Battle for Azeroth

Who cautious /hype/ here?
I know I am for the zandalari zones

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Gonna rock a DI Warrior but I wish they were Horde

no, I was told to be hyped for legion and look how that turned out

no more hype


>Can finally make a dark iron dwarf
You could say that I'm hyped, yes.

I wish Nightborne were for the Alliance, Horde sucks on my server.

pls respond

Been in a Kul Tiras guild for awhile, so hype.

Lock here,I'm fucking praying they don't fuck up demo again and leave it clunky as fuck for another whole expansion

>ok guys cataclysm sucked but this time its for real mop is gonna save wow
>ok guys mop sucked but this time its for real wod is gonna save wow
>ok guys wod sucked but this time its for real legion is gonna save wow
>ok guys legion sucked but this time its for real bfa is gonna save wow
how many times are you going to do this to yourself

Early cata was good
MoP was great
WoD was shit
Lejun was both good and bad
Bfa can't be worse than WoD

let it die you retards, the game is only going to get worse until you mongoloids realize you are literally throwing money away. token fags are even worse because the tokens give more money than raw subs. just let it go already so the mmorpg genre can be reimagined.

MoP was sick as fuck. You clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about, queer.

Just cancelled my sub
You opened my eyes bro

Nah, cunt.

MoP was shit you're either retarded or a kid whos first WoW experience was MoP
Either way, kys

Aside from the legendary system and the early AP grind, Legion was a solid expansion.

>Early Cata was good
What are you smoking? Shit was awful.

I saw the zandalari in wowhead and they look pretty sweet. Reminds me less of niggers and more of ancient aztec or incas.

The new changes look promising, still needs some tweaking though.

Find one (1) flaw

Like I care that some fucko is paying my subscription for me

Yeah I'm liking them too. I've been seeing alotta people hating on all the imps though, saying they're shit tier demons, I personally love the idea of have a fucking army of the little buggers

I am
Legion's actually been pretty good, barring a few design choices regarding gearing
I'm hoping BFA keeps it up

>those Kul'Tiran themed weapon models

Nothing about this expansion looks fun and they are tripling down on WoD shit like garrisons etc. Why are you hyped at all?

Quit acting like someone who knows what the fuck they're talking about. I played in vanilla and it was fine. Just fine. Just like wrath was just fine. MoP was fucking amazing.

Sadly agree, I’ve been playing a vanilla server and it’s been ideal as hell

Has there been anything Garrison like shown in BFA?

I thought they said they were scrapping the follower mission system

>Chink shit was amazing

Because everything else you autistic fucks try to shill on this board is complete trash, then gets tossed aside and forgotten a week later. WoW is one of the few constants on this board.

I don't think you realize where you are, lord of the speds.

Fuck this garbage I want warcraft IV damnit


>Another thread full of faggots hating on MoP just because it was Asian themed

Never fails

>china pandering and further casualization and removal of rpg elements from the game was fucking amazing
how to tell someone started with MoP: the post

It's literally peak WoW. Both in gameplay and in sub numbers.

>Try out Demo because it's allegedly busted good in 7.3.5
Who the fuck designed this?
Just, what?
It's like a disaster area.

>Asian themed xpack clearly trying to woo the chinese market
>People dont like it because it has nothing to do with WoW

the best part of the new leveling system is getting to skip Cata and do Pandaria for 10 levels.

it wasn't asian themed
it was just dumb stereotypes aimed at fat mcdonald's eating americans who know nothing about other cultures

I don't mind imps either, I also REALLY like the demon commander they added.

Except it does you illiterate fuck. Pandarens were around in WC3

Aside from the garrison system and selfie cam, WoD was a solid expansion.

>literally every single one of my friends plays horde
>Only two of them don't play belves

I just want to be Alliance. My Warrior started as a dorf in vanilla but has been stuck on horde since fucking Cata. It's not fucking fair.

I'm in it for the Night Elves. I want to see if Malfurion is occupied at ANOTHER horde celebration while his home burns and people are slaughtered.

i thought the chinks loved it though

Yeah, the Chinese just fucking love the China Buffet aesthetic that MoP went for.

>People don't like it

It's up there as some of the best content in the game's history. Tons of people like MoP.

DK or shaman for BFA?

i loved it, most fun i had in wow since tbc and vanilla

>Another thread full of faggots loving MoP just to be epic contrians

Never fails

i think you are the "contrian"

That's not what that word means.
Holding an incredibly common opinion is not being 'contrarian'

Pretending that an expansion that most people hated was the best one is literally the definition of contrarianism. What do i even expect from Sup Forums.

You can't even use the word right you fucking idiot.

>Hard heroics
>3 fun raids
>World and classes revamp
>last time profession were worth a shit

They did, guy's just obsessed.

>leveling a character for heritage armor
>doing dungeons while questing
>you can start getting Oculus randomly at 68 and that lasts until 80
guess im sticking with TBC dungeons

It's not the best one and most people didn't hate it.
Your statement is divorced from reality.

As an apirl fools joke*

It wasn't even an MMO or an RPG at that point so why do you fucks get so assmad every time? It's time you guys get honest about MoP.

