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Strong but not game breaking by any means. Learn to respect what the other player can do and learn to BLOCK.
it's a party game. Stop crying about tiers
Looks like standard anime shit to me.
His blade thing reminds me of a zealot from starcraft
Goku Black is good but not broken, he can just do everything at an acceptable level with no glaring weaknesses
I feel confident that Cell and 16 are getting nerfed though
it ain't fair bros
There's nothing to discuss. If this bothers you, it's very clearly your first anime fighter and you should probably go back to MvC:I.
I believe it's the slowest in the game
Grim reaper is nothing.
Talk to me when you think that fuck Merk is "fair"
>be super saiyan rank
>Fight demon guy
>he rape my 2 characters
>only 16 left
>i rape him completely
>he had a moment of silence crouching and staring at me and probably thinking "is this even the same guy"
The comeback victories are always the sweetest
Fuck off ningen
He's good but not nearly broken. 16 is a better character and arguably the best in the game. And even that's not by too much.
>be demon rank
>Fight super saiyan guy
>stomp this scrub
>oh god it's 16
>instantly lose
>fuck this character
Someone post a top 3 tier list
I don't like to work very hard for my wins
[X] Touch fleshy tail
16, black and vegeter
nappa/krillin/piccolo, def one of the most game-breaking teams at the moment
Gohan, Cell and 16, but Gohan and Cell in the same team seem redundant so pick 1 and add Vegeta for his assist
Just pick Black, SS Vegeta and 16
Black and Vegeta have incredible assists, Goku Black can do literally anything and 16 is a combo and damage machine
Did they fix the shit matchmaking and servers on pc?
Took a break for a few weeks in hope of it getting better.
Differences are not nearly large enough for it to matter too much. And all 3 do not necessarily fit on a team together.
>hey I wanna do a dragon ball cosplay
>they all wear armor and can go SSJ3 right
no woman no cry
I've had no issues with matchmaking and servers. What do you mean? Once every couple of days some region's lobbies crap out for a bit. Is that what you mean? If so then just change to a different region or even a continent. It does not matter in what lobby you are unless you want to fight random people in the same lobby in ring matches.
Why is Sup Forums the only place where people bitch about Goku Black being game breaking when 16, Hit, Cell, Gohan, etc. are above him on any normal person's tier list?
Black is probably only good online
>I look for any excuse to be mad at a woman on the internet
He has always been frugal so its acceptable and nobody complains
Most of Sup Forums is so beyond shitty at fighters that they're the ones who get wrecked day in and day out by scrub destroyer moves. Be it e Honda's command throw, Black's 2H, or Donte/Vergil's teleport. They never learn to respect, and work around said moves, or for fuck sake even block.
>I will defend any cosplay thot with a bad costume
I want to bury my face in that crotch
>vegeta is arguably the best character in fighterz
>vegeta also got completely shafted after he fought toppo in the anime
being a vegetafag is suffering
I think most people bitch about black because he is in every team and you get sick of fighting him
>Defending overpowered moves
The state of Sup Forums
I had very long waiting times coupled with disconnects. Seems like only a portion of the player base suffered from these problems.
After double checking everything and trying every possible solution, i'm sure it's not a problem on my end. There's still lots of discussions on steam complaing about it also.
16 and hit need some work
Messed up ring matches, kinda sucks to play with friends.
>Mashes buttons when one should be reading/blocking
The absolute state of Sup Forums
16 is the gamebreaking cunt, black just happens to be in every single team due how easy and effective he is
They really got lazy with the animations in this game compared to Guilty Gear.
But he bangs best slut
Being a vegeta fan nigga are you serious with that shit he gets all the same power ups as goku and stays competitive try being a piccolo fan or tien or any fighter that isn't goku or vegeta
16, Black, and either Vegeta for the Assist or Hit
Xrd is just flat out on another level. I don't even use it to compare with other games since it's just not fair, even with Fighterz.
The amount of love and care in Xrd is just amazing.
Gord is just an easy thing to pick at. It's the sort of thing anyone can pick up and start sweeping scrubbies who can't block. You can't just push buttons with Merk like you can with Gord.
>2H's your superdash follow-up
Nothing personnel.
