I like big butts and I can not lie~
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Bayonetta thread
I like big butts and I can not lie~
You other brothers can't deny~
Bayonetta thread
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Fucking shame 2 is locked to shitty hardware. Fuck Nintendo.
>ps4 exclusive.
>switch exclusive.
>U-ugh, sh-shitty hardware!
Come on now. I'm saving up money just to get a switch for this game and Bayo 3 once it comes out.
Besides if you have PC just use cemu.
Is the joke that she has a flat man ass?
Bayonetta 2 is objectively better than Bayonetta 1.
Does Bayo just CAUSE salt?
I heard 2 was good, but holy shit! I'm loving every second of it. And it looks gorgeous in portable mode too.
anyone got an idea what the 3rd game will be about? The teaser was weird as hell.
What hairstyle will we get I Bayo3?
Bayo causes BONERS
But it’s not anymore plays like a dream on Switch.
I prefer #1
Lower middle is the way to go.
This I hope it becomes a Nintendo main series for years to come just because they were the ones that supported it, heck she is even in Smash and they did a great job with one and two. I rather see a franchise i like anywhere than see it die.
I am only playing one and i am surprised on how good it is so far. I was expecting maybe DMC quality, but this is far better imho.
If she's not bald, I ain't buying!
>big butt
Only if you're Irish
That would seriously make me consider not buying it.
Low middle or low right.
They've done very long and very short now so I think the next one will be somewhere in the middle.
I wish BayoxPit is canon instead of based on a trailer.
I like the games don't get me wrong, all apologies for daring to criticize a flawless ninty product...
Just started 1 for the first time last night. Finished the first 2 chapters and it's fantastic so far. I expected the stellar gameplay, but I was caught off guard at how over the top everything is, and I love it (should have expected that coming from Platinum, though).
Whats your favorite costume Sup Forums?
I want police woman Jeanne to arrest me.
>shitty hardware
I mean don't get me wrong I know it's not powerful, but if it has EXCLUSIVES (which is what people are constantly bringing up around here), then it's good on that front.
It's just so weird seeing unironic console wars out of 2012. I mean I've got a ps4 and I'm gonna be getting a switch just for Bayo (just like I did with the wiiu).
Problem is that CEMU version doesn't play well.
Honestly, the base outfit in Bayo 2.
Neither does the switch version.
But user I thought it allowed you to play games at 6K 1000fps. Gee, sure sucks that a game not meant for PC doesn't work.
But for real someone will just keep updating CEMU and Bayo1/2 so you guys can play perfectly.
Poor little baby.
>Being so much on the internet you think Bayo has a flat ass
>I can't pirate games perfectly
Oh... oh no
Big booty bayonetta
2 and 6 all fucking day
Bayo's frame is so tall and long that her slightly above-average ass doesn't look as good proportionally. It doesn't help that her proportions are such that she somehow has an hourglass shape without much hips, again an illusion that comes from her insane leg length.
Hopefully this will be remedied soon. CEMU is updating pretty quickly and as soon as they get BOTW pretty much flawless, they'll probably focus on other games more directly. I just started playing Twilight Princess HD and its pretty much flawless. I know Bayo (either 1 or 2) used to be glitchy but I think they're getting better.
But yeah, its annoying to see Bayonetta exclusive to Nintendo now. I really wish they would release Bayonetta 2 for PC as they did for 1 - it got great sales/reviews! 2 and 3 would go great! I have a Switch, but I always prefer PC and g enerally dislike exclusives on any platform.
Oh and if nothing else Bayo 3 will be playable on PC once Yuzu (the only actual Switch emulator - currently VERY early in development but open source and done by the same team being Citra, the legit 3DS emu. I think the CEMU folks say they will help too) arrives, but admittedly that will take awhile for retail-level game support. I toss the devs of CEMU and Citra/Yuzu a few bucks on Patreon to keep things rolling.
Yeah, fuck Nintendo for funding a game no one else would!
>number 5
Muh fucking dick
You realize Nintendo own the rights to Bayo 2 and would have nothing to gain from releasing it on other platforms, right?
They could have had the decency to release it on PC at a later date like (essentially) every single PS4 and/or XBone "exclusive" this gen
Fuck you guys
I dont like any
Again, why would they do that when they're the ones shelling out money for a console exclusive? Defeats the whole purpose
As soon as the Switch emulator will be working, people will drop CEMU like a rock and focus on that one, leaving CEMU as an incomplete clusterfuck.
