Well, Sup Forums ?


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No but I want that perception to stick. This may be the only way to get fags out of my vidya

well apparently they turned us all into sexist so I don´t see why they shouldn´t turn people into killers as well in that case

bullying and social discrimination is causing psychotic kids to snap and kill other kids, not video games.

Naw, that's the decaying fabric of social cohesion and the ensuing nihilism.

It kills any chance for them to procreate

Only in usa, they should be banned there

>video games are turning our children violent!
It’s like I actually took a time machine back to the late 90’s, what the fuck.

This shit is basically

>school shooters are social outcasts who were bullied in school
>social outcasts also tend to play lots of video games
Video games are a symptom, not the cause. Being an awkward socially inept virgin who gets bullied is going to spawn all kinds of antisocial behavior.

Oh it's always been like that after every shooting involving schools, first it was "is the TV too violent ?" then it became "are video games too violent ?", people are always in need of pointing fingers and blaming someone/something else instead of taking responsibility and assuming being part of why the problem persists

is it 2005 again

>blames video games
but video games are played in all other countries with no problems
>blames mental health
usa has no more mental health problem than any other country

really activates the almonds

A lot of my vidya and movies have sexual messages in it but I am still a virgin.

we had the talk for 20 years now and people still refuse to admit that video games do not turn kids into killers.

They have to cycle through excuses to blame anything but guns

Games are easy to blame because everyone plays them so you can tie them to any crime

Lets not take any responsibility for any of this, lets just blame someone else.

>implying anyone will even think to look in that direction
>since it would show everyone how horoblie life can be for a child and the only reason why shootings don't happen more often is the self-restraint a lot of us have

stupid fucking americans

How are anti-video game people responsible for the shooting in Florida?

if this were true, what game would have the greatest effect?

>child gets bullied at school
>becomes a chad and brings his gun to kill those fuckers
>better blame it on video games again

stop giving your kids guns and pills you american dumb fucks.

I'm just waiting for the next nutcase to shoot up a school are or workplace again.

future school shooter detected, reporting you to the FBI as we speak

yeah parents would rather blame video game, rather than accepting that their kids were a part of the problem

Chad doesn't shoot people because he's ugly

1999 you mean

true, games needs to be 18+

>bullying and fucked up social norms are driving kids insane
>hurrr video games

you fool, we obviously need to arm the teachers :^)

>everything in murica is created around guns
>guns are everywhere and easy to get because every retarded parent has at least one
>kids kill a bunch of people with those guns

flawless logic

are the mutts trying to ruin it for everyone again?

*points gun at computer screen*

Say what, motherfuckers...

>it can't possibly be shitty parenting and the fact that guns are available at your local 7eleven.

>become chad

>cock news
Go back to Sup Forums with this garbage.

People blame the guns but I blame autistic losers. Stop being fucking autistic and getting bullied like a fag.

I wasn’t an attractive kid in high school nor was I in sports. I liked video games and reading. I still managed to get laid and have friends. Stop being a fucking loser autist and getting mad at the world. Stop killing people because you’re a failure at everything.

this, these kids aren't supposed to be able to do anything, the goal is that they jump from a cliff or hang themselves, not do this.

I am of the opinion that there is a definite shift towards violence being portrayed more graphically and more accessibly these days.
I certainly think that violence in media doesn't cause violence in real life, but it is evidence for a general accepting of violence in society at large.
It is a symptom of a culture that has become depressed and decadent.
It is simple nihilism, one doesn't cause the other, they both exist as mere expressions of our dying society.

Centrist here. I have a genuine question for all you conservatives here:

What would YOU propose as a solution to white people/kids shooting up places in the U.S.?

Easy for you to say. You weren't the only wood elf in an all-human school.

It's more of a kid doesn't know what is real and not and what is right and wrong with or without the guide of their parents. What those kids need is some guidance. I played a share of violent games back when I was young but that didn't made me a full-blown psychopath.
I mean shit, does it hurt for at least 1 parent to show the child something violent and teach them that things seen in videogames (at least most of them) shouldn't be applied to the real world?

Do US public and private schools hire police/guards? 'Cause if not, I guess that's one of the problems. It doesn't guarantee a perfect security but at least it has some.

I blame the internet.

Plus school shootings aren't any less common just less people do them.
>8 people involved in a school shootings
Gang violence
>2 people involved in a school shooting
Lover's quarrel turned violent
>1 person involved in a school shooting
Psycho killer in the loose.

>leech hanging around the popular group to not get bullied

You deserve to be shot

talking about video games on the video games board



100% this. There has never been a shooter who wasnt a social outcast

give everyone a gun, including the teachers, the children, and the school pets


you are exactly the reasons why psychotic kids snap and decide to shoot the everloving fuck out of every moving thing in their school

Why does there need to be a solution? We used to have plagues kill people off for population control, now we’ve developed vaccines and medicine. Now we have autism culling the population. Nature always find a way.

Bayonetta is practically bullets and light porno the game and I'm still only beating my meat.



the "villain" of the Black Panther movie already has a solution to this, while the so called heroes do not.

My friends were gamers and the girls I banged were below average. I played with the hand I was dealt. I didn’t get angry and go on a pathetic autistic rampage because I didn’t get what I wanted.

more guns more solutions

all i can remember is them laughing at me.

well, they wont be laughing anymore...

>lots of school shooting
>"what should we do ? "
>" we should give more people more gun"
...... america

are guns turning kids into killers?

