Doesn't pander to casuals

>Doesn't pander to casuals
>Doesn't pander to SJWs
>Niche genre (realistic, historical RPG)
>Niche setting (European history)

>One of the best-selling indie titles recently, rivalling AAA sales

How did this happen?
Is there still hope for this industry?

There is hope for the industry
2017 was one of the best years in gaming history
The game you posted is shit tho

>game's selling point is it's "historical accuracy"
>it's not accurate at all
>it's just an excuse to exclude people of color

can confirm that everything east of Germany are nigger, we call them slavniggers.

I knew Sup Forums was a leftist board, but I didn't know you guys were literally Buzzfeed-levels of retarded

Realism in video games has never been fun. Especially Kingdom Come type of realism.

>doesn't pander
HAHAHAHA good one OooPeee i rike u

"WE"... more like you alone fucking neet

>bug fixes

Just curious, how much does it pay to shill this game on Sup Forums?

>respec potion

for fucks sake

the genre is not niche, how many bethesda look a like games we have?

we wuz knightz and sheeit

>Walking down the road
>See a man crouched next to a dead body
>Confront him, asking what he is doing
>He starts accusing me of murdering the man
>Somehow I have to try and persuade him it wasn't me
>Fail the persuade becase "He found me standing next to the body" even thought it was the exact opposite
>He runs off and tells the guards
>I get a bounty on my head

Great game.

Fanboy here

Doing it for free

I want more sales so devs have more money for the next game

you can't read, it seems.
i'm so sorry for you user.
>being THAT blind he can't see the pandering.

>knock him out and drag him to the gallows
its like you love being a peasant

>Niche setting (European history)

>devs have rebuffed both alt right and leftists
>right tards think they made the game themselves just because its in a european setting

are you just salty from BTFO culturally by black panther

>>Niche genre (realistic, historical RPG)
this game is actually the opposite of realistic I don't know where you got that from

there was nowhere as much of PoC back then to warrant making them 25% of characters in game's given setting.

it's like playing lotto. yes, you can become a millionaire, but you will probably never be able to buy a winning ticket. same with actually meeting a random nigger peasant in medieval Czechia

There are no niggers in this game so it automatically becomes better than any game with niggers in it. It's simple logic.

No one was asking for 25% in the first place.

>devs rebuffed
>some irrelevant script writer on a dev forum said something about wolfenstein being shit not because of sjw-pandering, but because of being shit
>y-you a-are re-rebuffed, poltards!!111
>Varva is a socialist now!!

>Knock out a man running with a head start at maximum speed and infinite stamina.

Ok. I'll try that next time.

This is blatant bait but it has a kernel of truth to it. The game seemingly has no qualms in sacrificing historical accuracy for gameplay purposes or for the sake of romanticising the past.

so what would be the point of implementing like 0.01% of minority characters with their limited budget? if you brought them into limelight for no reason that would make it a SJW pandering thing or else it would become a cruel open world collectable minigame where you collect all transgender womyn of african/asian ancestry across the realm

Name how Kingdom Come Deliverance is historically inaccurate in any significant fashion

Niggers do not belong in medieval Europe, nor in Europe period


healing potions

thats why you have a baton ready for these situations

There are a few reasons.

One is that there's clearly a hunger for Bethesda-style RPGs, and this is the closest thing we've had in years. It's always surprised me how few first person sandbox RPGs get made, considering the immense popularity of TES and the Bethesda Fallouts.

The lack of casual pandering was another big selling point. For every person it scared off, there's another "hardcore gamer" who took the reports of difficulty as a challenge and had to buy it.

The SJW thing also probably benefited them. The argument was so absurd that even my most liberal friends thought it was ridiculous, and it gave the game a ton of publicity.

Finally, the eurojank was actually, in a bizarre way, a positive marketing point. Every big variety streamer on Twitch jumped on the KCD bandwagon because it makes for really good stream material (comedy streamers get laughs out of the bugs, rage streamers have plenty of frustration to scream about, etc.) and that exposed the game to millions of people, many of whom saw enough they liked to buy the game.

If it's so historically accurate, where are all the children?

>The game seemingly has no qualms in sacrificing historical accuracy for gameplay purposes or for the sake of romanticising the past.

So would be putting niggers everywhere and claiming these were good times full of diverse people from diverse background, like how BBC is doing with turning legendary persons of England history into black people. This wouldn't be romanticising the past at all, right?

it panders to sandniggers

I would if I could have anything other than my equipment and a single loaf of bread without going over the weight limit.

I said significant you drooling retard

get mule 2 asap if you want to wear heavy armor, also saddle with 4 saddlebags and you just put everything on your horse

Isn't Black Panther a nationalistic, build the wall and keep everyone out, hardcore nigger? He represents everything Trump stands for except he's black.

>>Niche genre (realistic, historical RPG)

>>Niche setting (European history)

>>One of the best-selling indie titles recently, rivalling AAA sales

>How did this happen?
no niggers
no stronk wymin with skrillex hair

that's enough for me to pick it up

All the people complaining that there are no niggers in the game. I am completely sure that if a game was set in sub-saharan africa in the 1300's and there were no white people there, not a single one of you would have any problems with it.

Holy shit. Now that you say it you are right, funny how I didnt really notice it.

In ESRB's pants.

