He unironically listens to video game music in public

>he unironically listens to video game music in public

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What if I do it ironically?


>he unironically listens to video game music
>in public

>mfw listening to the fucking patapon soundtrack while walking in the street

stay mad

That does not look like a natural face for Jake Gyllenhaal to make.

It doesn't really matter. Not like anyone can here what I'm listening to through my headphones, and even if they could they wouldn't care since it isn't niggerbop

Not only that but I listen to AKB48 in public too.

Why would you do it ironically?

Literally nothing wrong with that

>listening to music in public


>he ironically listens to video game music in private

>he thinks people give a shit what others listen to when in public

chads listen to anime music. virgins listen to video games.

The virgin wouldn't look like that. He'd have a video game t-shirt, shorts, and is either super skinny from his autism or super fat from the Dorito's. A lot of people are skinny fat.

Unironically this

Agreed. Video game music is shit. People only get attached to it because they like the games that come with them.

Jesus, that guy in the OP gif is such an overacting faggot, literally makes me cringe

Whats the big deal? Im wearing headphones its not like they know.

They know, user. They always know.

Nah, some are good. Most are shit though especially jap shit

>foreigners also working in same area
>they start talking in their insect pinoy language
>load up pic related
>as loud as possible
I only have so many things I can legally do about it user

90% of everything is shit.

Only castlevania in my car.

>to be safe, everything he does is ironic.

Orchestrated is the only route to go, or Big Band/Jazz Renditions: youtube.com/watch?v=zeYt8GPrq-g

>he listens to music in public

I always make sure I do it ironically though, so I'm covered.

me and my buddy used to get high on cocaine and listen to the black hawk down soundtrack on our way to the city

yeah i do. got a fuckin problem with that, little queer?

didn't think so

>he listens to music so loud people can hear it
No one, no matter what kind of music you're listening to should be avle to hear your shitty music. Most people listen to literal garbage.

Is that a guy? i honestly cant tell anymore

sho do

It is a little problem you queer, listen to some real music aside from weeb trash for once.


I feel like this person is one of the few times I wouldn't care either way. Just keep on the elf ears. I need to find a pair for the girl i b-b-b-bang. She already wears ears and a tail so it ahould be easy

100% truth

Post your playlist, kiddo.

does ace combat zero's ost count as shit

>video game music

What the fuck is wrong with you. This is why people think you're weird

Good thing I don't walk.


i'd love to see your little sissy faggot ass say that to my face though. you become a lot tougher when you can't see the size of the ppl you're talking to

kek what. both things are equally terrible.

ahahahahah get a load of this gentile giant schmuck

>he listens to any music where other people can hear
Quit being an annoying faggot

i used to get angry at my parents and play this song loud enough so they could hear it hoping they knew im not fucking around


I have ff14 music in my car. What you gonna do about it white boy?

>listening to radiohead on the bus
>someone sitting across from me says "hey i love ergo proxy too!"

pharos siruis HM song is my favorite

you sure show them!

okay then, fag enabler. maybe this music is a bit too hard for your sensitive fee-fees, you big bleeding vagina.

GTA radio is not vidya music

i was just kidding

what does unironically mean? The word gets redlined as a typo and when I google for its meaning, nothing comes up.

There's only something wrong with listening to video game music in public if you're unattractive, awkward, or overweight.

I played this in my car while I was picking up a girl from home yesterday.
Did I blew it?

I just like Space channel 5

Why isn't there more music in this thread?
Post your favorite comfy/groove tunes from vidya

>what does unironically mean?
it means that something is ironical

she probably just thought you are into jazz, but that's just as gay unfortunately

>he doesn't unironically listen to the OST of RPGmaker NTR h-games in public


Shoji Meguro never lets down


you're so cute when you try to act tough, sissy faggot user. i bet you would be even more intimidating if you were wearing a dress

It's not my fault h-games have good OSTs

Yes, but not without earphones

I fucked your dad

I unironically listen to initial d mixes on the way to work

I have a personally hand-picked music collection with only tracks that I liked and downloaded over time. Some of it's from video game OSTs and some are from albums of various musical generations.

Why does it matter though, really? Video game music isn't its own genre and uses actual genres of music. I'd get it if you said something like 8-bit or retro game music music. But even then, some retro games had some cool tracks, like the classic Sonic games.

are you a necrophile?

Some more kino Shoji Meguro tunes


I listen to the Deus Ex Human Revolution ost in public.

LMAO you animefags are unreal

lmao. right?
anime is STRICTLY for homos and girls. nobody else watches faggy chinese cartoons

Me too bro.

anime is STRICLY for anyone immature, aka not chads

They're you Virgil


I listen to Asscreed Black Flag shanties on my car stereo.

that's probably true as well. i mean they are cartoons meant for young japanese women
but there is a reason Sup Forums is gay as fuck and started as an anime board. and Sup Forums is like 60% roast beef

I'm going to listen to what I want in public and I'm going to do it just to make you absolutely angry.

OST thread?
Posting some cool western shit.




They're all my favorites, but this one...
>Dat bass

Reminder that this shit won a Grammy

It deserved it though. so good

Car troubles before work one day led me to take an Uber. Honda Civic picks me up. Driver is skinny Asian guy with driving gloves on.

I’m digging the music in his car so I peek at the radio for the track name...it an initial d soundtrack playlist.

Has me lolling.

how did you know?

>Tfw i do it in home alone in secret.

because my dad dead

True Evangelion story.

>mfw 90% of my music on my phone is Touhou remixes
>rest is just vaporwave/synthwave

These are unironically good songs.

>Be black man living in a predominantly black neighborhood.
>Walking toward the grocery store, when I cross paths with a former coworker.
>He wants to chat, so I take my headphones off to hear him better.
>Have a 2-3 minute conversation, where I try to contain my autism.
>He finally walks away, and I focus back on my headphones.
>Realize it's full volume blaring this: youtube.com/watch?v=-B65n78YLtA

I deleted all my video game music from my device.

t. virgin

I'm a virgin and I'm slightly overweight and look like an ordinary person where nobody would know I'm a virgin unless I specified.

I don't get where people get the idea that virgins only dress a certain way.

Some of my best running hype-tracks are VGM.
No one can hear what's going on under my headphones anyway.

Why? sounds lit as fuck

Because he was a real man with a wife and kids, and a cool masculine demeanor. And I'm blaring this high pitched Japanese dance music that sounds like it's being sung by a schoolgirl anime character.

What are some of your favorite Remixes? I've got 7500 songs in my library and a portion of it is every touhou album and remaster that was on the Moryia Shrine. Along with some IOSYS stuff

Another 2000 songs I got from a Keygen Torrent