About to play pic related. Should I make a boy or a grill?

About to play pic related. Should I make a boy or a grill?

About to take a shit
Should I wipe or not?

Wipe with no paper

they removed the tiddy slider.

works better in team dynamic

Is there any significant difference? There's no romance stuff right


Depends. Are you a faggot who wants to stare at a man's ass for the entire game or are you a fucking tranny?


Ok I went for girl

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What the fuck is wrong with the indoor camera?
How do I fix purple textures in CEMU?

>How do I fix purple textures in CEMU?
Buy a Wii U.

Male, obviously.

Play a good game instead.

He's already playing XCX.

I like it.

You can still change your choice later on so it doesn't matter much in the long run.

Still waiting for that Switch version but judging from how god awful the performance was in XC2 I bet XCX isn't going to run much better.

Say whaaaat
Geez, time to leave the thread I guess

XC2 is shit cause it was rushed as fuck
if there is some time given to do proper port, X should work fine

I just got 150 hours in 2, and I'm feeling pretty satisfied and I think I'll take a small break till ng+. I really enjoyed it, would XC and XCX also be enjoyable to me?

he's playing one

when cemu devs actually believe there are other game on the system besides Zelda.

Can't speak for X because I'm just getting started, but I highly recommend the original, top notch experience

not bad, have fun user. You are playing the magnum opus of the series. It all goes downhill after this game.

>get to the endgame in XC2
>serious shit's going down in the plot
>can't pay attention because half of the characters didn't finish loading their fucking textures

Even if X is riddle with fucking problems, and the story and characters are somehow worse then that piece of shit known as Saga and is the worst in the series in this regard, its still the only real okay-good RPG on the Wii U unless you want to compare TMS.

The only problem with X, is it's transplanted fanbase from it's previous game. It doesn't have a focus on linear story telling with your generic shonen animu character. If this was another franchise, no one would fucking care, but since it follows from XC, all of a sudden we can ignore how literally everything else in the game is better than all the entries series combined.


Spoilers happen and you find out you are spoiler and after that a sidequest is unlocked to be able to edit your character

>everything else

Don't pretend thatbthe only problema with xcx were the story and characters. Even the gameplay is filled with questionable design issues, like online, menus and specially the combat

>specially the combat
yeah because xenogears and dumbed down chronicles 2 and (lol XC was considered good gameplay.

XCX has the best gameplay and best exploration in the entire series. It's literally one of the extremely rare games that executed open world correctly. Your handwaving is just a sign that your knowldege of the game is as deep as a puddle.

Wipe with sand paper.

Yeah instead it focuses on a poorly written generic characters. We get it, this is the first open world game you played and you like runing around doing basically doing nothing, but if you take off your goggles you will find loads of problems in all areas, especially combat. Don't expect people to just sweep its awful narrative under the rug in a story specific series.

>deep as a puddle
Summarises xcx combat pretty well. Were did I praise xc and xc2 combat? They are as shit as xcx too. There is nothing deep about Overdrive because you can break the game the moment you get it and Skell combat is even more dumbed down than xc1

You can change it after chapter 5 BTW along with your entire appearance.

>instead it focuses on a poorly written generic characters.

Did you not play the game? There are 12 chapters, and 2 major sidequests for each character with cutscene. How in ever loving fucki does your retarded jrpg mindset come to the conclusion that this game is clearly focused on story? Did the 10 million interviews with Takahashi where he explained "the focus of the game is on exploration and customization and not narrarative not convince your enough? Or do you need Takahashi to personally come over to your ear and scream, this game is not focused on story for you to believe him?

I don't even know how you can say that xc1 focus on generic characters when xcx are even more generic than them.

>gameplay is shit because obscure tactic A is to powerful

great argument

>Obscure tactic
Not him but cmon man, broke the entire main quest the moment i realized that you can overdrive into an overdrive. Most of the time with only the spin to win skills from the longsword

Just because it isn't focused on story doesn't mean it's okay to be bad. The original X concept would have been a much better narrative then the thing we got. And no those little sidequests don't amount to barely any development, Elma is the only actual well written character in the game and she didn't even need it. Is your retarded open world meme mindset to dumb to see this? I mean maybe if it had fantastic worldbuilding, but it doesn't.

Play a guy since probably every other teammate you’ll use for 80% of the game will be three grills

Overdrive isn't obscure its literally a major mechanic and even comes with a pop up. Did you even play the game?

>obscure tactics

in the limited time I tried online missions in the first weeks all I saw were blossom dance overdrive spammers

Grill with fiora voice

>Playing the bootleg version
You only have yourself to blame thief.

overdrive doesn't break the game you fags, it's the passive skill core crusher, ghostwalker and blossom dance that does. These are all locked into one specific class. Only reason you fags think it's broken is because you watched a shitty video showing one build 8 months before we actually got the game.

take away blossom dance, corecrusher and ghostwalker, and there goes your argument.

X is great combat and exploration wise since it's actually open world so if those are two things you value go for it. Story is lacking though and if you're a hardcore weeb the music isn't for you (sawano rapping (

Overdrive in combination breaks the game. Also overdrive in other classes are still OP. I mean in what other game can you solo even the hardest unique bosses? Seriously don't even try and defend overdrive if you're going to shit on the 1 and 2, since even they don't break immediately.

clearly you have no idea what your are talking about if you think overdrive is the reason why those builds work.

but I'll enlighten your tiny brain. The reason those builds work is because the game allows you stack potential stat with absurd amounts of grinding, use energy source to boost said potential to obscene levels that multiply your attack 500 fold stacked with core crusher, far higher than the 3 fold bonus from overdrive.

Oevrdrive doesn't break the game, ridiculous amound of grinding to get specific skills and specific augments stacking break the game

Since you're so dumb and love to dickride this game let me actually explain it to you: anyone who literally switches to Elma and doesn't even understand the game can see how busted it is and that is fact soyboy. And this is just ground combat.

great that get's you through 10% of the game, it's broken guys. Game is shit

>reduced cooldown along with tertiary cooldown don't break the game

You know nothing

You mean chapter 5 onward?

Restart your switch when this happens, it helps a lot.

Post Rooks.

the mutiplier from overdrive with tertiary bonus is x4. The multiplier from core crusher, aura assault, and offensive stance is 9.75x. That's not even counting Energy Source