like fighting games but haven't gotten a PS3 in the 12 years its been out?
Is this the UNIEL thread?
Whats the best resource for data?
GunFrame doesn't have ST updates and the dude is super busy si i doubt its gonna get ir anytime soon
Been trying to get into unist so ive been going to the lobbies for about a week now. I have never won a single game in about 60+ matches and im starting to lose hope/interest. I know that im going to lose most of my games as i learn neutral, but literally never winning a game for about 5 nights is really talking its toll on my psyche. Ive spent like 10 hours in mission mode learning combos and finished all the tutorials but its not enough it seems. Is there anything someone could say that makes this worth continuing?
git gud faggot
track down the unist discord. it has tons of resources pinned in there including patch notes, frame data, character guides, etc
Sorry but that's wrong
that's how fighting games in general work. you shouldn't expect to beat people who've tried harder than you or put in more practice than you, you just get gud until you get to that level
Fail into light blue so I can get out at least.
lost like 300 games getting used to GG before I started competently taking matches just gotta get past that wall man and have /fun/
akatsuki is braindead as fuck and top tier now, the memers won
look at this nep
I want to lewd that Nep
dont play any game with a delay higher than 3, this game is too full of cheap shit that people can spam unless you have shield/other counter timings down
I can only see an ant.
Can't find it, even on /r/undernightinbirth. And why the fuck did Discord become a thing? Shit sucks.
>Learning combos
You need to stop, I'm a prime example of someone who knows their combos but gets blown up by simple shit. If you can't block or tech throws when it matters you'll just lose anyway. So instead of practicing offline, play online and learn how your character actually plays
Lonely autists need to be connected 24/7 because their ecelebs aren't doing the job any more.
I'm so sad my favorite game is dead in Mexico.
What stupid advice. You need combos, at least decent BnBs. Otherwise he'll just lose because he can't do enough damage even if presented with equal opportunities as his opponent.
guy who spends all his time learning combos will never land hits in order to use them because he can't open anyone up and crumples the second someone gets in on him. there's a reason people like desk don't go to tournaments
guy that learns literally anything else will at least land hits sometimes, even if your combos are so bad you have to land hits literally twice as often as the other guy, you have a better chance of wining than guy one.
>my method is the best method
A player can keep playing against others online without learning too many combos, just by memorizing what their normals and specials are. It is simple enough to figure out some random hits into super on-the-fly and learn what does and doesnt connect. Once they start playing proficiently enough to realize they have started losing games solely due to damage output on confirms, then they can go and practice bnbs.
Combos are important but not every thing.
Its pretty simple really, have combos that average around 50% more than the other guy and that means you have to open on him a third less than the other guy to win