>he didn't listen to the audio tapes
>he was too much of a brainlet to get the story
>he thinks he has the right to complain about this game being a "disappointment"

Why is the Sup Forums hivemind replete with such ADD dumbfaggotry on this game. It has flaws but anyone with two braincells to rub together can see it's a masterpiece.

Other urls found in this thread:

>he didn't listen to the audio tapes
I did.
>he was too much of a brainlet to get the story
No, I was not. It just is L I T E R A L L Y an unfinished game.
>he thinks he has the right to complain about this game being a "disappointment"
Yes, I do. There's absolutely nothing stopping me.
It also just added fuel to my hatred towards Jewnami, since this ended up being the second time they'd destroyed a skillful team and held their IP hostage.
It's clear that another 6 months of development would've provided 200% better, larger and actually finished product.
says a clear ADD who clearly cannot think for himself, and probably shills the MG Survival now.

tl;dr: kys x2

>kaz REALLY wants burgers XDDD
yea, the tapes were really good user. kojima really is a genius. such a lust for revenge whoooo

I bet this was your first MGS game. Fuck off

>tl;dr: kys x2

>skillfull team
They sure were good at those psp game!

>in order to get the whole story you have to listen to audio tapes that were conveniently recorded by someone and magically transported into your pocket

>He didn't get it

>watch python's new vid about V.
>don't know why the fuck to believe anymore.

Honestly, if it's true, then what does that mean for GZ?

>Try to listen to the audio tapes while actually playing the game
>Constantly interrupted by Kaz and Ocelot berating my fulton candidates

It'S just bullshit.
For those wondering.

>tfw listening to the tapes with major zero
he was a pretty cool dude

>in order to get the story you need to have a mind of an autist
Well, that explains why the majority of people didn't get it, good for you thought

>Snipet Wolf costume isn't in my game anymore

Everyone who has played Peace walker can see that they wanted to bring the same format for current console generation with fluid game play and good graphics. The problem is that content and details just didn't get near to the same level.

But they're right though. Tey put a lot more work into their theories than caramel does at least. And the fact that Kaz says "I can't believe we trusted her" IS something to look back at and say "Kaz what the fuck?".

I mean what other reason do we have to believe that we ACTUALLY are playing as Big Boss in GZ? What if it really is Venom?



Is he fucking smoking an e-cigar??

It was unfinished and not using Hayter for Big Boss' real voice was the stupidest missed opportunity ever.

I re-installed MGSV yesterday. I cannot make Quiet wear SW's outfit.

Why? Ever since MGS2 he sounded like he had being doing an impression of himself doing the Solid Snake voice. Textbook flanderization. It lacked the understated performance he gave in MGS1.

The disappointment came from the majority of the story being audio tapes, you brainlet. I bought a game, not an audiobook.

He still sounded like Snake, even if not perfectly so. I'd rather have actual Snake who sounds a bit off, than someone who sounds nothing like him at all. Plus for how few lines real Big Boss had it wouldn't have been a big deal if he sounded somewhat off. It'd still have been real Snake and made sense with why they had a different VA for who you played as.

>thinking that was the real big boss at the end

oh ho ho

>male to female
Always goes back to that and DID, don’t it?

I hate this, Hayter was great as Snake especially in MGS3. Him sounding incredulous half the time worked well with how silly the script and story could get

>Actually enjoy listening to the audio tapes
>Listening to a new one in the hour ride helicopter ride I have to take every fuckin' time
>Hitting the loading screen you get while leaving mother base resets the audio tape

MGS1 was over-the-top, too. The overall solid voicework in the game at least lent the plot a sense that it was happening to real people. Don't know how you can listen to samples and not notice the drop in quality.

>he didn't listen to the audio tapes
The fact that this was used as the primary means of exposition means that the story was absolutely worthless no matter how kino it was...which it really, really wasn't. This isn't even subjective; you really have to convince yourself that MGSV had a good story, and I tried to for the first several months after release, defending it like some faggot because I was just so invested. Since then, I've just slowly accepted that it's just...not very good at all, even by MGS standards.

It was a mess of bad storytelling, useless characters that the story would probably benefit from omitting entirely (thankfully pic related CAN be omitted if you so choose,) a silent reactionary protagonist with barely any presence in the very story he's driving (which is pretty bad for a Snake) and the worst part, is the "twist" falls apart the second you subject it to any level of scrutiny, logic, or external OR internal continuity.

If you want to like the story, fine, but don't try to convince people that rightfully accepted that it was shit that they're wrong. I'm done with the mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance required to "appreciate" this game, and so are others with taste.

>not the real big boss
>was the boss we needed

>paying attention to the story in mgs
>Not just playing it because it has cool gameplay mechanics
I don't give a fuck about what kojima thinks of

>Don't know how you can listen to samples and not notice the drop in quality.
I never really saw it as a drop in quality so much as a shift in tone. MGS really didn't care anymore by the time MGS3 rolled around, and the more ridiculous it got, the more Hayter sounded incredibly "video gamey." It worked for the character.

Then MGSV rolled around and tried to be taken seriously, and honest to god, I could not take Chief Kief Snake as seriously as they wanted me to. This is supposed to be the a autistic goofball one-man-army that believes in Santa Claus, and they were suddenly trying to sell him as a serious character. I didn't really appreciate that.

Splinter cell>mgs

>Konami should have gone bankrupt by Kojima wasting money on being a useless and slow piece of shit
Metal Gear Survive is better than Kojimas turd that was TPP anyway.

>m-muh Kojima boogeyman!!!
That man singlehandedly kept the entire studio alive, and always got everything he spent on his games back, multiplied by ten

TPP is literally just a result of Jewnami's oldass higher ups pulling the plug on an unfinished project, forcing it to be made into a retail release. This also after they already had split the game into two parts, to "test the waters" or what ever.

tl;dr: fuck Konami, and fuck this new zombie-survival shit game.

>game was in development for 6 years and was still unfinished when it came out
>meanwhile GTAV was completely finished in 3 years

The disappointment comes in the fact this was supposed to be the big finish to a video game saga 30 years in the making and we got an incomplete shrug of an ending. The gameplay's great, the ideas are great (the game's basically a reverse MGS2), the tapes are okay (nowhere near as good or revealing or as well-acted as Peace Walker), but the storytelling leaves a LOT to be desired, especially since we never got the proper ending (Mission 51). Most of us understood it just fine we just didn't care for what was there.

Konami literally had nothing else going at the time, they should've just let him finish it. Now they're stuck in the shit house

A mediocre game that was vastly improved by mai waifu

>mfw havent completed yet so not alot makes sense, like kaz burger meme, or why everyone forgot kaz ADMITED he worked 'to benefit' cipher at the end of PW. which huey points out.
>but mgs2/4 ocelot now makes sense
the only bit I don't get now is why hes the one who says capture not kill quiet/others but is the first to murderbone everyone in 2.