There are no good vidya adapta-
There are no good vidya adapta-
*clears throat*
Move aside.
>Freezes your gun
Your move kiddo
It was shit, not even 2 seconds of Chun Li nude showering was enough to redeem it.
Imagine just how many times as a child you'd have to have been molested to have an opinion this gay.
anime from the late 90s always looks like it was done one dirty ass cells.
What you mean to say is that you watched most of the anime from the late 90s in shitty 360p avi rips with the compression of a fucking potato
Sadly most of them don't even have bluray releases as well
the loads, all those loads...
So we pretend Divine Wars never happened than?
>There are no good /tg/ adapta-
No and neither did The Animation.
Why do people harp on the "Anti-Christian" meme? It's obvious the priest was corrupt as fuck as were his lackeys, but there were still good people of the cloth that helped protect the city during the siege.
Even when she was getting her ass beat by Vega she was hot.
>You will never watch the Ultima anime
>there'll never be a Might & Magic World of Xeen OVA
Take it back
They are just muffins trying to stir up shit. you know, god forbid anyone enjoy anything around here.
This guy is a good example
>new Slayers never ever
Everything must come to an end
Not letting go is the cause of suffering
Too much focus on the School subplot
Everytime they make more people bitch it isn't as good
What the fucking fuck is this shit
>the shower scene
Yeah, i remember those plots...
Street Fighter II V was the best video game show
there have literally been 2 new series since Try, fuck you.
The animes are almost always decent adaptations of games, hell even the Japanese live action movies usually are. Even if the pacing and writing sucks they are usually faithful to the source material and they are good at fanservice. Only the western live action movies suck usually, like they only use the games as brand names and otherwise hardly care about the source material. The MK movie is the only somewhat decent adaptation I can remember.
Good things should end before they become bad.
Best plot.
>The animes are almost always decent adaptations of games
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
It was great plot
>3 movie trilogy
>second and third had great fight choreography
>third was an original film on its own with original characters and concept
Now I'm sad because Excellen is dead
Everyone check out this old ass site about the show
Bitches don't like using context.
Jesus christ it's like I was suddenly transported back to 1999.
it was shit as an adaptation
hardly anything happened in these 4 episodes, literally just fucking talking the whole time, sprinkled with like 5 minutes of action. Only in the last half of the last episode did I felt that this is supposed to be a Castlevania adaptation.
Seolla is terrible.
Because it was just a setup for the rest
Surpisingly no unironic or ironic mentions of Silent Hill yet. I can't believe some people think it's a good adaptation. Even if it were a standalone movie that didn't shit over a lot of the game it's mediocre.
I still think Persona 4 Animation, taken source material, was god tier.
>tfw Port Island trip episode
I could name so many decent anime adaptations
SF2 was great, but all the other SF animes were good adaptations at worst (except for that one old show). Same with most other fighting games and some rpgs.
Street Fighter II: TAM, Mortal Kombat and Castlevania are all bretty gud.
Van Damme Street Fighter is good for the ham and cheese.
If you haven't watched it, then you need to. It's brilliant. It's a trainwreck on every level.
Imagine watching a movie where the artstyle changes every 5 minutes. By that I mean that the protagonist looks like Jesus for one scene, and in the next he looks like a gears of war character.
>No Gungrave
This adaptation is literally so good people think it preceded the game.
It was shit. Tons of people said the same shit when divine wars came out.
>it was just a setup
>was in development for over 5 years
I dunno man, if they expect us to wait another 5 years till something actually fucking happens, it really don't seem like a good way to adapt something.
I really couldn't recommend this show to any fans or anyone else as it is now.
Street Fighter Alfa anime is pure trash which I didn't even like in my peak weeb years in highschool when I liked almost everything
Has anyone here seen the Hannah barbera mortal kombat movie?
never understood whay they were thinking with this.
lile I could understand if this was one of the selling points and "style" of the qhole movie but the artstyle switching was so fucking random and drastic.
There's another season coming this year, you fucking melt.
good show
2 words.
Super Mario bros.
oh shit Gungrave. That made me sad at the end of the series.;_;
And I could probably name as many shit ones. Devil May Cry, Star Ocean 2, Viewtiful Joe, Danganronpa come to mind.
And that's ignoring dozens of titles nobody ever talks about because they're about games nobody gives a shit about.
god this game was terrible
>shooting crosses
>copying God of War's ash idea with sewing memories into your skin
>devil's swinging penis in your face every single cutscene
>doesn't even include purgatory or paradise, not even as dlc the game was that bad
meanwhile in the book
>someone was mean to dante
>dante writes them into a horrible punishment in hell
>vergil is there too
Looked it up and skipped randomly through it because there was no way it could really change artstyles like that. Holy shit it's actually that bad.
Why would I lie to you user?
>people laughed
Fucking uninitiated...
Any news on VR remake?
No. The ending sucked with the lame and completely unnecessary OC villain, but up untill then it was a faithful and enjoyable adaptation.
Man when I was a kid I made a comic about Ryu having a little brother so when they introduced shun I lost it. Even more so because his name is similar to my own.
The book is a masterful example of duality.
On the one hand, it has amazingly written allegories of how sin impacts the mortal soul.
On the other, it’s basically the Renaissance equivalent of “fuck you, Kevin, stop sharing my DA account in class”
Nothing else is quite like it.
some of the ones you've mentioned were pretty lackluster but overall I could definitely name much more good ones than I could bad ones.
Don't forget that even basic shows like Pokemon or Digimon are game adaptations, or the Megaman or Sonic animes are also decent as far as childrens shows go. There are lot's of good visual novel adaptations, and almost all fighting game adaptations are decent at worst.
Was scrolling through listings of old anime by year the other day and realized Ganbare Goemon, Power Stone, Virtua Fighter, Dragon Quest and Bomberman all had anime adaptations, don't know about Virtua Fighter but the other ones look like they might be pretty cool.
The second Dead Space movie did the same thing but you can excuse it since each style change was a different character telling their perspective of events.
So are you only asking for bad examples, or did you want one of the genuine good ones?
How much of the impact is lost in translation? Not going to learn Italian for one book/incredibly long poem.
I liked the Ragnarok anime even though it was probably shit.
Dude what? Before Slayers, there was Record of Lodoss War.
I liked it a lot. Really provided a lot of context for the otherwise minor characters such as Henryk.
i really like this one
Mortal Kombat Annihilation was so trash, so God awful that it made people forget how good the first movie was.
I'm not saying it was great, but for a video game movie adaptation, it wasn't half bad.
Many years later Silent Hill would suffer the same fate. Decent first movie. Terrible second movie. Not even Ned Stark, Jon Snow or Trinity could save that movie.
No idea.
In English, I found that the way he described the poetic justice of Sin (Like Lust being punished by an eternal gale, to represent how men afflicted by it are constantly hurled through life by their base desires) was masterful.
Then, you get parts the read like a fanfiction, like Virgil aiding his self insert, or the priest he hated but was still alive, so he wrote him being so sinful that a demon had possessed his body and sent his soul to hell. He also frequently rambles about politics
Power Stone aired in germany, it was OK I think.
And in recent years we get a lot of Mobage adaptations. You know, where the source material is already painfully derivative, low effort, maximum greed level nonsense.
Look, I'm not saying there a no good anime adaptions, I simply took offense to your phrasing "almost always". Adaptions from any medium to another are a hard thing to pull off. It's hit and miss most of the time. And neither of us is seeing the full picture in the first place, which I was trying to allude to in my previous post. There are a LOT of adaptions of all kind of games we've never heard of. For example, ever heard of Monster Strike? I sure as fuck haven't. How about 428: Shibuya Scramble? Lime-Iro?
I can't for a fact call them shit, but neither can you call them decent, can you? Unless you tell me you actually know these properties, in which case, hats off to you.
What did Sup Forums think of this?
They're called "books", you slob.
Its a blessing in disguise user
The Breath of Fire IV manga is the best video game adaptation.
Nah, that would be Legend of Mana, because the protagonist is a fucking buffoon that looks under the skirts of dolls. Same artist that does the official KH manga.
only ever caught a few glimpse of it on the tv, I definitely have to watch it some time. I only remember the opening
best video game adaptation is definitely this. this is the essential JRPG experience manga
Got this box set after playing the trilogy on ps1 sooooooooooo many years ago
Pretty faithful to the story of the second game, but it cop's out at the end like their budget ran out and half assed the ending without telling the whole story
The first Silent Hill was also awful in retrospect It was a bad Silent Hill adaptation and it was also bad as a horror movie
I remember quite enjoying it actually but I also had a shit taste back than and I was watching anime
The one thing I really commend SF2 The Animated Movie is that most of the characters are actually very consistent with their game biographies with T.Hawk being the only one really out of character.
1st Mortal Combat movie is still great to watch even if a bit dated. It's like some high fantasy version of Bruce Lee Enter the Dragon. An entertaining cheesy flick
1st Silent Hill Movie is also fantastic and great for anyone who isn't even invested in the games.
The only thing I missed was Krauser's moustache
Advent children complete was a pretty good action movie.
This is bullshit right, there's no way this thing is actually related to bloodborne?