Recomend a single game that should be mandatory for everyone on Sup Forums to play

Recomend a single game that should be mandatory for everyone on Sup Forums to play

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Sly 2 Band of Thieves


Dune 2000

new vegas.
literally the only good fallout.

Titanfall 2.

Let's get the community back up.

Deus ex

Ms. Pacman

Dark Souls



Why should undertale be mandatory user? Is it so people can fully grasp just how garbage it really is?

Space Invaders

Super Nintendo

which. I honestly like 2016 more than the original

Deus Ex

This and GR2 pls

dmc3 boys

Grandfunk Railroad 2?
Gorilla rowboat 2?
Giga Raspberry2?
I'm having a brain fart here

Giga Rangers 2?


The secret of monkey island

The best game of all time



Gravity Rush 2

>Only good fallout
>What is the original fallout

unironically metal gear rising revengeance

Shadow of the Colossus, the original. Partly because it's a great example of a story driven game which proves they don't have to be walking sims, and partly so you realise how great combat against large enemies with a climbing system is so you'll be disappointed by every other game.

>best game of all time

~30 post in and no God Hand or Cave Story. Sup Forums has really gone to shit.

Slap Slap Slap!

Clap Clap Clap!

Deus ex. Age of Empire 2 and Morrowind are up there as well.

unironically mgs 2

Metal Gear Solid.



>somehow I manage to not play a single game that has been mentioned

Feels good man

Patrician taste

This but unironically.

The first half of Dark Souls is like a "how to design a video game 101"

None. Some people just hate certain genres. Mandatory for your favoruite genre would work.

>Some people just hate certain genres
Only people who haven't played enough games.

I downloaded Cave Story back around 2010. I liked the game, but I didn't get very far. I have a bad habit of playing games that I like for a short while, and then never going back to them.

I never played that game with the music, so the sound effects are way more nostalgic for me.

this along with GTA SA and Bioshock

Whoops meant to post this on my twitter

came here to post this

Normie please go.

>Fallout NV
>only good fallout

Nigga Fallout NV us my favorite in the series but you just went full retard.

Anyways. I would say the NieR series

>Implying I'd trust someone who puts Uncharted 4, or Minecraft in their top twenty, or Last Of Us, GTA5 or Dark Souls in their top 5
Yeah, no. BOTW is a great game but it is not "the greatest game of all time"

>literally the only good fallout.

is that you? are you single lol

Castlevania Symphony of the Night. I didn't play it until 2011, but it's still one of my favorite games.

Animal Crossing, just to meet this total lad
Metro 2033

God Hand is charming, not good; there's a reason it lost to Party Babies.

yes and yes ;)

Dark souls 1 or Bastion.

The original Yakuza on ps2

>being this much of a shitter
get good

Well fallout 2, the original reddit game certainly isn't better.

Thief 1 and 2

>getting baited this hard

ya got me

good taste

lol ya, why do you ask? ;)

Fugg yeh :DDD

Halo 3 and Halo Reach

>nobody has said tetris yet
wtf Sup Forums? also asteroids. at least pong and space invaders have been mentioned.

It goes in the list of kickstarter games that are actually good along with Shovel Knight and Darkest Dungeon.

The Game of Life

It's definitely not a game that should be mandatory, just something that's good to have exist doing what it does. Shovel knight is the better option forKickstartes games.

Persona 5

Sengoku Rance

Forza Horizon 3. I don't usually like racing games, but it was really enjoyable for some reason. I think everyone should play it to have their low expectations more than exceeded.

Super Mario RPG


Super Metroid

>Tried to play God Hand recently for the first time
>sucked ass at it
now i understand why it got a bad review

Superman 64


Katawa Shoujo

and NieR Gestalt

King's Field IV

Only good answer

I always thought Bubsy 3D was better... Just saying.

does anyone have that Sup Forums's top 100 games image?
is there an updated version?

bible black

Not really, even if someone is competent enough to play a game and 'get' it, there is no guarantee they will like it.

minecraft is fucking awesome you retard

>god tier game
>god tier female protagonist
>god tier setting
why havent you downloaded your FREE copies of NOLF 1 & 2 yet?

>new vegas
>what is fallout 3



Beating Perfect Cherry Blossom on Lunatic.
Pretty easy as far as shmups go, but should keep out casual fags.

If you haven't beaten Super Meat Boy you aren't allowed to be here


Ragnarok Online

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver