Now that the dust has settled, was it OP?

now that the dust has settled, was it OP?

Other urls found in this thread:

Sold it for 50g, worth it

I sold it for 504.762 copper, get over it

who fucking cares about a wow weapon from 10 years ago.

did this really deserve a thread?

Was that the slowest weapon in the game?

Legendaries were always broken in PvP because there wasn't always a legendary for every role.

At least it didn't have a chance to stun though.

Why do you lot always spam pastas followed with an X topic? You could at least change the pacing by saying the same thing with different words:
>at this point in time after the dead skin particles have ceased their motion, is X too Y?

Kill yourself you disgusting little shit. I hope you feel bad about your disgusting post. Honestly never post on Sup Forums again

>double shadowmourne rival tsg that randomly takes 20 points from you

spotted the wrathbaby

The Pacifier

>chaos damage
>siphons soul energy
>available for Paladins
If any Paladin out here ever used this then delete yourselves for betraying the light.

>at this point in time after the dead skin particles have ceased their motion, is X too Y?
*tips fedora*

i dont give a fuck how OP legendary items were. that was the point. legendary meant something because they were a bitch and a half to get.

>1 shots you
They fucked world PvP so much they are making it a toggable feature on all servers now.

Let me guess Legendary gear drops like candy from a pinata nowadays?

do "BING BING WAHOO" threads deserve to be?
Do "WHIRRR" threads deserve to be?
This is far more deserving to be than any of aforementioned.

>rogue only
>agi (or intellect)
Why the fuck would that even exist? Don't they roast vanillafags about excessive stats with no purpose?

it's just on every piece of gear in the game


i dueled a warrior in wotlk with this and full heroic ICC gear. I dueled him naked as a destruction lock and schooled him.

Ranged > Melee shitters.

Nu-WoW developers were so lazy that they made every piece of plate and leather armor contain the possibility of intellect.

>and the fan of knives +1000% damage just for nothing
nothing personal kid.

>these weapons used to be allowed in rated pvp without any drawback whatsoever

wait for the resilience amirite

>lying on the internet


It was extremely overpowered but virtually nobody had it, since you needed a very liberal guild to allow you to get it. The original Lich King fight revolved almost entirely around ranged, since he would spam shadow goo on the ground which one-shots melee.

That's cool that they finally added fun items back into the game 8 years after their shitty e-sports arena removed everything, but I'm not going back

I got glad as a ret paladin without it.
Nothing made me more angry than retard warriors who had it who got cheese-storm kills because of that fucking weapon.

>tfw no frostmourne instead of this literally who garbage weapon
why even bother?

destros toolkit in WOTLK allowed you to chain stun / fear an opponent and just smash massive crits into him. Shadowflame kept them slow. Conflag root and slow, shadowfury stun, deathcoil fear, fear, howl of tower instant cast fear.

But I don't expect a MoP shitter to know that.

They can't just give Frostmourne? How else are they going to milk the whole LK storyline without it? They already made the mistake of giving corrupted ashbringer which is why they retconned it

>implying you could CC through bladestorm


You're out of your mind if you think they'd give Frostmourne to a player.

Besides, doesn't it corrupt and turn evil anyone who uses it?

>what is just running away from it
you got hit by it? it was so predictable to counter.

Frost DKs use it

>ice crown citadel
>finally get to fight Arthas face to face
>kill him
>doesn't even drop his signature weapon
>instead you get some shitty axe worn by some orc npc nobody even cares about
Why wouldn't they give frostmourne to players after players being allowed to oneshot both Illidan AND Arthas, while literally every single Ret Paladin walks around with an Ashrbinger now? It literally makes no sense.

fine I'll prove it
now you can kill yourself ;)

It's not the same thing.

No one believes you mate. Just stop.

You didn't beat a 284 shadowmourne warrior on your naked lock and everyone knows it.

Yeah it is and its stronger than the original

wow man, he blew you the fuck out

That's not shadowmourne, and it's also not heroic ICC gear. Faggot. Talk more shit.

until you post you beating people naked, you've already lost kid.

>its stronger than the original
Not really

Well he wasn't naked either, so I'm not sure if anything he said was true.

>heroic icc gear


>weapon power structure meaning a god damn thing after the introduction of resilience to the game

this is what post tbc cucks actually believe

>wotlk pvp
overpowered and cock suckers getting carried by pve gear
>cata pvp
overpowered sub rogues frost mages dictating the arena rankings
>mop pvp
was too hard for the casual audience
>legion pvp
literally a fuckin 3D moba with stat templates and fuckin tanks and healers being more relevant then ever

time to kys myself

I miss the period when hunters where great at PVP

It was OP but that's what you'd expect from a legendary.
Not like the legendaries in WoW nowadays.
the "legendaries" in MoP and WoD were horrible since they were easy to get and literally everyone who did LFR had them.
Those were still better than the legion legendary system.

>actually clicking the buttons instead of botting
What's wrong with you?

heres how to play warrior properly pal

>healers being more relevant then ever

In the burning crusade, a resto druid was literally impossible to beat in a 1v1, sometimes even in a 1v2

Pretty sure the same applied for holy paladins and shaman's

>overpowered frost mages
surely you meant fire? deep freeze + shatter + rewind time + hot streak + pressence of mind was impossible to balance.

>Crit Strike Chance increased by 100%
>literally always

I gotta get me one of those, and never use any other shoulders ever again.

Sonybro guy emerged recently, and the sole fact the bingbingwahoo fans are hurt means something.
t. PCfag

Why cant you just admit you were wrong, user? That guy had video evidence and you get all whiney when you lost. Probably much like that warrior he killed

Those classes could get interrupted out of casts. Also Resto Druids could kill some classes with nothing but Thorns damage as they kept slathering themselves in Lifebloom.

