So if the DRM shit that congress is dealing with right now gets passed, is there a chance for this to be revived?

So if the DRM shit that congress is dealing with right now gets passed, is there a chance for this to be revived?

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it's not coming back

It's over user, you have to let go

You'll play it and realize that there was nothing particularly amazing about it mechanically and it was actually your childlike wonder and the community that made you love it, and that you no longer feel the same way, and that you can never go back to the way things were, and that it's time to move on with your life.


Haven't heard anything about it? DRM shit?

Goddamn I miss CoH though. Mastermind was the most fun class I've played in any MMO

Yeah, congress is trying to pass, I think a bill or something, not sure, where it basically allows abandoned games to become available to the public, with no risk of the companies that own those games attacking the players. It's a bit more complex, and not really focused solely on games, but that is an aspect of it. It would mean something like the Nostalrius server would be safe from Blizzard's clutches IF WoW had been abandoned ware.

that titan network who actually went up the korean corporate ladder trying to get an emulator approved found out there was some sort of technical cockblock in the COMPUTER CODE that amateur programmer didn't know how to get around. Maybe if Positron would since he was the one who wrote it, but obviously a professional wouldn't work for free

Thats fine. The community is clearly still in love with the game itself, as they STILL morn and discuss it to this day, as well as several projects trying to bring some aspects of the game back (such as the Titan Network) and others outright trying to make successors. I never got very far, since I didn't have disposable income to spend on an MMO back when I was a kid, but I remade accounts continuously to play the trial version, and I loved the feeling of the game itself, even if it was a very basic MMO

I played DC Universe Online some like 4 years ago, what made this game so much better?

>congress doing something that has no benefit to businesses

But they are, dunno why, but a bunch of companies are trying to fight them on it, because companies don't wanna give away shit they aren't using for free.

I know I would get flank for saying this but why not play Champions Online? It has more customization now than ever. Either that or tell the guys over at Paragon Chat to finish the game. Or tell all the dozen of CoX wannabe project to work together.

Wouldn't this fix the retardation that is EA and their way of killing every game under their flag ship?

better art direction
better character customization
class system, which made powers less homogenized
homebrew setting where powerful characters felt appropriately distant, unlike dcuo where superman saves you in the tutorial
better world, more fun to explore
actually rewards team play
most of the community speaks english

>implying Disney will allow this to happen

NCSoft would probably say it doesn't apply to City of Heroes since they shoved Statesman and another character into their garbage MOBA which I dont even know is still playable either

DC Universe is mock as Sidekick: the MMO in comparison to CoX, Champions Online, and Marvel Heroes.

no. ded game is ded. not enough players to keep the game running means there is nobody to make private servers either. games that have enough player interest for private servers are popular enough that they're still running officially (wow, uo, etc). that's the irony of it all

>inb4 manchildren claiming that the game was "profitable"
lots of things are profitable which doesn't make them worthwhile. the servers were given to wildstar because adding extra hardware would literally cost more than the profits CoH was making

They recently announced they are shutting the MOBA down

champions online was just so buggy and crappy, it felt like a regressed City of Heroes. never forgive jack for diverting all the damn development money/subscription money to working on CO while he intentionally left CoH/CoV to languish in a year-long content drought with zero developer communication the whole time. even in apparent dead maintenance mode it still had a playerbase though

Champions gets basically zero content updates which is a huge turnoff. Even when it got shut down, CoX had months worth of content in the pipeline and the game was more lively in its F2P phase than it had been in years. New content for level cap and levelers, new costumes, power sets for days, it goes on.

When was the last time you play Champions online?

There are several projects just to remake the game or make a new version, hell, the Kickstarter for a "spiritual successor" made 670 thousand dollars.

City of Heroes/Villains had some pretty great songs that helped with the atmosphere of each zone.

Champions Online just doesn't feel right. The art style and the way it just looks and plays feels so cheap. Not to mention, City of Heroes also comes with City of Villains, which was the coolest fucking thing ever

There like fucking dozen of them, all claim to have work on it for years, and most of them aren't even out of alpha.

>somehow obtained a copy of City of Heroes in it's heyday
>would not worth a shit on my toaster even for the time
>but would work just enough to give me a taste and made me really sad it didn't work
>eventually convinced myself it was never that good
>more than a decade later, Sup Forums still talks about how great it was

Let my suffering end already.

No, even if that law gets passed that wont make the source code magically available to the public

there are no CoH private servers because no one has the info to make one, not that its illegal

>good alternative gearing system
>multiple good ways to gear up a character
>scalable instanced content so people who wanted to challenge themselves could set enemy spawns to like 8x and set their levels higher
>the powers actually felt powerful instead of x damage attached to a lightshow
>tfw gravity controller ragdolling entire rooms of mobs around with a blackhole and then sucking them through a wormhole and dropping them 100m in the air

yeah, I think they said there's a bunch of server side fuckery that makes the game nigh-impossible to emulate

absolutely 0 chance this game is lke 20 fuckingyears old its time to let go

City of Villains, to this day, still has the best pet class I have ever seen in an MMO
>Mastermind class focuses on summoning multiple pets, where the character itself is not a direct fighter, but armed with abilities to protect, heal and strengthen the pets
Thugs and Robots were the best pets, feeling like a real fucking crime boss.

