>we will never get her as a hero in Overwatch
Blizzard excels at making awesome concept art then choosing the blandest of the concepts and turning it even blander.
>we will never get her as a hero in Overwatch
Blizzard excels at making awesome concept art then choosing the blandest of the concepts and turning it even blander.
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That would be cool if it didn't use a bimbo.
this is some disgusting deviantart fetish shit
Character design also available in homosexual
I've taken shits that look better than that
thanks doc
wow, another ugly punk dyke with pink hair with half of her head shaved. how original !
You will never get her because she looks fucking ridiculous
>Overwatch gets a Battleborn crossover character
Brb twisted metal.
>awesome concept art
Are we looking at the same thing? That looks like absolute trash. I'm actually surprised it came out of Blizzard since they're usually good desi-
Oh so it's fan bullshit. Never mind.
Post more shitty Overwatch Fan Concept Art.
The character is genuinely a Blizzard original, she's right there in the background of this early team shot.
We've only ever seen her from the tits up, though.
Symmetra used to be so fucking thicc holy shit.
Oh, fair enough
Well in that case there's a good reason why she was never used
Coilgun man when?
that looks awful
Athena/Iris fucking when?
>Mama Hong
It already has Reinhardst
As much as I hate Overwatch, she looks like a Battleborn character that alone in enough to disqualify her
>we will never get her as a hero in Overwatch
Thank god this design looks like hot garbage
I just want that spider tank
is that a motherfucking tachikoma?
Why does putting a visor on Sym make her 200% better?
>Widowmaker actually used to look cool before they Pixar'd everything up
How bout that.
>punk girl in a Kill la Kill Kamui
Damn, I'd like to play as Punk Ryuko in OW.
Shame so much potential of this game is wasted on mediocre game modes.
She still has a visor though...?
Sorry m8, Orisa is a recreation of the spider tank.
Sombra was also Genji at one point
It looks like garbage because it reveals her ugly curry munching mug.
Would def main McCloud. Also
>Genji was originally Hanzo, but they split him into a weeb and stereotypical japanese man
They could release the coolest heroes ever and the game would still be fucking garbage. They don't even know what to do with doomfist, their most hyped hero, and he's fucking trash.
She fires giant lasers from her mouth.
But she looks like shit?
Soundquake when?
Imagine this bitch with a D.Va mech mechanic.
>HP hits 0
>fuckhuge robot arms explode, knocking the enemy back
>the now-armless berserker mode Recluse flies into a rage, kicking and headbutting the enemy until her robot parts regenerate
I'd buy that shit for a dollar.
Imagine Mama Hong running around with a chinese cleaver hacking kids up
>no soundquake
>no mama hong either
God damn it.
>Blizzard™ design
You didn't even bother editing out your shill link, retard.
You wouldn't be complaining if the colour scheme was literally anything other than red and black. That design is objectively decent, at worst.
>all these children screaming about "waaaaah it looks so shit!"
And that's why Western devs make everything so bland, samey, and uncreative, because when they try to be creatire you legions of faggots do nothing but cry about it.
Imagine being literally, unironically too edgy to get the reference
>You will never play as Mama Hong
This is the worst timeline.
>No Mama Hong
Why even fucking live?
I would love to main Mama Hong
>people actually like Mama Hong
color me surprised. I thought you'd all go REEEEE MUH SWJ STRONG WOMYN OF COLOR.
>Spec Ops
That's because the idea of Mama Hong sounds entertaining, as opposed to a black woman who is rising against white male oppression
she looks white in the concept art. she looks like a typical poo tech support in the final product.
Ah, so your problem is that she isn't white. I know, your species is being extincted as the demon melanin-containing beasts of the underworld swarm to devour your God-blessed flesh for their dark rituals.
That's because decisions like that in Activision Blizzard (and many other AAA companies for that matter) are taken by a comitee of executives after a round of focus testing. What you see in the final roduct is not the vision of any artist but what's likely to maximize market appeal.
>What you see in the final roduct is not the vision of any artist
Kaplan fell in love with Winston instantly and put him in the game almost exactly as originally designed.
Really only changed his weapon.
I''m assuming McCloud turned into McCree.
never speak to me or my waifu again
I will never not be mad at the fact they didn't use this concept. Looked a million times better than current Sombra and Genji combined.
have you not seen the movie that design is based off of?
>no Big Red
>no quad Tank
>no Spider Bot
>no Tesla Pyro
>no Green Mr. Freeze
>no Crossbow
Sad thing is that Jeff wants to stop making more characters as soon as possible.
I have. I mean, who hasn't?
>she looks white in the concept art
No she doesn't.
Jesse McCree is an IRL Blizzard employee, they just stuck him right in as a dorky cowboy LARPer
>Let's give the giant gorilla a giant tazer instead of a flak shotgun
Ok so since no one has ever talked about it. What do her arm things do exactly?
what a bad shot
is this a rejected battleborn design
this gives me battleborn/lawbringers vibes
Spider-like legs that fold out. Also the green things in her shoulderpads are spider mines.
Maant for . Also she has a mouth laser.
Ok thank you !!! Finally
Finally nothing, that's fanart.
I wish Blizzard wasn’t so ice age glacier slow at updating this game
Seeing these hero designs in action is the best part of the game but the high wears quickly
It's a fleshed-out concept set based on the official art of Recluse.
>Roadhog is the only fully realized design that is unique, fun to look at, and pushes the stylization as far as possible without looking out of place
With a roster of this many characters, how come only one is legitimately good and unique? Most of the cast looks like bland horseshit with forgettable designs and similar silhouettes, on top of that 90% of the costumes don't fit the characters and only service to muddy their already lukewarm aesthetic.
Blame Jeff Kaplan, he thinks all updates should take forever so we can be thankful for what they make and he's enjoying being the type of dev he would routinely rage about when he was Tigole.
>in my personal opinion only this character looks good
Thanks for telling us.
If he’s to blame for anything it’s the “The characters belong to our fans” meme which makes it so they take fucking months to decide on what they want to do with something story wise and craft it in a way so it doesn’t hurt someone’s head canon, and then Chu completely ignores all that shit anyways and later retcons what was written so we’re back at square one
You're welcome. Now that I've got you, mind telling me why this design is so great? I'm interested in having a nice discussion on character design here and I'd love to hear your thoughts on Moira!
>they take fucking months to decide on what they want to do with something story wise and craft it in a way so it doesn’t hurt someone’s head canon,
She looked good in the animation with her lab coat
Tracer x Widowmaker was never a thing, nor would it be
Because he's a huge ninche out of the entire casts of girls, weebs, robots, and a talking animal.
Because it’s a bad ship
Chu is a hack writer but props to him for just not giving a FUCK and taking a massive shit on shippers at every opportunity he can
>from spider tank to gay useless cow
Chu does what Jeff tells him to.
Symmetra is, unfortunately, not very cute.
I have a Bangladeshi / Indian fetish and this FUCKING KILLS ME
She's an evil witch archetype with a sci-fi style.
everything about this game is bad
You do know there are just as many men as women in the game, crybaby.
Why in most games, the conceptual art looks better than the final version? it happens a lot.
Robotic men