Do you moralize your cheats?

Do you moralize your cheats?

In other words: "don't draw attention to the hack that we're selling as we want to keep selling it"

I don't understand how cheating is fun

Lets you be a God among mortals.

Are they actually selling the aimbot?

The act of playing a game in an unintended way and circumventing measures put into place by shitty developers is a game itself.

private hacks are sold
public shit gets you banned

lmao no, I just dunk on shitters and give god-tier items to players who don't act like total faggots

Back in my day we'd just download the aimbot for free.
Buying a cheat... What has the world come to

getting other people extremely tilted or role playing something goofy (like in souls invasions) i suppose
in an mmo it makes more sense as there is an economy to subvert and cheating can just be as simple as tricking another player into giving you their items- from game theory perspective an entirely valid interaction within the game

but like aimbots and shit are usually children. genuinely most people who cheat through a "win the game for me" system are doing so out of some insecurity or unresolved frustration and while i don't have stats i guaranfuckingtee its children and probably brazillians lol
i don't cheat though so there could be something more to it than that and i just don't 'get it'.

Like I said free cheats get banned, the developers can just download them themselves and mark the hash as a cheat. It's better to build from source yourself if you can, or purchase to do basically the same but the makers do it for you.

Cheaters are mostly faggots, but there's also financial gain there.
Russians in particular like to use bots in MMOs to farm for them and then RMT the stuff their bots gather.

>cheating dark souls invader
>not a child

That's not what I meant. What I meant was that it used to be impossible to sell anything that was good enough to get used. Someone would upload it or share with a friend and soon enough everyone would have it.
But I guess that doesn't exist anymore. Kids have become asocial and the internet has lost the "share everything" mentality.
Fucking millennials.

using cheats/hacks in gta IV MP lets be invincible/spawn buildings like halfpipes or ramps to create big sky jumps
Bad cheats benefit only 1 player, good cheats benefit the entire server

Depends on the cheating. I usually just cheat in games to bypass grinding or other things that take a while but I'm guaranteed to finish.

Who the hell actually said this? This has to be one of the most irrational justifications for using cheats in online games that I've ever seen.

No, you stupid fuck, if you do that, not only do you get yourself banned but you get your friends banned too. All it takes is one faggot to get caught up and your whole jig is gone.

People have been selling cheats since the start, look at cheat codes, sold by the developers. Now it's just sold by the cheat makers.

It's more to do with the fact that you can't share these hacks anymore, since they all require a login and password, bound to the purchase of the hack. Hacks are serious business now, people go to great lengths to ensure people can't get their hacks for free

I can definitely see doing it in single player RPGs when they're a grindfest and you simply don't have the time for that. There's no skill involved in performing the same action over and over just so that you have the necessary XP to advance in the game.

building the cheat yourself seems valid as then the hack and build is less of a "im a faggot and i need to win" and more of a "i'm using unorthodox methods to engage in the play"
exactly, the micro and meta economies at play within mmos validate certain forms of cheating as subversive rather than destructive to the playing experience. i don't mind it, find it pretty fuckin neato to be honest desu
im not talking about like "xxXXFAGGOTXXxx" who comes in, teleports around, and then curses you, destroys all your gear, and fucks off, or the dicklets that engage in a fight only to have unlimited hp on. im talking about odin god of thunder or people pretending to be other chars in game. that shit is funny and you can wreck me all day if you do it in a way that is entertaining.
part of the joy of the online experience.

But cheat codes used to be posted in games magazines. You don't remember because it was before you were born.

DRM-protected cheats?
Am I in cyberpunk dystopia do soon?

drm protected mods now


The bot program I use in the MMO I play uses a serial code that you input and you have to buy a new one every month.
The program comes with it's own updater, scripts guide and support, etc etc.

*a loser amongst legitimate players

>I like making people mad because my parents beat me up as a child

You do realize you're the real shitter right? Lmao deluded faggot.

>Single player cheats
>Shit like changing hit sounds and certain view models
Also ok.
>Multiplayer cheats
I'll cut you.

i mean? yeah? that's a pretty obvious and prolific psychological phenomena
who are you quoting btw?

Ur just mad cause u lose

I just buy them as DLC fampai

shitters take video games seriously

>Multiplayer cheats that affect all players
Fun as fuck.
If you haven't played CTR with infinite turbo with friends its crazy fun and makes some easy tracks a challenge. (Infinite turbo meaning hold X and you move at turbo speed)

i dont get something like an aimbot , but i can kind of understand ESP. More specifically item esp. Its sort of a form of reducing grind. If im playing something like pubg and running through buildings looking for shit, sometimes it takes way to long to actually find a weapon. Id rather get a gun and get actually playing the game.

No, it's totally legit.