>series is about saiyans being the most powerful race in all the universes
>only 2 full saiyans left alive in the universe
>don't fangay either of them
you brought it upon you'rself
Because black being OP was a day 1 meme and a lot of people posting don't know anything about the game other than memes and stuff they heard or read somewhere else(from people who also don't know anything about the games).
Dumb goobers
Sup Forums is fucking horrible at fighting games. Only the dumbest faggot retards make these threads, generally speaking.
Who's the best player at this game already? I need to see footage to help me git gud
/cgl/ would rip her apart 100x worse, just saiyan
no u
Does this dumb studio release any patches that actually fixes stuff?
oh... oh no...
___ ___
>watching DBFZ streams all day
>16 in every match
>any time he lands a hit he combos the opponent into the air into a slam and resets it with assists
>finishes with a super when he runs out of assists dealing at least 80% health total
>not once did i see someone get out of it
the fuck is up with this nigger?
All I'm sayin is if you a vegeta fan you don't get to complain about unfair treatment compared to the main character
Sonicfox on eastcoast and Chris G in the west. They haven't thought yet but something tells me that the gay furry may have an edge for now. GO1 seems to be the best in japan but watching that tournament from about a week ago the japs look a bit less impressive for now.
>any time he lands a hit he combos the opponent into the air into a slam and resets it with assists
That's just it, extending his combos with an assist is extremely easy compared to other characters.
>16 in every match
Not for me, i very rarely see him online
t. assblasted bloober
>tell people that Cell and 16 are blatantly fucking retarded during beta before even being fleshed out
>"Cell looks pretty good but no way 16 is busted"
get dunked on
this, Cell 16 Vegeta is PERFECT
I’m really disappointed in how fucked the online infrastructure is, SFV got roasted for this shit and DBFZ should too
Every blue faggot i fight spam this dumb combo
/cgl/ is full of disgusting women that taste their own period blood
I didn't see those threads, but the first time I fought a 16 I was terrified as soon as his first combo ended. I was wondering if I was a scrub because 16 gave me the most trouble out of anyone in the cast. He had a lot of seemingly ridiculous shit, but I wasn't sure if I was just bad and he had a secret weakness.
>Its a Cell keeps you in a corner the entire match game
What do
This midget gorilla is pretty fun.
>Chris G better than Tatsu
>probably thinking "is this even the same guy"
Probably not. It's cringe as fuck that you'd think that or go as far as making a post about it.
Oh, you mean the aspiring prostitutes and cam whores? /cgl/ is genuinely the worse cesspool of people on Sup Forums. They're cruel and hypocritical. Even the social retards on /r9k/ are better at being human beings then /cgl/.
He 6-0 him this Sunday in a tournament
Vanish and Reflect. Also after he does the pinwheel slam thing he's vunerable to jabs if he doesn't jump
>see Android 16 gameplay trailer back when characters were getting announced
>"oh cool he's a grappler! looks like he fits my style"
>play him on day 1
>turns out he's SS tier and everyone hates me for playing
What the fuck do I do? I'm literally in tears right now. It wasn't my fault....
>still cant play with people in lobbies
Fucking arc
I don't even play this game anymore but I think it's funny when I see someone crying about 2H. You must be the same kind of player that doesn't stop super dashing even though I'm hitting it every single time simply because you don't know what else to do.
You are really worried abou it in this game when eveyone black and vegeta?
Land his level 3, be reminded he's the coolest character in the game and stop giving a shit.
>Bitching about spaghetti man
He has no strong mixups or gimmicks outside of EX Worms and his hueg normals extend his hurtbox considerably.
Now if you want a character to REALLY bitch about...
>the only character to develop new techniques consistently
>they are so good that they hurt the strongest enemies
>in fact they even start to use them themselves becuase of their power
He should've been the hero. Or at least become the new Roshi and train the new young ones.
Good, you should feel bad and only play characters that are rarely played
Stop ruining this game
Sorry I meant 6-1
Check the 1st game of GF for reverse OCV with 20% HP comeback
Should I change my game plan? I honestly think Sparking is so fucking important in this game that maybe I should play for that moment when I need it. Meaning I want to keep 1 character at near max HP and try to have at least 5-6 bars of meter when my last characters goes on the field.
Or am I thinking this wrong?
>eternal saiyan rank
I haven't gotten time to play in weeks, how do you git gud
who's the most brutal fighter