Here we have some behind the scenes commentary from the AC:Origins developers straight up admitting they ditched...

Here we have some behind the scenes commentary from the AC:Origins developers straight up admitting they ditched historical accuracy so they wouldn't offend SJWs. How does this make you feel?

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It makes me feel glad I dropped that series after AC3

What happened to them? They’ve been introducing more and more anachronisms ever since Black Flag.

>world under templar control is more inclusive than our world
really makes you think

>history is now sexist

We need a fire to purge each and every social justice and diversity fucker from the face of the earth.

Why the heck not? Only white males get triggered by positive inclusive stuff like this. Fuck white males

So historical accuracy is now "historical sexism"?

just like KC:D, where historical accuracy is "racism"

people are weird these days

Completely unsurprised. Wasn't it a given?


Cool, so now liberals are in the 'rewrite history' phase.

This is the only correct way to do it
If youre going to be a revisionist in any shape or form the least you have to do is disclaim the fact so that decent people wont touch you with a 10 foot pole.

Anyone who was ever suckered into Jade's Game is a retarded faggot.

If you wanted historical accuracy you probably should have read a book instead instead of playing a game about a time traveller

Yeah, i can at least appreciate the fact that they're honest about it.

That is to say, it's the correct way but the act is not correct.

>just like KC:D, where historical accuracy is "racism"
it's racism because they turned a people living in the area into an invading horde lol

There also wasn't a cult of assassins in egypt with magical scifi powers

>inclusive gameplay
Reading flavour text on collectibles is not gameplay, and even if it were, how would showing sexism prevent women from playing the game?

that was explicitly fantasy though

It wouldn't, it's a meaningless liberal gesture by a company who are intentionally ignoring what actual inclusivity would be.

It's a single line on a fucking urn nobody will look at because right wingers will get mad at it making ubi look good even though the urn made no difference to anyone's experience.
Actual inclusivity would involve a female main character or writing decent side characters and that's too much work for no return.

Should I buy this on sale I've wanted an Egypt setting since the series started

I wish I never played AC3 though. The game was mediocre as hell. Also that fucking retarded ending.

PC version runs like shit because of DRM, if on console sure it's a great game

I liked running through the trees in ac3

Yes, it's really good but don't expect it to be during Egypt's prime like i did though. The old egypt kingdom and pyramids are ruins by the time the game is set.

Why do all modern black characters have that thick faux African accent? I know people from Africa, they don't talk like that
But in every tv show, game and movie they sound like a Shakesperian ugandan knuckles, with a giant spitball stuck in their throat

It's really fucking annoying, I couldn't finish Origins because of it

Everyone hates on 3, I found it good. Actually liked it more than 4, still not as good as 2 imo. What is/was it about 3 people hated?

Men rewrite history all the time to not trigger male audience. Homosexuals, male rape, castration and sexism against males is always censored. Men don't make historical accuracy, they make power fantasies that didn't exist in real life.

They are telling you it wasn't the way they portray it so I don't see a problem.
Also it's not like Assassin's Creed would actually be historically accurate without these slight details being changed.

It had a lot of hype before it, like how it will answer all questions and shit

People also assumed the jump from 2 to 3 will be as big as from 1 to 2

seriously it's a shovelware game with aliens


why don't women make their own power fantasies then? oh that's right, because they're useless and will forever stand in the shadow of men, who remain the more powerful sex in perpetuity.

>show women not oppressed in spite of truth

>show women oppressed as they were

>Curse of the Pharoas comes out in a couple of weeks
And this is where I pirate the game all patched up with all the DLC, for free

tl;dr patience is a virtue

Who the fuck cares? it's a video game. At least they admitted it, these games aren't a fucking history lesson, they're games, about killing people. Why are you faggots so triggered by everything

did they really thinks some fag was gonna look at the scenery on a shitting pot, perfectly interpret what it represents, and go "wow, I feel so inclusive right now"

who exactly would this offend?
even normies are aware history didn't treat men and women the same as today.Would someone really lose their shit over a background classroom scene?

>Why do you care about memes in the mainstream designed to brainwash the mass populace to deliberately rewrite history?

You remind me of those people who say "Why are you angry at gays in kids cartoons? Just don't watch them!" completely missing the point

>Homosexuals, male rape, castration and sexism against males is always censored
Then how do you know about it?

>these games aren't a fucking history lesson
>set in Ptolemaic Egypt


Hold rt to parkour

It is not, but the historical content is always a very enjoyable part of a game. See for example Age of Empires.

By trading historical accuracy to push an agenda, they are alienating people that would enjoy historial content in favor of SJWs.

Stupid and pointless. Maybe if they spent time on the gameplay instead of useless details like this, AC could be good. Who am I kidding though. Ubisoft doesn't know what gameplay even is anymore.

