Why did it become so successful?

Why did it become so successful?

>~400k sales

For an indie release? Pretty much.

Devs told SJWs to fuck off publicly so most gamers bought it out of support

Vavra is a literal Jew and he apologised to the antifa audience so they all bought it.

stop fucking shoving their success in my face FUCK YOU

another victory for social justice

400K sales on PC alone in less than a week. I'd say that spells success.

Still don't understand this image

I assume some will argue your metric for success. But I like it because the content is presented in a heteronormative way, in line with the way many of my favorite games from teens and childhood were designed. It's harder to find these games from western developers, so I bought it.

it's pretty self explanatory

Because there's literally nothing else on PC rn besides console ports and Indies?

What's the explanation?

devs told Sup Forums to fuck off aswell which is even better

But what is Subnautica doing in there? It's an indie game that had minimal marketing.

more people played kcd than these heavily hyped high profile released i guess

It is though. Also we're not seeing a huge drop off so it's holding pretty steady and has a good basis for mods.

He was saying victory facetiously in reference to games with developers known to support social political causes. Look at the player count/hours/etc. He's using it as an example of popularity, success and accomplishment.

But that isn't true wiith Subnautica so why is that there?

So he's a retard?

That would be dependent on the individual and their beliefs as it relates to reality.

It's really a shame the social justice games didn't sell well
oh well
next time maybe more Trump bashing and antifa support on twitter might make them sell better

It's 2018
Skyrim was released in 2011
Mount and Blade: Warband was released in 2010

This game manages to appeal to both fanbases who have been waiting for a long ass time for sequels to games they love.

Man, how utterly retarded and BTFO lefty/pol/ are towards this game?

When the original "le flop and disaster" failed spectacularly they immediately turn on the new failed narrative of the week.

It didn't. But oh boy Sup Forumstards will not shut up for the next month on how successful it was because one game made some devs who are more conservative than usual was decent means their "political side won" or whatever.

can you sound more assravaged than that?

>concurrent player counts are sales

I'm going to wait for The Last Night before I come anywhere close to that conclusion. Even then, I'm more or less looking at who the major developers are employing. That tells you more about the winners and losers of a culture war then anything else. All this metoo bullshit demonstrates as much.

they sold 500k in two days

Yeah but no one cares about, they’re not the black-clad storming troopers marching through the streets.

Same reason Skyrim and Bethesda Fallout is successful. Apparently people fucking love shitty open world jank.

Yeah, my post is clearly the ramblings of a madman who just can't control his anger. You can just tell from that sentence I'm totally losing it.

I genuinely think some of you have gone crazy that you think half the people who bought into this game are doing so because they, subconciously or otherwise are supporting and waging a "war" against leftist politics.

Game looks fun, if a little buggy. I'm interested in it but it's certainly heading the Undertale way of the internet never shutting up about it so hard it actively drives people away from it, especially if you try to force politics into it.


>people unironically using the term “culture war”

so this is the power of the alt right in action
pretty impressive


The heavy shilling for the past three weeks on this faggy board and nu/pol/.
Here at least there are some critics vs muh white game will show dem sjws herp derp

There's a 4-day delay on steamspy, so it's probably in the area of 800k now

they fired their audio guy because of their twitter postings

It only cost a few million to make. So even if they make $20 profit per sale after various fees such as cryengine and steam thats still a 200% ROI not including console sales, future sales and any DLC/expansions

Significant amounts of their funding was from Kickstarter anyway.

>alt right claiming credit for fotm that happens to be european

lmao is alt right this desperate to be relevant

Pure flavor of the month trash with trash gameplay. You should be ashamed just for shilling it.

I'm just following the rhetoric used by popular people, developers, and artists as the base for my assumptions (Ass is in the word). I don't believe anything in relation to that, not yet. If I saw certain employees leave studios/publishers/market agencies then I'd start to really think about it in those terms (ie. there was/is a culture). But that hasn't happened in any significant way with any notable pattern outside of the performance of any given game. I agree, forcing politics is stupid, but I like trends, because I love and adore the acquisition of money. People who like money try to find things to exploit, it's the way of the world.

Yes. They became a big a joke as SJWs and equally as irrelevant.

Jesus christ this.

Wolfenstein failed because it's the same shit, most people play it on consoles, it released on the same day as Asscreed and Mario and it was a buggy unplayable mess at launch
Ass creed is not an SJW game so no idea why it's there.
Subnautica has sold far more than KC:D and has far better reviews. Its concurrent player count is due to the fact it was an EA game so there was no mad mass rush to play it on "release"

same reason why people still play morrowind, gothic or witcher 1 to this day

when a game respects and satisfy it's playerbase the people are glad to buy it, it's simple

when you mess with the green, things get's mean

Deliverance peak is now at like 95k.

For a little company, it is.

shilling on Sup Forums
twitter politics

He had a larger budget to play with and everything! Yet KC:D did better. Fucking right user, never mess with your bread.

Devs told sjws and soyboys to fuck off first, which is the best :^)

>people must have bought this game because they agree with far right politics. Every sale is a support of my beliefs and literally no one who bought this game is an SJW or liberal or disagrees with my views. Also every game I dislike failed because the devs were not altright enough and gamers hated that. This is proof I am not a nutcase

Remember the good old days when you retards said you wanted politics out of gaming? Good time. These days you care more about politics in gaming then anyone else and believe games die or succeed based on political pandering.

