Will it be like REmake? New features, mixed up loot positions, new story features, and overhauled graphics?
Will it be like SoTC? Extremely overhauled gorgeous graphics, with nary a gameplay change?
Will it be like DS2? Slightly changed lighting, with mixed up enemies and loot?
Or will it be like a standard remake? (metal gear games, last of us, PS3 SoTC) Running at a higher res and framerate, with basically no improvement in visuals?
Personally I think it will be like DS2, they will change some items around to give it "value", and not change the graphics much. If they did make it look good, how can the PS4 and Xbone version run at 60 fps 1080p, when DS3 and BB only ran at 30 at that res? I'm a little worried about this remake.
Samuel Scott
>won't be using new assets What's the fucking point? >much pvp tho
Also, seeing how this is a Dark Souls thread, I want to know how ds2fags even justify the shitty, clunky, godless movement in 2. That shit's straight garbage.
Lincoln Wood
Same gameplay with overhauled graphics/resolution. Console will probably run 30fps but who gives a shit about consoles?
Blake Scott
Brody Smith
The language used for these is very interchangeable though, REmake is the fan name for Resident Evil's remake, but it's official name is "Resident Evil HD Remaster", despite adding many, many new things. The official site says the console version will run at 60FPS, 1080, the pro and x models will run at 4K 60 fps
Jonathan Anderson
Are you dumb? It’s confirmed 60fps on consoles in 1080 or 4K
Jack James
>REmake is the fan name for Resident Evil's remake, but it's official name is "Resident Evil HD Remaster", despite adding many, many new things
You are a fucking retard. REmake IS a remake. It first came out in 2002 as a remake of the 1997 game Resident Evil. The version you play on steam and PS4 called “HD remaster” IS a remaster of the 2002 remake. The words have specific meanings you fool.
Austin Jackson
>REmake is the fan name for Resident Evil's remake, but it's official name is "Resident Evil HD Remaster" Wrong. That's what they call the remastered version of the remake that came out in 2015. The 2002 remake is a remake in every sense of the word
Jordan Butler
it's not a remake you brainlet it's a remaster
Michael Rodriguez
I don’t about better graphics. I just want more content. More spells, miracles, pyros, weapons, shields, armor sets, additional worlds to explore, everything. I’ve already played this game a millin times already. If it just looks prettier then I’m not interested.
Ian Smith
I'm expecting they'll update the HUD visuals and that's it.
Kevin Cooper
Fucking this so much Stop being utter fucking fools
Jace Bell
not even that lmao proobaly will add bloom and slightly upgraded textures from console version. Will be 100% downgrade from dsfix
Michael Murphy
60fps with drops like every other 60fps console game
Josiah Thomas
Ethan Young
Pathetic. You clearly have not played every 60fps game on PS4. I have played a bunch that are fine. Feels so fucking good not to be the sort of faggot who has to display the number 60 on his screen during gameplay at all times just in case it drops to 58.
Kayden Jones
Carter Phillips
I've played a ton of "60 fps" games on both console and PC and the console version has terrible drops. Overwatch for example runs "60 fps" on console but drops all the time.
Camden Adams
That shit doesn't drop to 58 most ps4 games drop to 30 after years of pc gaymin even 60 is getting hard to look at. Still love my consoles though.
Asher Garcia
>6 player online oh boy cant wait to invade overleveled phantom + blue spirit gank squads just like DS3!
Nolan Roberts
Yes user, yes. But we are talking about a last gen game here just remastered. I have experince with these sorts of remasters, it will very likely play in 60fps just fine.
Cameron Nelson
post yfw sl1 invaders are taken out
John Green
>most ps4 games drop to 30
No they really dont.
Joseph Perry
I just want this shit to not be a piece of sheet metal.
Jason Ramirez
Yes they do.
Christopher Robinson
Is not a remake you faggot.
Parker Cox
Not happening. But all i want is better graphics. Would be nice for my 67th run
Charles Russell
Forgot pic.
Zachary Davis
Not really. No game here in my list that runs in 60fps suddenly drops as far as 30.
Bentley Gonzalez
Where is the fucking Demon Souls remaster?
Ayden Scott
You sure like Resident Evil. Also, is Yakuza Kiwami good? I haven't played it yet, but bought it cus it had cool box art.
Luis Hall
Making Demon’s Souls in higher res would just make it look worse desu. You aren’t ready to see those abominations in 1080p and 4K
Jeremiah Rivera
I will take this blunder if they readd the giants archstone
Landon Martinez
I love Resident Evil. Yes Kiwami is brilliant i just finished it, but im also Yakuza mad as well. Seeing as you are unlikely to play release order i suggest start with Yakuza 0 before Kiwami as it gives you new guys a deeper story in Kiwami than we got because of all the Y0 foreshadowing. Both are top tier games in a top tier series.
Andrew Wright
doesn't look too bad
Ayden Rodriguez
My somewhat realistic wishlist: DaS3 style inventory system and menus Rolling to any direction while locked on Being able to run away from locked on opponents Various quality of life improvements carried over from subsequent games (i.e. Being able to offer multiple covenant items at once, consuming multiple souls at once, drinking estus while on ladders etc.)
I really hope they implement these since the remaster is going to be done in-house but I doubt they'll bother anything beyond updating the resolution/FPS/multiplayer.
Noah Long
>ups the res >cleans up some of the ugly textures in the demon ruins, and in the burg >adds ds3 weapon levels >adds nothing else thanks for the 60 dollars, user :)
Caleb Carter
das3 inventory system? what are you a fucking idiot mate
Samuel Wood
Actual pvp that has more than 2 tactics and several useful weapons where you can wear whatever you want. I personally don`t know about 3s pvp though.
Nolan Murphy
It won't be a remake at all, it's a PS4 port. It will have 6 players online, but other than that, Namco already said it has no new assets. People expecting anything special are delusional.
Charles Stewart
source on that?
Leo Phillips
I'm afraid you are the idiot here, DaS3 inventory is miles better than DaS: >Don't have to scroll down lists for ages to find items you are looking for >Can look at the armors on the character while you change them >3 slots instead of 2 in each hand >Can easily change equipment screen with L1 and R2
Name a single fucking thing the DaS inventory has over DaS3 inventory, I'll wait.
Jackson Phillips
Sebastian Nelson
it's not called a "remake" for a start, you ignorant cum guzzler where is your reading comprehension?
it's "remaster"; even fucking says it in the title
Parker Jackson
>Resident Evil HD Remaster no, no, no, no, no That's the PS4/XBONE/PC title of the GAMECUBE Remake which its official title is just Resident Evil only fans dub it REmake
Jordan Wilson
The only overhaul I want is the ability to be invaded after defeating bosses. The one thing DS2 got right is that.
Elijah Scott
its a remaster not a remake it's the PC version with DSfix and dedicated servers, nothing more
Adam Mitchell
It's not a remake
Christopher Gutierrez
>repeating wall texture
Hunter Ward
with DSfix that doesn't break the game and has proper scaling*
Christian Smith
>best re girl makes the game. >no best re girl on cover.
What did they mean by this?
Andrew Gonzalez
>makes the game Couldn't stand her, don't get the appeal
Sebastian Sullivan
this. I really like the Silver Knight getup, but the stiff cloak bugs the hell out of me.
Jack Reyes
>hi Sup Forums, im from /r/gaming. spoonfeed me, Sup Forums?