Fucking when?

fucking when?

Other urls found in this thread:


NEVER EVER (until e3)

stop being so impatient

just play kirby until the next one

If it doesn't happen by March 3rd it's over. They blew their load and expected ports and Kirby to carry them through their second year.

post leaks user

I hate to say that I believe you're right.



>literally 10 or so games we haven't heard a fucking WORD about
>"We expect Switch to last 6 years or longer"

Mario Odyssey is sold out on amazon but thats it.

>Developed by Next Level Games/Nintendo
>originally planned for the Wii U but was put on the back burner while we worked on federation force.
>we reworked it to take full advantage of the switch's capabilities.
>no final title. Right now it's just luigis mansion 3.
>despite the name it doesn't take place at a mansion. But instead a huge cruise ship.
>e gadd has gone missing and now Luigi must find him which the he'll of e Gadd's ghost helpers.
>luigi has a new tool. The flash-vac 6000. It's essentially a flash light that can suck up ghosts.
>it will eventually die so you'll have to buy batteries for it. At the shop. Which you'll also be buy other items like Ghost bait. Upgrades, hearts etc.
>Luigi will be more agile since he won't be lugging around a heavy vacuum. This means he'll be able to crawl, jump and sprint.
>will feature some quick time events.
>Mario may or may not be in the game.
>release at the earliest is the holiday season. Latest in next year at this time.
>will use motion controls or the pro controller if you don't like those.

>Must use Nintendo Labo backpack accessory
>80 dollars plus tip

Nintendo has some very obtuse NDAs and reveal dates in recent years. It's anti load blowing. I'm waiting for the ink to dry on all the non-eshop third parties.

>literally half way through the 2nd month of the year
>2018 is already the worst year for the switch
Why is everyone on Sup Forums so impatient?

shouldnt you be doing your hw, kid?

LABO was the Direct, see you at E3!

God I fucking hate you user

March 3rd, when's the last time they went four months without a direct?

no, the direct was the direct

e3 is gonna be huge for nintendo

Everything announced in the minidirect is releasing in the first half of the year, second half will be Yoshi/Fire Emblem/Animal Crossing/Pikmin

Half of those is conjecture. Something more realistic would be Yoshi/Fire Emblem/Octopath/sumfin else


All I want is for the Link's Awakening 2 rumours to be true

Why would this ever happen

A new top down zelda game on the switch? That sounds good

Why would they stop making 2D Zelda?
Why wouldn't they cash in on nostalgia?

meant for

You're right.
Everyone is going to sell their Switch, so that by the time Prime 4, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and Smash Bros come out, nobody will buy them.
Nintendo is doomed.

Storyline reasons, why would it ever happen

The Labo was the direct, or something like that

So this year we have...
Fire Emblem.
Mario Tennis Aces
Bayonetta 1 and 2 Port
Donkey Kong Port

... What else

Why do you faggs expect the most absurd things to come out and then get assblasted because it doesn't happen.

That's literally it.

Everyone is anticipating Pokemon for Holiday 2018, Metroid Prime news, and Animal Crossing and Smash.

There's no fucking way we're getting all of those this year.

The most likely thing I can think of is Pokemon or Smash get launched with Nintendo's new online service to herald in online play.

Or AC Online play with online cities or some shit.

>doc was always white

January was nothing.
We got Bayonetta 1/2 for February and what, Fe?
March we get Kirby.
April, LABO?
May... Mario Tennis Aces? Yoshi?
June... Mario Tennis Aces, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem?

Then what?

A top down Zelda Gaiden isn't all that absurd. It's also cheap as fuck to make using some d team interns and some second party workhorse.

It doesn't matter, they WILL have a huge Holiday game, or two. It's just a question of
Holiday 2018 - Pokemon? Smash? Animal Crossing?

We still need an official Switch Mario Party too.

But yeah, lineup is looking awful right now.

Fuck that We better be getting an animal crossing game. I've been waiting ever since the wii u came out.

late march/early april like always

as a fan, E3.

Mario Party hasn't been any good in the latest years, I could go with a new Nintendo Land-esque game, bigger and even better, or a Switch Party. 1 2 Switch is good, fills a little bit of my party game frenziness, but I crave for more

all those seem plausible except smash

>like always
Yeah like the January direct they ALWAYS have, right? :^)

well yes there was a direct in january


A nice fat mini direct.



alright? a direct is a direct, I didn't say it would be a full direct just that there'd be one


Jesus fucking christ how will he ever recover bros?

