Past the age of 18, a man who still plays video games is a bad thing

>Past the age of 18, a man who still plays video games is a bad thing.
Is he right?

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Even normalfags still play bideo games past 18

why are detective/police series so judgemental and prone to stereotypes when it comes to videogames or whatever?
I mean
>vidya ISIS
and I think there was another L&O episode where two parents were too busy playing vidya to take care of their kid or something

Written by and for boomers

Pasta thread do not respond.

This. Video and computer games are things that normal people enjoy.

>tfw 18

season 2 was better than season 1

Don't remind me

>plays video games
If I remember correctly he said 'posts on mexican taco farmer forums'

This. It was the Dark Souls 2 of TV shows. Both hated by brainlets who just don't get it, when it succeeds the original in every way.

dude season 2 was pure trash

there were like 2 notable moments in the whole fucking season, kys

But you don't farm tacos
How deep does the lore go?

>But you don't farm tacos
Speak for yourself

as expected from a brainlet who though s1 was better
s2 is pure kino


go back to your pedo board

not anymore

thanks global warming

I'm 25 and can confirm this

CHI here. My grandparents grew their own maize and raised their own beef

el chicANO seƱores

So are we going to discuss how everyone who says S2 was better is a pretentious bitch who can only say *but MUH NOIR DIALOGUE*?

any info on S3?

Because they like to blame video games and movies to divert attention from the real causes of shit because doing something about it is inconvenient.

>past a certain age, mowing another man's lawn can be a bad thing

so is his series, but that's not gonna stop it

>season 2 was better than season 1
Season 2 wasn't as bad as people like to say, but c'mon now.

For memes, yes.
For anything else?