Actually, if that spat between Vavra and the crazy leftists on twitter didn't get spammed here, I probably wouldn't have bought this game or at least no so fast. I like the setting quite a bit but my backlog should have kept me from buying for a while.

And I'm sure I'm not the only one who think you should support your ideas with your money.

All I know is that having politically motivated dev so far seems to be an absolute 100% recipe for a shit game, which Kingdom Cuck fulfills.

Passion. It's not another game created by suits and marketing department. Yes, it's buggy sometimes, but I'll gladly take another Kingdom Come over Ubishit and etc.

Yes Yes well done, KC:D, well done. However....Fallout 4 had 500,000 concurrent players

>I support this dev because he panders to me politically

People attitudes change when the world around them change.
The left assault on western society/values is much more violent now than it used to be.

The dev didn't support me as much as he blatantly tells crazy people to fuck off and refuses to submit to the left moral authority. I support people like those and I'm proud of it. What cause do you support user? Seeing you screaming Sup Forums when people disagree with you gives me a rough idea though.

People have been waiting for that kind of medieval game for ages.
People have been waiting for a game in which realism was actually a a well used quality and not a shallow normie pandering coat for ages.

And? At least this shows that players from the right actually support and play the games they want to see succeed, unlike sjw who want to change the industry but don't play the games with their vision.

Why YOU didn't become successful, user?

Dumb CoD kid, for an indie game about 150k is already a fucking big success, let alone above that.

>t. Wakanda

>Gaming industry
>Talk about capeshit movies for retard


I would absolutely love to play Kingdom Come Deliverance but I adamantly refuse to do so out of principle until it's on the Switch.

The Switch has spoiled me. I'll never return to the old ways of gaming.

It's so comfy.

AssCreed might be here simply for being an Ubisoft game.

>i live a shit life because of an internet boogeyman
scream harder

huge hit nier automata has 700k on steam and it was released year ago

Please be bait.

Lets see user. 2 million dollario's to make. 400k sales. I based it off UK price (39.99) into dollars which is 55 bucks roughly)

Times 55 by 400k and you get 22 million. They've made 1000% return.

You're going to miss on much more than just KCD though.

Are you retarded? They don't get 100% cut from the sale and they need to pay taxes.

I bought a copy even tho my toaster of a laptop can never come close to running it, the game can't even boot up. Remember that where you spend your money IS a political statement.

I didn't know anything about this game until I found out SJWs hated it. Never heard a word about it until the SJWs started crying. Then I bought it solely because it makes SJWs mad.

I actually enjoy the game which is a bonus.

Obviously this won't be exact. It's probably even cheaper in some regions, and I ain't got the autism to find out. They've made somewhere between 18-22 million overall.

They get a 70% cut of Steam sales and I doubt they are going to have to pay more than a million or two in taxes.

now take steams 30% cut out of that.

>million or two in taxes
They pay percentage based of income. It's not a fixed sum, idiot.

Well i'm just calculating gross earnings. There'll be the steam cut and shit, but rough earnings are gunna be over 10 mil. There'll be a sequel

how would you describe what is happening?

seriously? all you need to sell your game is to pretend to be a nazi?

Just checked, corporate tax rate in Czech Republic is 19%.
So their 70% cut from Steam sales is just over 15 million. They will pay 3 million in tax, leaving them with 12 million.
Less their 2 million development costs, they've made 10 million dollars profit. That's still a 500% return on investment.

dunno, good for them though
for an quite small scale kickstarter game it's very good and that's just on steam

>Sup Forums is giving people who didn't have brains new brains
What is this image trying to convey?


it's skyrim but in czech


>Wanting historical accuracy means you're a nazi

What a great era

uncle pol is making you think

Not him, but:
>Supporting individual sentiment as a basis for product purchase.
>Supporting socio-politicial sects that want to govern you regardless of alignment.
The cause I support is myself. If you support anything else beyond an arbitrary passing glance, you're a useless tool for someone else anyways. Beats being a whipping boy I suppose, but only the incredibly weak and stupid were ever going to be victimized by SJW policies.

Name one good recently released story driven AAA RPG. Fuck, doesn't even have to be recent, just released after Witcher 3. It's a massive but starved audience.

I love how asshurt this game and it's success makes some "people".

>t. enlightened gentlesir
i hope you are not serious

Mostly the Bethesda "social media experts"

The fact that this game's unexpected success would trigger Sup Forums contrarians was predicable and all, you get trigger by literally anything successful and with some visibility, but it always amazes me how you people never get tired of posting the same exact twisted "arguments" and logic fallacies, you could be replaced but bots that spam the same shit after the number of posts about a game get over a certain threshold and nobody would notice the difference.

>alt right narrative being demolished by BIG BLACK PANTHER by the millions in cinemas
>alt right loser given nationwide coverage after sperging out and committing mass murder forever gaining the ire of the country

>n-no we a-aren't nazi losers
>l-look at this game that has europeans

LMAO alt right must be really buttdevastated this month to be reaching this much

.50 shekels have been deposited into your account.

People getting buttmad over nothing. Vavra has edgy (for western standards) political opinions, but they have nothing to do with the game, especially when you realize the guy who own Warhorse has opposite political opinions (and actual political influence).