what the hell going on
What the hell going on
so this is the power of monster hunter
im willing to bet anything a white guy wrote that
>Japan makes mediocre boring game
>weeaboos praise it as masterpiece
every fucking time
>wear nigger set
>can now play basketball and steal from monsters
>west makes a game worth playing that isn't packed with jew lootbox and sjw garbage
Every fucking ti- oh right they don't do that
>It's real
>its real
Please report it to your local Kotaku.
>so this is the power of
epic meme dude
simply epic
>it's still there
Thread hijack
This is the real fuckup
Alright rolling
>expecting right click > inspect element
>it actually comes up in the google search
This world is wonderful sometimes
>Publisher(s) Trump Entertainment
Lefties are false flagging again
Fuck those leftist racists who always try to enslave african american.
>MT Framework
Oh wow, I had no idea the game used that engine. Isn't that the super optimized engine that allows pretty much any Capcom game to be run on a toaster?
How did we miss this?
Someone edited the page to have only that one line, and for some reason it was right when google's service decided to scrum for info.
I'll roll for this
let's give this a try
literally what the fuck am i looking at
>It's real
Who did this?
It's still there
Can I like it now
Sup Forums?
HAHa le ebin wikipedia haxx x3
>a game about killing nig gger
>9/10 Polygon
No fucking shit nig gger
I am Roll
>up for a full hour
i plan on saying it's a bad album if i get a good one
free lesson in trolling for you nerds, no need to thank me
t. nig gger
Switch soys sure are mad, huh?
Nintendo fags are pathetic
Phoneposters are even worse.
What's wrong with phone posting?
Less and less people are using computers these days because they are outdated. A PS4 is all you need to game, too.
>Changes the text himself
>"dude nintendo fags LMAO"
Kill yourself, subhuman.
>d-dumb phoneposter
What's wrong with being a soyboy?
Lol I don't have the time to do that on my phone. Nintendo fags are just crybabies
What's wrong with relying on flavor of the month buzzwords for all of your insults
Oh right everything
the japanese don't eat soy, so they don't like casualized trash like mhw
I wonder if there's a guy at Capcom who's being paid to clean up Wikipedia after Sup Forums's autistic breakouts.
>don't eat soy
You're the one who brought nintendo fags up and is currently crying about them, subhuman crybaby.
Japs are literal soyboys wtf are you talking about lmao
Why not
>what is soysauce
Everyone know Ninggers are SEETHING over MHW being an honorary PS4 exclusive.
Its gone now :(
>Lobster Hunter
Got me.
>MHW being an honorary PS4 exclusive
But it's not?
And this is why phoneposters should be banned, tortured and killed.
It is because the only version of the game that matters is the ps4 version.
I'm on a laptop though, ningger.
You've been talking with someone else. I said Nintendo fags are pathetic because whoever edited it was crying about how the "real" sequel was gonna be on switch. Pathetic Nintendo fat if you ask me. Kys btw, I'm travelling and don't have anywhere to hook my pc up cunt
>runs the game worse than XBone X
>Xbox version can't even properly connect to friends
Trash version. You can keep those extra 5fps.
Because whoever edited that is clearly a butthurt nintendo fan and not some pathetic falseflagging subhuman like you. Fucking retard.
let's a go
it can though
at least do some research user
There's a reason xcucks keep crying about the online not working even post patch.
Is this the raid thread