Remember when frost was the spec for death knight who wanted to tank? No idea why they changed it to blood

it makes more sense

About time someone said it.

To me it made more sense for frost to be the tank spec


best thread on v so far

>play hunter back in the day
>fairly challenging class to play despite the easy leveling (especially early on, with wonky CC, kiting on certain bosses, the whole auto attack timing jank if you wanted to do decent dps, etc)
>everyone shits on me because dude huntards lmao hunter weapon xDD
>literally see LFM NO HUNTARDS in trade chat half the time because of idiots who aggro half the instance with their pet
>warglaives would be BiS melee stat sticks for hunter but they're rogue/warrior only (because warriors really need all that agility and 0 strength)
>complain about it
>"lmao that's not a hunter weapon you tard"
>"hunters don't need melee weapons you idiot"
>"durrrrrrrr why can't priests use the warglaives either hurrrrrr"
>legendary bow comes out
>world first drop goes to a rogue as a stat stick in a raid with three hunters
The hunter hate eventually ended up dying down but I'm sure that once classic comes out all the monkey see, monkey do retards will go back to the LOL HUNTARD spam.

This got ridiculous in MoP. You couldn't even bait heals because the bots would react so fast that they could hard lock you during that .2 second where you are actually casting.

I remember when wotlk was released and our raid leader went ape shit because the DKs would constantly pull aggro because of killing machine. The DK frost dps was insane before that skill got nerfed.

>Hunter wep

anyone noticed that this sundial of the exiled timewalking 880 trinket is broken and hes almost perma 6k intel up time

Do transformations still count as nature spells? Your comment about BC reminded me of a duel I had with my feral tank friend.
He popped out of Bear to heal up and I counterspelled him and he had to just stand there and let me wail on him because he couldn't shift again.

if that's ur logic than Frostmourne would be a pally/dk weapon only

>clicker lock
>keyboard turning warrior
>warrior even eats during the duel

nice private server

But in WOTLK frost was tank spec

classic will be the time to shine as a hunter since you actually need to have a brain with the deadzone range and using ur melee abilities properly.

I maybe remembering it wrong, but we had people in my guild that did frost dps. Dual wield with high crit and killing machine proc'd non stop.

>using ur melee abilities properly
Yeah, Wing Clip and running away is the pinnacle of skill.

I play on a private server and people always shit talk hunters. Its not fair. We dindu nuffin

I mean i would hope it was slightly OP after how much work and luck you needed to get it

It was great fun fucking with Paladins. Although I usually had a .45-65 second delay set on my interrupts, it's less suspicious and stings more when you almost think it went through.

that can be summed up for every class in vanilla

but doing it as a hunter is even more detrimental if you want to be worth a shit in pvp considering you cant use 70% of ur spells because

so it just goes to show the top tier hunters are autistic enough to
>wingclip and run away

The most OP weapons in PvP werent even the legendary ones all the time, depending on the expansion

I remember Gurthalak was ridiculous, dual-wielding them potentially even moreso since you just straight up got double tentacles and procs

Well you had Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite. However I wouldn't mind if Ammunition came back

That video was uploaded 2009

>Gimping yourself for the sake of RP autism

Insert bullet into brain

ye so was ur brain u fucking child
u have to be 18 to post here

Owning this or any other legendary had an invisible +500 arena rating buff on them without doing anything different than usual

Nice reads.

Not him, i have played Legion super sparsely, but as o understand it, yeah, you actually farm for legendaries now, not just to get them, but to get GOOD ones, because apparently most of the legendaries that drop are just shit

I don't think you played the game when food and bandages ( these things from first aid that are forgotten) were an important part of the game

It's not that bad, really. You can feign and freeze trap, which is like 10 seconds of instant hard CC, which will allow you to cheetah away to a more comfortable range and proceed to kite whatever dumb melee tried to fight you to death. If you somehow get caught again with feign/trap on cd you've got scatter shot, which is not as amazing but still pretty alright. As a Hunter you should basically never lose 1v1 vs any melee class. I remember killing lvl 60 Rogues as a lvl 40 Hunter, as long as you see them before they see you there shouldn't be any way for a melee to ever reach you (unless it's like a Warrior intercept, but then you've got your get out of jail free cards to get back into kiting distance).

Once you get a good script and setup going, you can be a total scrub and easily hit duelist rank. I finally got pissed off with how many bots were running around and said fuck it and grabbed PQR.

Before they changed it, literally every DK spec could tank so yeah, it really is arbitrary

>You're out of your mind if you think they'd give Frostmourne to a player.
The Frost DK artifact is literally Frostmourne, but in 2 swords.

Yep. I got some Feats of Strength and top3 World of Logs entries with classes I didn't even know how to play. Tbf tuning the scripts was a challenge on its own, specially for PvP.

>every raid night I had to listen to drama about shards and that stupid fucking trinket off saurfang,

Only good thing about tanking was how easy it was to get gear.

Tfw I "off speced" healing in cata but just kept deing all the gear and sold the shards for fat cash.

PQR spoiled the fuck out of me.
Once I tweaked it to faceroll my way to glad rank in 5s, I started to look for scripts on pve. When I fine tuned it, I basically just showed up to raids and stayed out of the fire while the script literally did everything else. I played a pretty good resto shaman in raids, but the script made me look like Jesus had possessed my character. All of this backfired though because I could never play WoW again without botting.

Did you get to use honorbuddy? It was fantastic

>now that the dust has settled, was it OP?
If you could actually get the damn thing depending on which weapon sure. Legendary weapons power used to balanced out by the massive amount of effort and luck required to get them.