>you save big titted slut from your destroyed village
>then she saves you
>"""romancing""" her leads to you two fugging then never addressing your relationship again
Why do RPG devs keep assuming that romance means a shitty sex scene somewhere and then you never see each other again?
You save big titted slut from your destroyed village
>a shitty sex scene somewhere and then you never see each other again?
Its literally real life
Why do you keep assuming that spiking mutual attractions leading to a tryst means having a romance?
People fuck all the time without considering themselves in some form of relationship, especially with aquaintances they cherish, but not love.
>"haha muh empowered feminism was a thing in 1500 Bohemia"
>"don't criticize my favorite game"
If there was a shred of realism in that interaction, that bitch would have been stalking you the entire time trying to get you to marry her/knock her up
Also, pic related
What game? Could just be poor writing. Or you know, adults fucking casually.
Bioware does it ok.
CDPR does it also well.
Game's full fedora they have no idea how to women.
Because 'mature' WRPG protagonist are usually promiscuous and typically pump-and-dump random dtf npcs.
Kingdom Come. People didn't "fuck casually" in medieval times, that just wasn't a thing.
>"my two favorite fantasy games do it, why shouldn't a pretend "realistic" medieval game do it as well?"
When are they adding dragons to KCD?
Once again, this is medieval fucking Bohemia
This game is garbage and bug riddled piece of shit, i will never buy this turd from a literal JEW
When you stop being butthurt and blaming an indie game for industry standards,only then they will add a big black cockatrice just for (you)
Lmao you dumb fuck, people have fucked just like that for centuries. You didn't go parading it that's all. Holy shit fucking dumb Europ psueds.
>People didn't "fuck casually" in medieval times, that just wasn't a thing.
Oh God, you really are that fucking stupid and naive.
Oh, the irony
Its kinda of a missed opportunity to not be able to continue a relationship with her.
>Projection: The Post
>People didn't "fuck casually" in medieval times, that just wasn't a thing.
Lol. People were just like today back then.
>if they do it now they did it then
How degenerate do you have to be become this much of a brainlet?
Non-virgins need to kys their impure souls.
> People didn't "fuck casually" in medieval times
Depends. I mean you can go to a bath house and fuck the wenches there, basically prostitution and that was done in medieval times.
>inb4 “lmao they just did”
You know where Reddit is.
>feminism invented casual sex
oh sweet naive child
>prostitution was done in medieval times
Not in Northern Europe.
What a well reasoned response. It’s not like virginity was valued above other traits before feminism. Oh wait...
ITT OP learns about basic human psychology and gets triggered
because doing real romance is tough an requires a lot of time while casual sex is easy
just like real life
I'm fairly sure that noblewomen were fucking basically everyone behind their husbands backs.
But why wouldn't normal farm daughters and whatnot just be free fucks for anyone?
The thing I find funniest is you actually think you're right.
Are you also one of those /r9k/ redpill MGTO whatever faggots or something?
>"haha i have a psychology associate's, i know what i m talking about"
>"haha what do you mean medavil times? lol stop trying to change the subject"