Leave the US, duh

this user understands.

Ban white kids.

But seriously though, control the shitty kids that bully those weirdos, promote decent nuclear families and discourage single parent "families".
I mean come on, any well adjusted people shoot up schools?
It is always kids that are bullied by the ingrates that they live amongst.
All that said, how many people have died so far to these mass shooters?
How many have died to nigs with handguns etc in gang shit?

Which is actually more dangerous?

I'm more concerned with how the kids are getting the guns in the first place. If they took it from their parents' secret stash then it's somewhat understandable. But outside of that, who the hell is giving the children guns in the first place? They have a bigger role with the problem.
You know what they say, the monster's creator is the true monster.

literally a n y o n e can have sex. LITERALLY anyone. You don’t have to be chad to get laid. The only thing stopping someone from getting laid is their own standards.

>Blonde hair
>Blue Eyes
>Strong cheeks
Fucking ruined, Hitler would execute this mongrel.

I think it's more about the competitiveness than the actual content of the game.
I mostly play singleplayer games and the only time I get really fucking mad by playing a game is if it's chess or something.

are kids turning guns into killers?

I personally like to club people to death with copies of Action 52.

Chads are cool serial killers that don't get caught for years.
School shooters are virgins that get caught same day

If Hermin the Hermit doesn't have his own personal Calibri I will not walk into a classroom.

Yes, I'm class S Operator/Killer/Time mage myself

its not about not blaming the guns, its about trying to get something else banned with the guns
you see, all school shootings are false flags, staged events done to illicit a response in the form of a new law
think how 9/11 caused the patriot act or how that shooting in australia caused a total gun ban
the point of every school shooting in america is to ban guns, and the news people also try to get consolation prizes like banning tv shows or video games so that the news is the only entertainment

Before that it was "is rock music too violent?"

>discourage single parent "families"
What does that entail exactly?

I mean, he is right. I'm pretty sure any hookers will help you in getting laid so long as you have the dosh.


Make the license actually mean something other than "I paid money gimme gun". Make people show they understand proper upkeep, proper trigger discipline, etc. Then they can get a permit, and can go to shooting ranges. Then after a year they can do an exam to make sure they can properly shoot, probably do a mental evaluation as well and they have a license and can enjoy gun rights. Also current gun license owners would get grandfathered in to avoid the "they're taking our guns" backlash.

If you get caught you're not a chad

This motherfucker gets it.

>pay a hooker
>Get STD


I unironically think most school shooters are completely justified. The best and only way to deal with bullying.


Still no real argument. It's the same on Sup Forums, every time a white shooting happens, Sup Forums comes up with the exact same lines
>leftists are just using this to push their anti-gun agenda
>get rid of niggers =/= less shootings... by white kids

Oh look, a perfect example just as I type this:
>All that said, how many people have died so far to these mass shooters?
>How many have died to nigs with handguns etc in gang shit?
YOU DO REALISE THAT RESPONDING WITH "yeah this happens but WHAT ABOUT XYZ?!!?" is no real answer, right? I asked a specific question and you people continue to AVOID giving specific, targeted solutions.

Unless you retards come up with a solution to stop autists shooting up schools and cinemas, you deserve to lose your guns.

Your proposal doesn't stop a child from rummaging through his dad's hunting cupboard when some bullies pissed him off. Nice try though.

Guns are the tools used for slaughter. A degenerating moralless society based on hedonism and instant gratification where social outcasts and developing psychopaths are pumped full of psych meds are forgotten about is the cause. Also the FBI were given ample warning, the kid has a public instagram where he would post pictures of him torturing animals and shooting guns. I can understand why people come up with false flag theories.

Here's a (you) I know you want it.

this, we need to make videogames niche again. goddamn normals are the reason we have MTXs in vidya now

Why would you cheap out on a hooker if you're a sexless virgin?

No its society. But then Americans would have to rethink their culture. Its a lot easier to blame videogames. Or guns if you are a "liberal".

user in case you weren't aware I was being sarcastic about giving guns to children and school pets

I know some of Sup Forums must be disappointed by this

>Everything in America is created around guns
You've never left your basement, have you?

I just don't want die because I wanted to get laid user.

also from a biological standpoint, it is the most efficient form of natural selection the human species has other than genocide

It's not about having sex you stupid permavirgin sex obsessed imbecile, those school shooters are fucking ticking bombs ready to explode, being passive about it and letting shit happens instead of actually trying to prevent it is only gonna cause more dead people. These people have mental issues and get tjeir shit pushed way too far every single day, no amount of sex or anything whatsoever is gonna stop their day from being absolute hell, and not only do they get excluded and bullied constantly but no one gives a shit, making their exclusion even more severe and making them even more mad at everyone else, and the day they snap it's " i don't give a fuck who dies as long as they do" because in their head the whole world is responsible of their misery

yes it's true
>drinking milk turns you into a cow
>watching porn turns you into a rapist
>eating food turns you into a cannibal
>having sex with traps makes you gay

Supposedly it's around 230-ish people that have died from mass school shootings so far while gang related deaths are in the tens of thousands. But you and I both know that nothing won't be done about it. Because gun violence is a broad and complicated issue in the US and you can't fix it in a single 4 year term so most politicians don't bother to look at the issue apart from token guestures or gun grabbing bullshit.

Stop paying more bennies to bitches that have kids to some dude she doesn't know.
They basically live off welfare and make squirting out little degenerates their living.