Soyn at E3

What will Sony show at this years E3? The past 2 E3's where lacking a lot of things.


Too late.

Vita 2

god of war
last of us 2
maybe detroit become human(no release date)

dont expect ff7 or kh3 tho ;)

Final Fantasy 7? Or that weird japanese game nobody cares about.

Yes it is.

>The past 2 E3's where lacking a lot of things.
LMAO what? GoW, MHW, Spiderman, RE7, etc.

Oh, fuck i just realized. If you remove just 1 letter from Sony, it becomes Soy.
That is actually funny.

God of War releases 2 months before E3
Spiderman gameplay and date
Days Gone short gameplay and date

Yes but nothing that a non-normie would be hyped about.

Just give me a Kingdom Hearts release date, goddamn it.
It's all I care about.

Did you buy a ps3 for kh3, too?

>I have no argument and I must shitpost

No, because KH3 wasn't announced for the PS3.
I did buy a PS3, though.

Don't forget to drink your Strawberry Soy Milk before going to bed.


Sony doesn’t give a shit because they’re still comfortably riding off uncontested PS4 multiplat gaming superiority.

They won’t start trying to impress people at E3 again until it’s time to role out a new generation system.

I get pissed off every time I see Shameless Cash Grab: The Game mentioned anywhere. I will never not be pissed that they're ruining The Last of Us with this bullshit, overplayed, completely unnecessary "le what happened ten years l8er?? xDDD" just to make a quick buck. If Naughty Dog can't even treat their own intellectual property with respect, why should I? I haven't bought a Naughty Dog product since this instant diarrhea pill of a game was announced, and I never will again.


What was going on?

Yes the superiority of paying Full price to play at Half the FPS.
But i agree, Soyn just has to sit back and let the Fifa/CoD/NormieGame#8553-money flow in while shitting out cinematic experiences once a year to pretend that they care about their fanbase. Enjoy The last of god of war us.

Soynis SoyStation

If Sony’s conference was lacking, then the competition must be barebones.

How so? Sony showed a lot of multplats i do agree. But they can't win without exclusives. And yes you can Win or Lose E3. It is a competition.

the same shit they showed the last two years that still isn't out?


Full conversation.

The same shit they always show.

>replying to yourself



But compared to what Microsoft and Nintendo showed? Sony has pretty much won E3 for the past couple of years.

Someone post the pic

That's a very unique opinion considering that every poll on the internet showed nintendo being the very clear winner of last years E3.

>But compared to what Microsoft and Nintendo showed? Sony has pretty much won E3 for the past couple of years.

They will show the same things as always: FF7 Remake and Shenmue 3.

And the year before

My predictions:

>Spiderman for the 4th time
>Days Gone for the 4th time
>Probably Dreams even if it's basically vaporware
>New Cawadooty
>Devil May Cry V timed exclusive and coming later to PC, probably a year
>Final Fantasy VII or Shnmue 3
>Ghost of Tsushima trailer
>Last of Us II trailer to end it

What did Nintendo show?

Games that have been released since.

>God of War releases 2 months before E3
They'll still show it again cause they have fucking nothing else.

This minus DMCV

Riveting. Just like their last 2 years. God bless you, Sony! Please take my money! Who needs games on their video game consoles, am I right?

Well, it's still selling tremendously well, soooo

It baffles me to no end.

I think Mario+Rabbids and Odyssey was the biggest name that has been since released. Metroid only got a title shot and Pokémon was just mentioned. If Nintendo won then I guess the Nintendo bias is very real.

Xenoblade 2 says hi.

Mario odyssey
Metroid prime 4
Splatoon 2
Metroid samus returns
Champios Ballad/BotW DLC
Xenoblade 2
Mainline pokemon game for the switch (first time ever that a main pokemon game is coming out on a console.)
And other multiplat games that only matter on other consoles because they dont have exclusives.

