Pikmin thread
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I heart dweevils!
>Favorite Game
>Favorite Captain
>Favorite Pikmin
>Favorite Music
>Favorite Area
Post them.
>Pikmin 2
>Valley of Repose
Either Creature Montage or Jellyfloat Pool
Perplexing Pool
>white or bulbmin
>forest of hope
>forest navel
it's been a long ass time since i played though desu
this is also one of my favorite box arts of all time
I want a Pikmin game that looks like this. Why must all three games have such a constant top-down view of the game? Let us see a little more of the beautiful world to really get a feel for how small we are!
crossing my fingers for a pikmin 3 port for the switch. I loved pikmin 2 and enjoyed pikmin 1 as a kid but not enough to buy a failure like the wii u.
how good was pikmin 3 compared to 2 does it have as many monsters and did the "dungeons" return?
It's pretty good, not as good as 2, and they removed purples and whites from the main story for some reason, and no, no dungeons.
Pikmin 2
Olimar & Louie cause I liked swapping between them quickly to hear their weird voices
Wistful Wild
Wistful Wild again for the Pikmin 1 throwbacks and overall atmosphere
that sucks. sounds like a MASSIVE step in the wrong direction. without dungeons you can´t even enjoy watching your pikmin army swarm the enemies in peace
>Pikmin 3
>Too many to pick
>Garden of Hope, specifically the part unlocked after you beat the Scornet Maestro
So would pointer controls work with the joy-cons? As much of a dead meme motion controls have become these days it's honestly the best way to play Pikmin.
Eh, don't get me wrong, the lack of dungeons was a pretty big bummer and I still think Pikmin 2 is better, but it didn't really detract too much from the quality of the game.
i made a ripoff of it tindeck.com
I´m still gonna buy it for the switch if I got a chance, the world design is just too great to miss out. at least we got battle mode which looks super fun
I´m just expressing my feeling and cross my fingers that dungeons are gonna return should there ever come a pikmin 4
>Favorite Game
Pikmin 2
>Favorite Captain
>Favorite Pikmin
Winged or purple
>Favorite Music
The distant spring
>Favorite Area
Twilight River
Pikmin Trilogy when?
Finally a fucking Pïkmin thread. Where's Pikmin 4?
>Pikmin 2
>Perplexing Pool
>Perplexing Pool
what are they fighting on the pikmin 2 cover
I really wish this series got wider attention, I feel like Pikmin and Pikmin 2 were some of the better games of their generation, and Pikmin 3 was fantastic in its own rights. It seems strange that a series with 3 completely solid games made by a company as big as Nintendo wouldn't draw more hype and attention outside of relatively niche places.
>Where's Pikmin 4?
Most likely E3. Everything's been leading up to it, since Odyssey and BOTW are both released now.
Hermit Crawmad
>Pikmin 1
>Forest Navel theme
>Forest Navel
I really loved 2, but 1 just has a special place in my heart fueled by nostalgia.
Casually stopping by just to drop this anons old concept for 4.
>have been waiting for it since 2014
>still not even a teaser
At least it's been confirmed it wasn't Hey! Pikmin. I'm sure it'll be E3 though.
No sir, I don't like it. There's some good concepts in there, but you'd need to trim that number of Pikmin types down. Somewhere around ten would be the upper limit before it gets ridiculous.
The ration pack system is interesting, but honestly I liked the juice system from 3. (And not just because I liked the juicing animation) The day limit is something I don't see discussed much, do people like the hard limit for replayability, or the soft limit to finish a story?
>the nigga tried to pass it off as a leak
I like it for the most part, only gripe with it is the Pikmin mixing. Just seems a little too messy, and doesn't offer enough variety for what it takes.
True, however Miyamoto said it was almost done fairly recently, until he went on record saying Odyssey and BOTW took some devs away from it to help get those games out early in the switch's life, so it should be seeing the light of day fairly soon, now that those games have been released for a while now.
Fucking this please.
>The day limit is something I don't see discussed much, do people like the hard limit for replayability, or the soft limit to finish a story?
The fanbase seems to be divided on that. Though personally I'm more of a soft limit for the story kind of guy. I like to sit back, explore and take in the area around me. Some people, on the otherhand, prefer to just beat scores and stuff like that, so the scenery and look of the game comes second after hard gameplay.
>Give whoever's bright idea it was at the FBI to ignore numerous tips of a mentally ill child and potential shooter a swift kick in the ass, for starters.