This and Tabula Rasa were my jam. I liked the idea of sci fi laser gun RPGs to break away from the usual Run Escape and the like.

When was the last time a new powerset was released? I just tried to play the game today but all my characters were premium and needed to downgrade so i said fuck it and uninstalled.

i tried to check to see if there were any interesting powersets, but no new ones...

>homebrew setting where powerful characters felt appropriately distant, unlike dcuo where superman saves you in the tutorial

This, CoH bigshots are there for lore, but it is all about your hero

DCUO is just marketing to sell more Superman/Batman comics, they take center stage and your hero is just an observer to their feats

But the best pet class on Villains side was Arachnos Soldier

honesty the novelty wore off once you (finally) unlocked flight

villians was pretty good i hear but i wasn't able to play it for reasons

I don't know what Arachnos Soldier did, I never got that far.

I think the last time they added a power set in Champions was Heavy Weapons which was several years ago.

I liked DC Universe Online but I wasn't exactly expecting a lot for free.

I wouldn't agree. Once you unlocked travel you could go farther, seeing the vast world which was surprisingly detailed and honestly felt like a world in the super hero story, I mean, it was really cool running around and just busting up criminal groups messing with citizens, or doing nefarious deeds.

>MFW I have shit taste
>MFW had more fun and far far FAR less grind in DCUO

they did basically everything except heal people
they had:
>the best single target and aoe dps
>aoe damage resist debuffs
>double stacked team damage/acc/evasion buffs
>a strong self heal + max hp buff
>high innate toxic and psychic resist
>3 mini spider bots
>2 big spider bots
>all of those spider bots could be made permanent summons with enough cooldown reduction
>could summon a tactical nuke that also taunted enemies around it into attacking it before it went off
shit was like playing a MGS boss as a class, they were fun and looked unique when fighting too

Just last week, but more of a revamp of the Unarmed Martial Artist power tree to make it stand out. There was a good two years of power set revamping and additional power added. On top of this, they added more Event into the rotation, 3 open world raid, and an endgame dungeon, not to mention lots and lots of costume parts added.

>i tried to check to see if there were any interesting powersets, but no new ones...
Its easier to narrow down the bad one. Earth, Archery, and maybe Wind are the worse one. Top dog Powerset are Dual Sword, Psi Melee, and Power Armor, but most of the other set are viable.

u kids constantly post about this trash mmo, if it was so good why arent there some private servers running? good games dont get shut down

For you maybe, not to mention flight isn't even the best travel power.

Still doesn't detract from the fact that every single powerset is pretty much exactly the same just with different special effects. How many pure support powersets are there?

>tfw they never made peacebringers good
it's not fair bros

and arachnos widows were basically stalkers but with group-oriented buffs

Support as in new healing support? Fire Powerset got a new set of fire healing. Infernal got a bunch of illuminate and an OP Life Essence. Medical Nanites got a buff so gadget healing is a bit easier. CC (crowd control) is pretty much vital to Open world raid. Oh and tank how has to actually tank these boss and not lose aggro.

widows had that sick mind link for massive aoe psychic damage reduction

Oh and I forgot to add, at least one or two power in a power tree have the illuminate ability advantage.

No because the reason these games don't continue is because fans don't have the source code

loved the sound effects. pure kino.
It exist but the person doesn't want to release it

this has just mentally elevated me, do i live for this?

Judging from that post, I assume you had to suck someone dick just to get in and it one of those secret club thing.

Heres the real question
Which was better, Heroes or Villains.
I enjoyed the aesthetic of the Rogue Islands

Super Jump masterrace

it pains me that champions online is so dead and empty and the only reason for the zombie-like movement of its corpse are the garbage roleplayers still crawling around in it

there is literally NO reason to play that fucking game as a silver because the restrictions are so tight and there is already so little to do you might as well not waste the time, and there isn't any reason to pay money either; all the endgame content is useless, PVP is just the same 20 dudes in a circle using the same 2-3 builds on eachother, RP is just a band of autistic mongrels 30 strong in caprice rattling off their backstories and powers and fetishes on repeat all day and night, it's just so tiring
>Peak Players in 24 hours
>More people show up to a rural elementary school soccer game than people play an international MMO

I get many may not be using the Steam launcher of Champs, but come on, how many would that add? 50? 100, in my wildest dreams? Why is capeshit the most popular movie genre right now yet there isn't even a single half decent superhero MMO?

They don't want to compete with DCUO?

>tfw Positron gave up on PVP in Issue 11


Posi did say in some interview no one would ever be able to unscramble their code its so old and convoluted...still I'm glad he's at least trying to keep the community alive and not just telling people to let it go

>literally every other old mmo got private servers up and running, regardless of lawsuit shit
>somehow NCsoft one aren't because they kill it the second it up
It easier to just blame NCsoft for preventing any Private Server from existing