Post the best game of their respective genre

Post the best game of their respective genre
I will start With metroidvania

It's good, but to say its the best the genre has to offer is sad.

lol no

Tell me a better game

Rain world, La mulana

It's mostly a shit genre that I fell out of love with years ago.

"You got item, now open item with door you saw before."

"Jump was hard before, jump is easy now".

"Better version of item make easy monsters easier".

I can't believe I used to love pretty much any game like that. It's only good when there are multiple paths, some serious escalation of game mechanics, or randomly generated, which takes things usually too far off in the other direction of futility versus power fantasy.

Rabi Ribi
Metroid Fusion
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night / Metroid Prime
La Mulana

Fuck off

>la shitana

Same felling bro
but hollow knight is more similar to dark souls than metroid

turboshitter detected

This just shows how little you know about that genre.


>Rain world
Stop shilling that game, looks like if kojima ran out of funds and had to make a game with like a million of cash left or less.

Why does ACfag get so triggered over Rain World?

Literally who

Good one OP, here's your reply. Now fuck off.

Character action



A better game overall.

>Not black

Don't you mean XV-kun?

>Rain world
C'mon nigga, that's my favourite game of last year but that everything BUT a metroidvania. It's a survival/sandbox/eco-systemic/physics driven platformer.
You can't have a metroidvania without bosses and power-ups. Slugcat has neither, and no the neuron doesn't count.

Sometimes it makes me happy that Sup Forums is this divided about RW.


Hollow Knight is definitely NOT worse than Axiom Verge. And it's arguably much better than Ori as well.

Everyone is freaking out about this La Mulana game. Is it really that good?

Serious question. Do you fucking monitor /v for these threads or are you the one making them?

It's literally a great game but it is not a metrovania, I have no idea why it's even brought up anywhere near that category other than Rainworld and Hollow knight being the best indie games that came out in a long time.

Let me give you some advice, remove that fucking name. Fucking newfagging so hard it makes me sick.

I love how that image has no metroids or castlevanias

Whoever it is, it's very obviously one autist in every Hollow Knight thread going AHHH NOOO STOP TALKING ABOUT IT whenever it is mentioned.

clearly you meant Super Metroid. Even gameplay-wise it's pretty much superior to that whole list since the sequence breaks exist and feel really part of the game, unlike the rest. And because the randomizer makes relayability amazing.

Not sure about the metroidvania tag, but it's the best Archaeological Ruin Exploration Action Game


No Strider? That list is shit.

Is there a metroidvania that truly is non-linear?

>Aria of Sorrow

Mein nigger.


if you have to ask this question I'd like to see your definition for "non-linear"

contains only curves

It's good, but it's not for everyone, its puzzles can really go cryptic full retardness sometimes

Well it is kinda linear since you have to grab certain pickups to move into certain new areas. If that's not linear for you then what is, triple faggot?
For example if you can't access one part without doule jump, then you have to get it first, so that part is linear. Sure you can explore the rest of the map until that point, but eventually you have to grab the power up needed to advance in every playthrough.

I think Shantae should be higher, otherwise I agree 100%

Symphony of the Night
Any of the SotN clones for DS
La Mulana

being able to choose from more than one area and be able to at least beat the area's boss without having to backtrack.

is this a good game to get into fighters,
or should I just buy that dragon ball game?

La Mulana is alright, but it has some bullshit involved. The game is heavily inconsistent on whether or not you should listen to its warnings.

>Hey, there's an eyeball in certain rooms
>It shoots high-damage lightning at you if you do things like attack walls
>It's to discourage you from randomly guessing and forcing you to actually think.
>Oh, but wait
>Here are several rooms that require you to strike at a wall that has an eyeball in it
>Hint? What hint? Why would you not strike at this wall while an eyeball is here? Clearly you should have been trying everything if you hope to survive.

This game can fuck right off.

Any megaman game then

That's just the dev being a cunt.

Switch version WHEN

They said they're hoping to launch it before the third DLC

When is the 3rd dlc releasing

At this point I think mentioning metroidvania is the greatest way to get Sup Forums to choke on its own rage infested vomit
My favorite is that one weeb retard who keeps going on and on about the waste tier game known as "Rabi Ribi"

Nice shit taste, MaZe

Did they mention how much is it gonna cost?
My poorfag friend that only has a switch probably won't pay full price for it.

Open world and it's not even close. Made all other open world games feel instantly outdated

They just praise it because it has cute girls

No date. They're aiming at "early this year", so probably in april
PC version was $20 bucks. Maybe they'll keep that price for Switch version if they go digital

PC version is $15

It seems they fucked me with the exchange rate again

gg isn't easy to start, has a great tutorial
dbfz is a lot easier to play overall

probably start with dbfz if you want to get into anime fighters

I really need to fix this

>Symphony of the Night
>Any of the SotN clones for DS
They're just way too easy. I think I only died once or twice during my first blind playthroughs.

A Robot Named Fight

never heard of it. redpill me

Ah yes
The delusional BotWfag is here

the second half of dark souls 1

isn't the second half supposed to be shit?

>Salt and Sanctuary
>God Tier
Confirmed shit taste.

>Rabi Rabi
Anons need to stop being delusional. That game isn't great. You people just want to fuck animal girls.

>[La-Mulana Ruins Dictionary: The Eye of Divine Retribution] Shoots lightning when holy objects within the ruins are damaged.
Holy objects include statues, weapon covers, tombs etc. The only remotely inconsistent one would be the “Impossible puzzle” in Twin Labyrinths because its triggers are different.
Stop hitting sacred things you heretic!

Have you played Rabi-Ribi? You didn't even spell the name of the game right.

3D Platformer

>Rabi Ribi
You're animation locked on every attack, the gameplay feels like shit because of this

3D Collectathon



It may be a mediocre game with a lame anime furry story and shallow combat but.


Shut up.

2D Platformer

3D Platfomer


Not even as good as Rayman 2.

Whatever we're calling these now.
hack and slash / 3D beat 'em up / cuhrayzee / spectacle fighter / I don't fucking know


yes but the non-linearity isn't the reason


I don't care that I'm late, you didn't pay attention. It only punishes you for hitting certain objects, not literally every wall. Every wall or something that you're supposed to hit has some hint leading you there.

Why are there so many shitters on Sup Forums who complain about the game being "unfair" yet refuse to properly read or take notes?

>Why are there so many shitters on Sup Forums who complain about the game being "unfair" yet refuse to properly read or take notes?
Must have been a sale recently.

You'd think they would at least complain about some stuff like not finding the entrance to Tower of the Goddess or a puzzle in Chamber of Birth or something but no, it's always the most kindergarten bullshit that can be solved with basic reading skills

I hope I never become as jaded as you
But I know I will

Singleplayer FPS


I was scared of playing hollow knight at first because it was shilled too much
But I was gladly surprised that the game actually needs you to git gud and is not some stupid casualized garbage.

why not post Black? You dumb fuck.

Fucking please

teamwork based MP

Rabi Ribi is better than most of that dog shit

Why are there no actual Castlevanias or Metroids on this list?

because it's bait that gets posted in every hollow knight thread

thats easy

>Aria and Dawn that high
>Circle that high
>buncha indie shit
Why do metroidvania faggots have such fucking abominable taste?

disaster management

Shaman King had a metroidvania?