>tfw I only passed my high school history test on the revolutionary war because I was playing ass creed 3 at the time

>Men rewrite history all the time to not trigger male audience
Thats a disgusting fucking lie and you know it
Homosexuality in ancient greece is a well know fact that no man cares about
Male rape in prisons is a well know fact that no decent man worries about
Eunuchs exist/ed, so rare that no one cares
I would like an example of sexism againt males because i literally cant think of one that matters
>they make power fantasies
And that is called fiction, and its supposed to be enjoyable and marketable, which it usually is, because men actually buy games.
Now fuck off.

nice thumbnail, fgt

family courts have a heavy bias towards siding with mothers for child custody even if they show signs of being unfit to be a parent

>It is not, but the historical content is always a very enjoyable part of a game
So the pot having two bitches painted on it over two dudes changes what exactly? I'm not saying it's stupid on their part, but the overreaction that everyone in this thread is having to it is just as idiotic. Suddenly holding the assassins creed series up to some standard it was never at just so you can rant about SJWs is transparent as fuck.

Just because other people get away with it doesn't mean it's okay.

It's the "If I ignore it, it didn't happen" mentality.

>these games aren't a fucking history lesson
Then why is there a history mode made specifically for exploring ancient egypt without combat or other game mechanics?

>both genders

what the FUCK is this CISnormative BULLSHIT ubisoft???!?!?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT TUEH FUCJK?!









>game is good
>game sells millions
>game also triggers Sup Forums
this is why i love ubisoft

you dont wipe history man period.
You show it as it was to the best of your ability.

You lie it will come back to get you in the end like when the Victorians dug up Pompeii and found statues of goats fucking women.They thought the Romans were just like them and it was a lie.
"Things have always been this way" is 1984 type shit

this but unironically

>historical sexism

Did they really feel the need to point that out?

>game about hyperparkour assassination ninja black Egyptian isn’t historically accurate

Man I’m gonna have to completely rewrite my 500 word essay on ancient Egypt.

Jade's first game was pretty damn fun though, even if the missions were repetitive.

>brainlet discovers that Assassin's Creed is not historically accurate for the first time in 2018


whitoid males have always whitewashed and malewashed history that wasn't flattering to them. everything you read in history book is whitecentric fairy tales.

For example like "discovering" and "overcoming" Mount Everest. white men act like it only started existing and was climbed when white males did it not acknowledging indiginous people knew about the mountain (and had their own name) for centuries and local sherpas trekked it already (same ones who help them up) before any inflated white doofus.

It's more shocking to hear that they made custom art for the vases instead of just reconstructing real ones

What happened to that word

these fuckin isis animals are literally sjws fucking up CSA statues

why does this remind me of that DBZ gif. you know the one

Nothing, because I expect niggery from ubisoft and I also don't give a shit about their games.

>local sherpas trekked it already
did they bring native oxygen tanks too?

grugstein not like jesus tribe
jesus tribe of white european has "ethical standards" and "honor"
grugstein fake holobunga to tap in to genetic generosity of white european
oh no grugstein wiped out from earth

You must not know people from sub-saharan Africa if you think that's the case. Plus, if you're talking about Bayek, he isn't black but his VA is actually from Nigeria.

do fifteen minutes looking and i bet you can find each individual person on the vase as clip art somewhere

>white male trying to reassert his fantasy nothing happened before white male came in


thats why I switched to french

I dropped ubisoft games after they fucked me over with Settlers 7.

People have climbed Everest without oxygen.

shit choice because black flag is pretty gud
ditch the series after that one


True, american people think that the Wright brothers created the airplane, when there're plenty of evidences showing that Santos Dummont and some other europeans had created it first.

Santos Dummont even mass produced it. Pretty crazy.

No user, that's true, the history is rewritten by who's in power, it's very hard to be accurate.

>Inclusive Gameplay
What did they mean by this?
In what way so the nameless female npc's affect the game?

are those ancient fitgirls?

Somehow I hate France even more now.

France didn't make the game, though. Canada did.

Roman DOA paradise
would play

France approved it. Also Quebec.

So snowfrenchmen speaking english?

>Both genders have their own classes
>This is sexist

I'm French and I certainly didn't

This question never gets answered for some weird reason

>make a deal out of showing both genders on a drawing
>the supposed boy and girl look fucking identical

>Homosexuality in ancient greece is a well know fact that no man cares about
The fact that you think greece was the only homosexual culture in history shows you believe in christian men's lies.

>Male rape in prisons is a well know fact that no decent man worries about
Men are raped in pretty much all places where men are forced to be around other men without contact to women.

>Eunuchs exist/ed, so rare that no one cares
Castration used to be one of most common punishments for men. Chemical castration is still used.

>I would like an example of sexism againt males because i literally cant think of one that matters
In many places men weren't allowed to enter places or have jobs that were for women.

Prove it

>Spartans were actually mediterranean homos
>Make them into straight white male godwarriors

>when minorities do something like living in the wilderness it is negative yet it becomes amazing and celebrated when white males do it
>see Tarzan

>inventions are only documented when white males in european countries make them
>never mind Asia inventing the same things earlier than the west

The list goes on


asians are literally ladyboy sexslaves

>I have no argument against facts and have proven I actually just rely on propaganda and outdated white male fairy tales

lel state of the alt right

>both genders



so you wanna suck some dick or not?

>masculine part of history that Europeans could actually feel proud for
>hehehehe they were actually all boy molesting homos hehehehe
Wow really makes you think