> y-you shouldn't be able to rewrite the history I wrote and defend with the full power of the press and the Israeli state!
Gonna repost this from the Pikmin thread we had earlier. These aren't my ideas, but I think they're pretty cool for the most part:
>the world is connected and structured sort of like a metroidvania rather than being separate maps. you reach different landing sites by reaching a large area and clearing out brush with pikmin so the ship can land there the next day
>a segment where you're stranded on the planet during the night and have to deal with more aggressive enemies, or you can choose to stay overnight which consumes more food or something in addition to stronger enemies and certain goals can only be accomplished during this time
>weather affects the world (changing water levels, ice and mounds of snow, elemental attacks from enemies affected, etc.), and you can see weather predictions for so many days in the future
>time passes in caves, caves aren't a bunch of separate sequential floors, just more difficult underground areas with poor sense of time and more vertical movement than usual, caves connect to the surface at multiple points (sort of like Mega Man Legends, maybe)
I like everypoint a lot, though I don't think the first one would work very well, as having just one big map would really limit the variety of landscapes, since even having a map as big as Hyrule in BOTW would only equate to about the size of your average backyard.
I kinda cringe when people link her or talk about her like she’s some authority. She admits she has no training or background in reading body language. She did find an in demand niche tho, I’ll give her that. I wish there was a professional body language expert that had a channel or podcast, I’d definitly listen to that.I also suspect this. But i don’t really watch her so I don’t know what she shills. But I do think her videos have influenced public opinion.
>tfw only a Magyar and I have been posting since the beginning
>claims to be looking out for Sup Forums's best interests
>posts BM/WF
>Daily reminder that race is used by kikes to divide and conquer.
>It's even in the same place as the queen of spades whores who fuck niggers
>Sunni Iraqis let ISIS have it to spite Shi'ites
>ISIS takes it into Syria
>Shi'ites defeat ISIS and take their stuff
>Sunni Iraqis just gave Shi'ites their own weapons in the name of attacking Shi'ites
_European_Constitution_referendum,_2005Vote against the European constitution. Didn't go through, but they went for plan B: en.wikipedia.org
Yeah, can we get back to discussing Pikmin?
This except replace Valley of Repose for Perplexing Pool.
>Jellyfloat Pool
damn I thought I was the only one who loved that track.
I like the interconnected world idea, but if you put variety of environments in you're gonna get that same jarring disconnect that people bitch about when areas that are too different are so close.
Maybe if you used the caves as a connecting system, and implement that landing site clearing idea.
I've always wanted a night segment, because honestly I was convinced I could handle it, especially in the late game.
Unrelated, but what the fuck just happened in this thread? Did we get merged?
Don't acknowledge it, just hide and talk Pikmin.
>Brittany (But she's not really a captain? So I guess if we're arguing semantics I'd go with Louie)
>White for design, yellow for use
>The good ending from pikmin 1 where olimar says goodbye to his pikmin
>The Final Trial (pikmin 1)
>but if you put variety of environments in you're gonna get that same jarring disconnect that people bitch about when areas that are too different are so close.
Yeah, that's what I thoughtbas well, thats why I think it'd be better if we just had a bunch of larger than usual areas around the world, instead of one REALLY large openworld map for the game. That way we can get maps that are tropical, desert and mountain themed.
>Maybe if you used the caves as a connecting system, and implement that landing site clearing idea.
I'm not sure if having the caves connect everything would really help that much, as these mands have all taken place across the planet, which would be hard to make believeable if they were all interconnected by things like a snagret's burrow. I do still think the landing in sifferent parts of the map idea is a good one.
>I've always wanted a night segment, because honestly I was convinced I could handle it, especially in the late game.
Honestly I agree with all of this
>Unrelated, but what the fuck just happened in this thread? Did we get merged?
Fairly certain it's just some Sup Forumsack spamming shit on his first time on Sup Forums.
I just got done reporting every single one
Doing God's work, captain.
I know it's counter intuitive given the plant based Pikmin, but I'd like to see a snow based level, mountains or tundra or something. Maybe give us Pine Pikmin or something cold-suited. Mossy gathering areas, blubbery enemies, something Shaggoth-y as a boss.
O shit, a Pikmin thread. It's good to finally have one again.
Gonna post some pictures I'm taken/made as of late. I've gotten even more detailed with my collages for caves and whatnot.