>Nintendo bias
Nice victim complex. What did Soyn show?

unreleased games, just the logo of some game, a copy of xcom and more unreleased games due to 2019/2020

don't forget Kojima's vaporware thing

A lot of games.

That's not even a game.

What did Microsoft show? On the horizon its
>Sea of Thieves, where multiple betas have shown its a shallow as fuck game with a small map
>State of Decay 2, kinda interested in this because SoD1 was okay with its perma death and community systems
>Crackdown 3, delayed like 3 times and has little gameplay shown. Also a mediocre series
>Halo 6, 343 have no clue what to do
>Gears 5, Coalition have no clue what to do and are making a new IP aswell

>haha YES my corporation has sold the MOST consoles! take that nitendicksuckers, xbots, and PCukolds!
>w-what do you mean games? w-who needs games when you're selling the best hahaaa
>what do you mean sony sells every PS4 at a loss and that attach rates are awful for the few exclusives it has? s-shut up you drone!
The few PS4 exclusives I'm interested in don't offset the bloated price they sell for plus the shitty online that gets hacked every couple months. Maybe once they're getting pawned off for cheap I'd consider picking one up.

nintendofags are so childish and vindictive.

no one cares what you're interested in retard.

Exactly, Sony no longer cares about the people who actually play games.
They cater to (You), who want an overglorified media station to play the newest CoD on.


And it was still the best. Really shows how regularly terrible Microsoft and Sony are at E3

news flash, corporations don't care about you. they do what makes them the most profit.

Nice victim complex

>That is actually funny.
yeah but it'll never catch on because most soyposters are sonygroid platform loyalists

They literally rehashed their entire show last year.

>"sony's got nuffin"

every time

I want shoop user to be my friend

>sony's got nuffin worth playing besides bloodborne

yes indeed

Pro 2

We are friends

you can thank fifa for that

this minus DMC but with spyro remastered instead

>Sony lets their western studios dominate/get all the attention
>JP ips suffer or stagnate

I'd be pretty happy to see/hear more of that Medievil remaster and Ghost of Tsushima. If we're lucky, maybe a glimpse of that new game Fromsoft teased I doubt it's an exclusive, but you never know. Other than that, their usual AAA western studio "game" churn out.

Nothing wrong with the bottom right desu.

If I remember correctly, the context of the image was that the pictures are both Christmas morning where his parents gave him gifts. A full grown man living with his parents still having gifts wrapped for him under the tree, yeah, nothing wrong there.

I am fairly sure that DMC V will be at Sony's conference, they need something to counter Bayo 3

I'm sure this type was totally on accident and not a pathetic GameFAQs tier attempt at creating an ebin bread

>God of War releases 2 months before E3
God of War DLC.

Nah they will begin work on a sequel right after. Egyptian. There is nothing left for them after the main story kills all the relevant gods or deals with them in other ways

Not to mention that Neil is gonna kill Joel too. But yeah, this game even existing completely retroactively ruins TLoU.

ill only watch because im confident we'll see something about ff7

Sony is at top position, theyll continue to milk their profits and slow drip into PS5.

PS4 Pro was a garbage pile and they are going to push out an expensive as shit PS5 while offering the Pro as a consumer level product thing.

As for titles god knows, rumor is theyll have Spyro, DMC5 as times exclusives if not full exclusives.

FF7 and KH3 will be there in some form just to let us know that they live.

As for Sonys main titles? they havnt had shit in a long time, im guessing well get some more teases about God of War DLC, Detroit and Spiderman will show up for a bit

The Last of Us is going through a huge rewrite and will probably get delayed till late 2019-2020

Bloodborne 2 will probably get a trailer and a 2019 release.

Detroit, Spiderman, Last of Us 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, KH3, DMC5, FF7R

Other then that who knows

More trailers for games they showed trailers of last year.
They might even release one of them before the end of the year.

Who cares? KH3 and VC4 come out this year. Anything else is just a bonus, and DMCV would put us back at 2017 levels of great.

The first reveals most of those was at least 2 e3s ago

This one?