No one has infinite stamina

Everything to do with alchemy. "Real" alchemy mystical philosophical shit about purifying the soul. And sure we could accept the term "alchemy" as a popular term for herbal folk remedies but then of course the actual potions in the game are pure fiction.
Knights errant looking for duels are stock characters from chivalric romance and not very realistic.
That one quest that involves a proto-protestant sermon a century before Martin Luther which seems to have a modern perspective on medieval Christianity.
And of course Henry's own story is exceptional to the point of utter implausibility.

Man, people like you are retarded

It also has a horse called Sleipnir, sadly enough it doesnt have 6 legs

It's kind of amazing that these retards changed narrative with just a tip of the hat.

>hurr durr it will le flop
>hurr durr alt-right's blunder
>Game's a massive success
>d-d-d-d-de--dev a socialist reeee!

The thing to realise is that Kingdom Come doesn't have a greater claim to historical accuracy and both are making choices in their depiction of the past informed by their own ideologies.

Shill your shitty game elsewhere gatorboy

Black panther proves that Africa would be far better off without whites in the first place.

How about the fact that a peasant can "learn to read" for a paltry sum of 50 groschen

>That one quest that involves a proto-protestant sermon a century before Martin Luther
what is hussite movement

yeah, retarded for having my own taste and opinions, unlike mature liberal Americans, right?

>at maximum speed and infinite stamina
He is base speed, and doesn't have infinite stamina. You should be able to catch him while unencumbered even without any points in things like sprinter.

He's also against race mixing.

Why blacks though? The game features czech people, germans, cumans, even moors I think. Why is the depiction of blacks the go-to strategy of "representation"? Why not the eskimo tribes or whatever? Would make as much sense geographically as africans desu.

realism is not the same as historical accuracy you fucking brainlets
obivously the player is not going to spend months in a bed with a broken leg applying some shitty ointment every day

sleipnir had eight legs though.

Niggers think moors are blacks

doesn't pander to anyone really, which is refreshing

>realism is not the same as historical accuracy

because everyone who complains about racism is from the USA


>realism is not the same as historical accuracy you fucking brainlets
Yeah, if we're going to expand our scope to "realism" then of course there's a lot more we could mention.


Honetly you couldn't have made a more generic game if you tried but Larping snow nigger NEETS think it's the dopest shit since they heard about Bohemia last week playing EU4.

The game can feature historical events and figures at the same time being devoid of such realism-inducing gameplay features as shitting, sleeping 7-10 hours a day and whatever else, thus being less realistic.

>That one quest that involves a proto-protestant sermon a century before Martin Luther which seems to have a modern perspective on medieval Christianity.
You fucking moron, you just outed yourself from any further discussion

Last I checked historically things were pretty realistic user.

If I was Vavra I would have added 1 single nigger as an easter egg. I would have put him in a dungeon behind locked doors.

Hello this is Guard Steve Brule and today we're gonna talk about crime. You don't have to do it if you don't wanna and if you got a bounty on you just pay it don't run off!

>american education

>Would make as much sense geographically as africans desu.
You realise medieval Europeans traded with Africa and the Middle East and brown and even black people weren't unheard of, especially along the Mediterranean? Meanwhile the only Europeans who'd have seen an Eskimo at that point would've been a stray Viking or two.

>It's another sjw falseflag and reply to himself why everyone else plays the game episode

More like you outed yourself as desperate to avoid addressing the other points.

based free market

but for real there's a reason they have to force their shit through the education system and media. Normal people naturally hate SJW stuff.

I guess for this game to be historic the player needs to die from any cut that becomes infected since antibiotics didnt exist back then

Sure, but trading and trade routes do not mean that those Africans would bother to travel all the way to bumfuck Bohemia, which is why they would remain as unseen as the eskimo.

Niggers were gated and kept away by sandniggers who kept niggers as slaves and castrated them.
In medieval Europe and especially eastern europe they were heard about in the same sense that unicorns and dragons were

Who said anything about ointment. Alchemy was a real thing that happened and it's misrepresented as some magical pixiedust bullshit.

he's one of us 1488

>Niche setting (European history)

>two flavors of white people and one flavor of spicy white counts as diversity

It still makes it a lot more plausible. Some Arab explorers have made their way a lot further than that.

why is that lesbian kissing a nigger

>How did this happen?

AAA scene is dead this time of year and they avoided having to compete with every other release windows. I like the game, but let's not split hairs here. Better games have been less successful because of a bad release time.


>Published by Deep Silver
>Kickstarter was only to gauge interest

Teleporting knights.
Horses sinking into the ground.
Being launched up outside of the map.
No cursor with bows cause of realism but a magical cursor appears with swords and horses.

the buttblasted Eurogamer review has made it all worthwhile

Sup Forums - Historical Experts

AAA RPGs are dead period.

> Doesn't pander to casuals
> After you level enough you can win all battles spamming LMB
> You can even let your AI buddies win them for you or hit people in the back
The game is easy as fuck once you get past the wonky as fuck combat

>deep silver is only publishing retail box and console release
>it had independent investors before kickstarter
have you considered necking yourself today

>proto-protestant sermon a century before Martin Luther
Amerimutt education here, everyone. I bet this retard considers himself knowledgeable because he knows who Luther is.

>Mount and Blade copy casualized for twitch kids

> Game has INVESTORS
> Somehow indie
> Independent

>>it had independent investors before kickstarter

So it's not indie, thanks for the correction and confirmation