>mountain area
Sign me up. Imagine an area that was more vertically inclined, and had you scaling up and down, rather than just forward. As well as it looking like pic related with tree roots and shit growing out
The first one is actually a WIP smash 5 moveset for Louie riding a Dweevil, due to the whole King of Bugs motif.
Everytime a dweevil dies, either by being hit to death or by moves that expend it, like his down-B, a different element of dweevil will dig up out of the ground to grab Louie.
I'll work out more of the kinks later, but I generally want to have him be somewhat like a mix between Bowser Jr. and Rosalina. As if the clowncar itself were like a luma, basically. In the time that Louie doesn't have a dweevil, he will play a lot like olimar if he couldn't pluck any pikmin. He'd basically just share olimar's lilts and jab.
What do you guys think so far?
>multiple pikmin threads just for this month alone
I'm so happy to know there are Pikmin fans on this otherwise wretched board
Pic related is what I'll try and make my Pikmin pictures formatted as from now on, at least for the ones I get a lot of good angles from, again like pic related.
Anyways, this is a cave for the garden/first area in the game called the "Chiseled Cavern." This cave is an early game one, as it's the cave where you first discover Rock Pikmin and their onion in. It will be inhabited mostly by enemies like cannon beetle larvae.
In pic related, the top image is obviously an overview of the whole place, while the pic under it is a general look at what it looks like beneath the rocks. The decor will appear much more crystally on the inside than the outside (which is not at all lol), much like the area you find rock Pikmin at in Pikmin 3. As for the meat and potatoes of the cave, the first part of it after entering though the rock formation in the bottom right pic, will be about a third of the cave, where you will only need red pikmin (which is all you'll have so far), then you'll discover and build up your Rock Pikmin army to use through out the rest of the cave, which will be behind a destroyable glass wall. You will then make your way through rock and glass related puzzles and enemies until you reach the far right end of the cave, where you'll then walk through a hole in a large drainage pipe, which leads around to the boss arena, as seen in the bottom right of pic related. While you walk through the pipes, there will be no enemies and the music will stop, to build suspense.
The music for this cave will sound basically like your average cave music from Pikmin 3: youtu.be
I haven't come up with what the boss of the cave will be.
Leaked new pikmin type
next, Pic related is a cave in a City area, which takes place entirely in the ceiling of a building/room.
The cave will be named: "The Upside-down Cavern" due to the entire place looking almost upside down, with the bright sky beneath you and the darker land on top.
The cave will heavily utilize Winged Pikmin, but is not the place where you first discover them.
It begins in an enclosed segment of the cave, with small holes all over the place letting in enough light to see where you're going. This part will be inside the right most part of the top pic in pic related, and will end where the stacked ceiling plates are, revealing a greater view of the whole cave. In addition to walking along the wooden part of the first pic, you will build platforms and bridges on the area under it to traverse throughout the cave. As you can see, the cave will be rather condensed in terms of how much space everything takes up, though the cave itself will last about as long as your average one in-game. It's quite efficient with how many rooms and platforms it has and creates, with such little room to do so.
The boss arena isn't shown in pic related, but it will be an enclosed structure that you get to by entering and moving through the silver colored air vents shown in the top, middle-left, and bottom images.
The music will sound like: youtu.be
Not sure what the boss will be of this cave.
now this is autism I can get behind
Here's a better view of the images in the previous post.
woo pikmin thread. love these.
Pikmin has the deepest caves.
Guess I should post this for some context:
>there will be specific rooms for collecting the main treasure in caves and the main over-world instead of the boss dropping it in the same room after being killed.
>treasure rooms open up once the boss is killed, usually by the boss doing something in its last panicked breathe, such as breaking a hole in the wall to open the way.
>each room has a very wide expansive view of scenery, like pic related, of whatever the cave/world's theme is.
>no music plays, only ambient noises
>if you wait there and look at the view long enough, you'll see an animal or boss creature walk by in the distance. You won't be able to interact with it, however, only watch it.
Nice to see another pikmin thread
The FO looks more like a giant ant or termite mound than an old tree.
It IS a turmite mound, the koppai crew just named it that because they thought it looked like one.
What the fuck, I don't remember this from the game.
>Pikmin 3
>Forest Navel
>Forest of Hope
It was more implies than anything
I could see that working as a bait type pikmin.
Louie (and Olimar) will be too tempted to eat them all
>Flips back and forth between 2 & 3
>White Pikmin
>Awakening Wood Theme
>Twilight River