Corvo or Emily, Sup Forums, and why?
Corvo or Emily, Sup Forums, and why?
i've had this game in my steam library for like a year
is it good compared to dishonored 1?
gameplay is better, but it's a horrible port. even when you have a stable fps it looks like 40 fps because of the pacing
Corvo for the blink and rat swarm summon.
Emily powers are boring as fuck and make the game way too easy.
The entire story works far better as a redemption arc for Emily learning to grow the fuck up and take her duties seriously after seeing how her neglect helped ruin Serkonos - for Corvo it's just MUH REVENGE (AGAIN). Her dynamic with Delilah, Sokolov, and Billie is also more interesting in the few points where it's relevant.
That said neither is particularly well written.
Gameplay, level design, music, and desu the atmosphere are better.
The writing and cast are a lot worse though and you need a beefy rig for it.
>choosing protag for the abilities instead of their character
>playing games for story instead of gameplay
nigga you gay or something
Game/hub designs is god tier. Easily triumphs 1 in that aspect.
If you care a about story, it’s ehhhh.
I want Emily and her doppleganger to Domino and then femdom me Oops did I say that out loud
There's like a dozen of lines of dialogue and monologue that changes depending on the character you pick.
It's irrelevant.
There's more than that in the tutorial alone m8
I find her mobility really fun and Far Reach feels more satisfying to use when traversing and pulling enemies. Shadow Walk is cool.
Corvo is fun too, but I beat D1 like 5 times so I never chooses him in D2.
Emily seems better suited for nonlethal and Corvo for lethal.
did you really start googling their abilities 1 minute into the game when you have to choose who to play?
did you start googling their characters? because their characters are paper thin when you only have d1 to go by
don't reply to me
Who else here /alwayswrongchoice/ ? Every decision I made ended up being non-canon later.
>Killed Daud and the traitor conspirators plus Lady Boyle in 1
>Killed Billie and Delilah in DLC
>Let Armanis die, rejected powers as Emily, told Billie to fuck off and die, killed the Duke, wiped out both groups in the Dust District, killed Delilah in 2
>Killed Outsider in DotO
Devs can choke on my cock
>>Let Armanis die
Sorry, meant I let him go crazy. Whoops.
It's pretty irrelevant because of NG+ letting you use both sets of powers regardless of who you play. First playthrough I picked corvo for non-lethal, ghost, and no powers and I'm currently playing as edgelord emily killing everyone
thats fine, but i hope you mean story writers and not devs
teen grills are edgelords by default
Besides killing the Outsider like THE FUCKING TITLE OF THE GAME REEEEE, I think I made all the decisions the devs intended. Its still really poor design to say you want players to have control in the story, and the invalidate them in the next game.
Each Dishonored should have had all new characters in a different isle each time. Or at least have a save transfer to keep the lore consistent.
>the painting of overseer campbell in 2 has the glass of cider in it
choices really don't matter shit game/10
Emily is the canon choice, as far as I'm concerned. But I like both.
it's a better sandbox, but a worse overall game. I have more hours in DH2, but I enjoyed the fewer hours I had in DH1 more. it's just that once you've done a few runs in 1, there isn't much left.
quantity vs quality
Dishonored 2 feels more tailored towards Emily than it is towards Corvo. You can easily beat the game with either, but the engine switch really changes how Corvo works compared to how he was in D1 which was on UE3.
Biggest example is the new Time Stop physics, which were crazy in UE3 while they aren't very impressive in D2. Time Stop is still OP but D1's Time Stop was fun because of how busted it was. In general Corvo feels as if he had all of his busted tools removed and replaced with stuff that is still overpowered, but why would you play him when he's no longer the busted world destroyer from D1?
Emily's new powers are basically a substitute for the kind of busted shit you want from Corvo. The clone ability is great. Far Reach is great. Her entire toolkit is tailored to be busted, overpowered and enjoyable. Corvo is just overpowered and that's all. The stuff that's enjoyable in him is improved ten folds by playing as Emily.
The only advantage Corvo has over Emily in D2 is his VA.
>Its still really poor design to say you want players to have control in the story
Realistically speaking, that's the only thing you can do if you're doing a direct sequel (Which, don't get me wrong, I'm not for either)
Female protagonists are awful.
Emily was alright
>mix of combat and stealth
>all non-lethal
>no powers
Batman runs are my favorite.
Whenever I inspect anything emily says some shit about wanting to throw acid at delilah or incubate bloodflies in her ass. Is that a high chaos thing or is she always that edgy?
Either way it strengthens my view of her as a spoiled princess with nothing holding her back while daddy's away. She's not used to her actions having consequences and has zero regard for the lives of common people
She made me drop the game. She is that bad.
Emily is obviously the canon choice since
1) the intro starts with her narration and perspective
2) during character select, she is the default choice, you have to switch to corvo
3) the story's writing makes a lot more sense with emily as the protagonist, plus "corvo saves the maiden once again" isn't exactly a riveting narrative
I don't want to say "Corvo was tacked on" since it's still pretty good as him but it is very much Emily's game. From a story perspective, I pick Emily. From a mechanical view, Corvo's blink that now freezes time like Daud's means you have to try to get detected. And I still like Corvo's powers better: Emily's summoning of a doppleganger is dogshit just like summoning Daud's assassins is dogshit, Domino is clunky as fuck, Far Reach is clunky as fuck, and Shadow Walk is clunky as fuck. Mesmerize is her only good unique power.
Yeah that's just high chaos. Both are much more caring and deliberate in low chaos.
if you start a level with high chaos, the character always says edgy shit
if you play a level with low chaos emily, she just talks about how she's checking her priv now that she sees what pleb life is really like
Development started as onky Emily using Corvo's mask, but eventually the added Corvo and gave Emily her own gear.
Harvey said his headcannon is Emily so yeah.
My ex gf was called Emily so I played as Emily to keep the pain fresh
What, the pain of being an utter failure of a man and so much of a loser you can't even hold a woman?
I can but she keeps squirming.
If you only use Emily's powers individually, you are doing it wrong. You get more enjoyment out of her by playing her like D1 Corvo, where you combine all of her shit together to come up with creative ways to dispose of people. Since Mesmerize is your favorite ability out of her toolkit, I'm assuming you try to play her like a non-lethal ghost.
Well, don't. Emily is pretty much a substitute for D1 Corvo aka the Corvo that was tailored to be a murder machine more than a non-lethal sneaky dude. His Time Stop physics and grenade jumping antics were also clunky but satisfying to master too. I'm not saying D2 Corvo and non-lethal ghost runs aren't fun, but just going all out as D1 Corvo/Emily is pretty exciting too.
she should have had her wear his mask if you picked her anyway, why the heck did they scrap that
I want to do disgusting things to Emiloli.
Well, evidently you can't.
Emily, I couldn't stand the fact that Corvo is voiced in Dishonored 2.
eh, the main reason I dislike her powers is because
1) I have zero trouble murdering 10+ dudes at once with no powers
2) I always play on Very Hard so by the time I get to use Domino or try to sneak with Shadow Walk or anything I get detected in which case I can just murder them mundanely anyway. I like stealth more since it's closer to an actual challenge
I guess I would like combining powers more if it was necessary instead of just like a cat toying with mice. Dishonored franchise is too easy but I still like it despite this flaw
Hawt damn
I agree with you on that at least. Dishonored franchise is one of my favorites but it's far too easy to be overpowered. In the end I just accepted the amount of power you have and tried to make sport of out of toying with the AI and NPCs. Stealth ghost runs are quite fun too though, especially without powers.