Someone summon Etika to this thread, he always got answers ever since he starting dating one of the girls from the Nintendo Treehouse thing

didn't the person that leaked the mini direct and labo reveal also say there will be a direct feb as well?



probably end of march or start of april.
Nintendo labo was a lot bigger than I think everyone was expecting. I'm not going to pick it up, but I think it's a good idea for kids or people with space for cardboard to lay around the house. (seriously not trying to be too cynical, it's just easy to make fun of.)
Bayonetta 2 and 1 were nice and I guess Kirby was a big deal, and also Yoshi for that matter. I think everything is pacing out fine. I will say I was hoping fire emblem was going to come out around this time, but eh.
It's fine. these last few months are the end of the switch's first year, so I think it paced out fine.
Nintendo will probably try to get a major IP out every month, and for whatever month they can't get something new. It'll probably just be a roll over from the Wii U.
Really though, I don't know what to expect out of this year, cause a lot of the games I'm looking forward to probably have at least another year of dev time. (Bayo 3, Prime 4, SMT V) This year they'll probably push out Pikman 4, they'll rush Pokemon like they always do, and then Fire Emblem. Probably some new IP for yucks, and then they'll probably at the very least reveal something something Animal crossing. (my guesstimate for 2018)


The closeout of this first year needs to come with a huge bang for the second year.

How long until they reveal Switch Sports? I need that shit for fucks sake the system even comes with a set of two "wiimotes" so you can play Tennis right out the bat


You got BTFO.

If they don't do a direct for the Switch anniversary, then I think it's safe to say we're waiting until E3.

Also, based on other previous directs, I'd wager they're waiting until they have a good balance of 3DS and Switch software to show off.

Larkin love has some amazing titties

The JoyCon are far removed from wiimotes. They're far far far more advanced and much more powerful versions of those pieces of outdated trash.

Mario Tennis is coming out soon famalam
They gonna make each sport Mario themed and sell it separately.
Miis are a thing of the past

how bout Donkey Konga 3 with Switch joycons

I read somewhere that they could port Skyward Sword to Switch and it would be even more accurate. There's no need for a sensor bar either with the JoyCon because of how sensitive they are and how much more shit is in them.

That makes it even better, user. Just think about all those possibilities and without the need of a pair of nunchucks to bring everywhere

I'm trying to find the source again now, it was some chick working at ubisoft

March 3rd is a Saturday.

JoyCons are easily the most advanced video game controllers on the market. And they'd be perfect for VR.

would they do a direct on a saturday?


nah. the sequel always sucks but the third installment is goty

Yeah, like I said, I like bayo, but Idon't think that's going to do it for everyone, and in my mind I'm still kinda like yeah it's a port.
I think Labo is supposed to be their big bang. But again, I'm not the target. I think Nintendo is going after the kid demographic they can never get a hold of.
And speaking of which, Nintendo is trying to make it a console for everyone. I wonder if they have something in development specifically for moms or something.
Nintendo is probably going to try making games with very specific demographics depending on the success of labo.

They could just do it on March 1st (a thursday) or announce one on friday before it, March 2nd, to just air it as soon as the weekend goes, on monday March 5th in order to get people hyped, like they already did before with Smash

>2nd year's going to be great guys, just wait! We want to keep that momentum going!
>Only one new title and a handful of old ports in the first half of the year
>Couldnt even be assed to roll out the online before E3 so they still arent talking about it

This E3 better blow my mind

As long as I can keep playing Splatoon 2 for free, I'm fine with it, they can keep postponing it as long as they want

>This E3 better blow my mind
Stop now. Do not get hyped.



The only reason I care is because it's tied to the virtual shop replacement and as soon as I can emulate on my Switch my playtime with it will triple

There's literally 10 more months of the year to go and Sup Forums acting like it's been 2 years of complete radio silence.

No more heroes and octopath traveler

We should get more games, now releases arent on two different Nintendo consoles



That's all the 1st party stuff.
Remember there's tons of hype for Dark souls, TWEWY, Hallow Knight, Wolfstein 2
Rumors for South Park FBW, Crash and Spyro.
And all this before Pokémon is released.