No it wasn't. Outside raids there was nothing to do. Legion had a lot of solid content released on a consistent schedule; something WoD did not have.

april fools jokes don't make it to the game, pandas had an actualy playable hero with some interesting lore

>hehe draenor will fix it
>amazing we get to see og orcs through a time machine
>hehe legion will fix it
>demon hunters and Illidan is on our team!

retards will buy this again and quit in a week

Only in the last year and a half has MoP revisionism become a thing. It's time you started living in the real world.

Can Zandalari be Death Knights? This is very important to me

Why do you want to be Alliance?

you may want to double check which expansion was the last to have a decent raiding and pvp scene

world quests and alts just like wod hurray!

none of the Allied Races can pick DK.

No, they can not.

Whatever you say dude

>he plays on the faction with no cute girls
l know this is the gayest board but geez

>wanted to play a Zandalari Sham/Druid badly
>find out recently that they are turbo manlets and a foot shorter than their females

WotLK was the last time the game was even remotely worth playing and its where the last shreds of it being an actual MMORPG died.

Why the fuck am I wasting my time arguing this shit with you?
So you don't like MoP for whatever inane reason; nobody fucking cares.

Really trying to fight the urge to prepurchase and level a void elf shadow priest.

Also hoping Dark Iron Dwarfs can be Death Knights.

You evidently do as fucks like you start this dumb shit argument every time you get triggered.

i'm out of the wow lore loop
are the zandalari good guys now? does that mean we won't be killing them anymore in zulaman, zulgurub, etc?

Last one I bought was Cata, I'll buy it since it'll be the last one before the playerbase splits in half for Classic

Those were the Amani and Gurubashi, and we're reaching out to them to expand into new territories just as the Alliance is going to Kul'tiras. Till now they've been neutral.

Fuck this stupid fucking game

>Nigger says dumb shit that's wrong
>Call him a dumb nigger
>"Waah waah, why are you starting this dumb shit argument, triggered"
Congrats, you got someone to pay attention to you for 10 minutes by crying about inane shit in a WoW thread.
Fucking calling the third least shit WoW expansion bad.

Congrats, you got triggered over a shitpost like a fucking idiot.

To you.

How are you not picking up on the fact he's shit posting. Why do you fall for such awful bait.

>Allied Races require Exalted
>It still takes a literal month to hit Nightfallen Exalted
>Daily world quest rewards are completely random and can be as low as 375 a day if you only get 75 rep quests
>Have been stuck at less than 3000 rep until exalted for FIVE DAYS

This fucking cancer is going to ruin BfA.
Everything about Legion was pretty good except for this fucking world quest dogshit.

except we fucked up some of them that allied with Lei Shen in ToT

I'll be interested to see how they handle it after they tried to wipe everyone out in MoP. I suspect Zul took a rogue faction of Zandalri out on his own.

How are you just now hitting exalted? You naturally got there if you just played the game.

If anything the alliance have it way worse since it actually takes time to get the Argus reputation levels up.

There's been some big changes to Demo on the PTR and it's been changed a bunch, though it's still obviously unfinished.
>Demonic Empowerment gone completely
>New Demon summons (Bilefiend, Bat things that suicide onto things for AoE damage, a big Eredar dude who is a 3 minute Cooldown)
>Molten Core is back for big beefy instant cast Soulfires

It looks pretty cool so far, but it's still not finished.

>don't play the game for months
>come back after not doing content
>didn't read the text before you pre-ordered
>expect to have the reps instantly when you didnt farm them and there's still 6 months minimum left till expansion

wew lad you must have had a rough time in BC when you had to have revered just to RUN SOME DUNGEONS

the playable zandalari aren't following the guy whose trying to unite trollkind thus being responsible for more troll raids than any other character they follow the zandalari king

Yeah the CD's don't seem to line up too great, and having lots of long CD's makes it pretty undesirable for M+. Looks like it might be Aff for M+ and demo for raids. I don't mind that as much since switching specs likely won't be as punishing this time around since legendaries are gone (thank fuck)

Nigga do the storyline quest, that gives you a fat chunk of rep

By not playing the game, obviously?
It took a over a month at launch to hit Nightfallen Exalted; guess as to why that had something to do with not hitting it.

>blah blah blah WoW General forum tier Blizzard cocksucking
Nah, fuck off.
Putting BfA content behind Legion shit is asinine and it's just going to be removed before BfA anyway.
Legion's rep grind is cancer and only the most abjectly cumsucking sycophant would defend it

All non-daily questing puts you at 12000/21000 Revered.

Void Elves are the best Allied Race. You can't prove me wrong so don't even try.

You didn't play the game so you didn't get the rewards. Don't know what you expect here. Like you said, the requirements go away at BfA.

>Demonic Empowerment gone completely
Literally all they would have had to do is make Demonic Empowerment your Shadowbolt replacement and it would have been fine

They are making you grind rep. What bull.

The build still suffers since you have to hard-cast everything, making you worthless in heavy movement fights. The Soulfire changes and especially the talents look to give the class more mobility.

kek'd hoard

Having rep behind world quests is literally the worst way they could do it.
It fucks up both hardcores and casuals.
Hardcores can't finish it with a few days of nonstop grinding.
Casuals have to log in every day and play for about 1 hour.If you are a casuals that just plays some days or just weekends you are fucked,