Why? If people want to play Bayo 2, it becomes one more incentive towards buying their product. Are you dumb?
Almost everything worthwhile on the Wii U is being ported/remastered for Switch. CEMU will basically become a Wonderful 101 machine.
>nothing to gain
Apart from a major lift in sales due to the game being exposed to a wider audience.
The problem is that Nintendo would rather sell the game to 10,000 people for $300 (with a WiiU they only bought for that game) than to 100,000 people for $30. It's in their financial best interest to keep a large number of people from buying the game, killing its profitability and costing PG points on the back-end, to sell consoles at a ridiculous markup to the small fraction of potential players willing to pay the ridiculous cost of entry.
Thank god PG is moving toward self-publishing titles and away from this sort of publisher-controlled mercenary work
Got like 60% through the first one and ended up stumbling through every fight. What are the few essential skills to focus on the second time around?
Hime cut
>and g enerally dislike exclusives on any platform
They wouldn't even exist if Nintendo didn't pay for them, retard
>Switch install base is over 15 million already
Bruh, more and more Switches are gonna sell, and you better believe Bayo1+2 will see sales boosts with the release of Bayo 3 and the inevitable Smash game.
Bet you that Bayo2 will easily sell over a million on Switch.
Nintendo gave PG essentially a blank check. PG got their money for the game, no problem.
I understand why they do it, I just also understand that it's a deal which is generally bad for both the developer and the player-base and only really beneficial to Nintendo, whose sole contribution to the franchise is putting down the money when the studio was desperate for work.
When EA takes over and guts studios in financially precarious positions they become evil, but it's just an honest buck for Nintendo? Come on.
>decent business
What an oxymoron
nah, but long hair and that thing on their forehead is H O T.
? I finished it on pc.
Nintendo didn't buy Platinum, they just funded a game. Platinum is an independent developer.
Nintendo funded Bayonetta 2 & 3, Platinum makes money, Nintendo makes money, people get 2 games that otherwise wouldn't exist.
>When EA takes over and guts studios in financially precarious positions they become evil, but it's just an honest buck for Nintendo? Come on.
Name one company whose games Nintendo fitted with microtransactions when they didn't before.
Don't just conveniently ignore context.
I won't even get into the discussion that it could have been funded by someone else (or even crowdfunded), but even Nintendo doesn't have to keep it platform exclusive.
There are TONS of titles that I'd love to buy, legally and at a reasonable price, if Nintendo let them be sold on PC and/or Android. Right now i'm buying very few/none of them because I don't see the point of yet another fucking locked down device to carry around for mobile, or a proprietary box when I have a perfectly good gaming PC.
Lots of formerly console-only games have been released on Steam for instance to great acclaim IF DONE RIGHT and Nintendo would make a killing being multi-platform. But sadly they're pretty backward which means I'm going to be waiting or emulating lots of their stuff.
Platinum is very close to Nintendo now though. Bayo 3 will mark the 5th Nintendo-exclusive game by the studio, they did assets for Star Fox Zero, they're likely never going to work with Microsoft again after Scalebound, and while Automata was for PS4 that was entirely on Squeenix I'd think; Granblue is similar.
They won't go Nintendo-exclusive but I'll expect any future original projects (as in, non-licensed and non-Bayo) to at least have a Switch version.
>whose sole contribution to the franchise is putting down the money
You say that like its a minor thing.
>When EA takes over and guts studios in financially precarious positions they become evil
The fuck are you rambling about?
1)EA does not makes exclusives and hence, not the same case in any form
2)EA does not gives developers liberties to work
3)EA Butchers the games for money. Nobody would complain about them otherwise
Think hard and try to explain some sort of point. What makes you angry, is it that its an exclusive? an exclusive that wouldn't exist otherwise unless it was an exclusive?
>Bayo 3 will mark the 5th Nintendo-exclusive game by the studio
Probably should've listed before somebody asks what the first 4 were:
>Infinite Space
>Wonderful 101
>Bayo 2
t. African American
So two companies having a successful, prosperous relationship is bad? Sounds to me like Platinum likes working with Nintendo.
It isn't like Platinum doesn't work with other companies, though. Nier Automata was on PS4 and PC.
I fucking loved Infinite Space
Nintendo likes to keep a tight leash on their IP.
Going multiplat doesn't only mean reaching more people.
It also splits their revenue, opens their games to more piracy, decreases hardware sales, off the top of my head.
>being such a cuck that you pay for piracy
Dodge offset.
>I won't even get into the discussion that it could have been funded by someone else
Sony and Microsoft weren't interested, so no
>even crowdfunded
You really are retarded if you think this, it's not indie games we're talking about.
>if Nintendo let them be sold on PC
That's retarded, it's poorfags like you who can't even comprehend how business works. You'd probably just pirate it anyway because you don't have any money
check out "her" other videos too
Dodging and parrying. Get Bat Within and the Moon accessory ASAP.
This is honestly not a good analysis, he's in the honeymoon moment from his first playthrough from a game 4 years ago.
Bayonetta 2 is not better than 1 in every way possible, it's an easier game that prettier which is why people who are new to the series and genre end up picking it over the first game but Bayonetta 1&2 have been around long enough for people who understand the games more to see how Bayonetta 1 is better than Bayonetta 2.
Bayonetta 2 is just a very pretty game that's not going to give you stone awards on each mission on your first time playing.
I'll just say this now before someone says anything else but Bayonetta 1 on WiiU is the definitive version.
Bayo 1 had lots of dumb shit. Bayo 2 had much less dumb shit. That's why 2 > 1.
I wasn't talking about all that though. I posted the link because he said Bayo didn't run on the Switch well. Which is does.
>Bayo 1 on wiiu is definitive version.
Bullshit. When I played it on my wiiu it was like the PS3 version but without the patch. It was laggy during gameplay AND on quick time events.
Bayo 2 was perfect though.
Git gud honestly, you're not going to get pure platinum on your first playthrough anyway
That is just simply not true at all since there's videos showing that the wiiu version matches the Xbox version and or beats it in fps, the wiiu version comes with exclusive clothes with weapons, and multiple controller options which is why it's the go to version
>it was like the PS3 without the patch
you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. pre-patch ps3 was pure suffering, even navigating the menu was laggy.
Bayo 1's dumb shit wasn't about the ranking or being good, it was the attempt at gameplay variety which detracted from the game since you just want to get back to the combat. Shit like hourglass puzzles which weren't fun or interesting or difficult, but were included for god knows why. 2 jettisoned all of the waste and focused on encounter variety instead.
>Main character is all about sex appeal
>Costumes all try to pander to a million fetishes
>Barely any pantyshots whatsoever
>The schoolgirl costumes from Bayo 2 have boring white panties
>Barely any pantyshots whatsoever
Princess outfit has tons of it tho
I hated that long ass driving segment on the freeway. It controlled like ass and went on for way too long
Whether or not you consider people liking those moments in the game this is where the whole Bayonetta 2 being better falls apart, when Bayonetta 2 focuses entirely on combat and has a worse combat system than the first that's how it makes it the worse game from a game play stand point.
somehow, the lewdest costumes in the series are the nintendo princesses
Yeah, but if I'm gonna get schoolgirl costumes, I want my dumb meme stripes and animal print and shit like that. The princess costumes didn't do it for me. I'm very particular about my panties.
There's a way to cheese essentially everything with the moon bracers but it requires you to play in a really unfun way
so 3 next year yes?
It's funny how outside of Sup Forums it's 2 that's being seen as the better game.
How the fuck did nintendo "gut" platinum games to make bayonetta 2? Fucking Christ stop typing moron
never listen to Sup Forums
Bayo 2's combat isn't as focussed as the first game
it sure as hell doesn't detract from teh fact that a lot of Kamiya's bullshit is not fun.
I'd rather have a game that commits to its combat mechanics most of the time,
than a game with technically the better combat but just unfun minigames and level design shoved down my throat.
Wonderful 101 is a great game but suffers from the same issues
I could never actually commit myself to replay the entire game over and over again and get better because of those garbage drawn out minigame sections.
Crash 3 has better physics and movement than Crash 1 but fuck it the first game at elast has mostly pure platforming levels
and as soon as I get over the technically inferior parts of the game the more I can actually enjoy what is overall just a much more well and consistently designed game.
Then again 2 is also much better.
>That drivin section
>That shootan section
>That get the clock to fix the bridge section
Honestly, I still no fucking idea what you people mean when you say 2 has significantly worse, or different at all, combat. I guess it must be because I hadn't played Bayo for a long time before I picked up 2 last year, but when I played it it came off as the same thing. My playthroughs with 1 were full of stone trophies as they were with 2
digital foundry posted a video and they mentioned that xbox one x is the best console version for bayo1. Obviously if you have pc, go for that instead
My main gripe with bayonetta is those retarded QTE's that pop up in split seconds that result in deaths thus fucking up your run if you didn't remember which button the QTE was. It's super annoying