Stellaris Apocalypse

How are you anons going to play Space Facism simulator when the new DLC comes out?

im not

>new content
>removes 2 warp travel options


Good, if you didn't play with lanes you were a faggot

Imma play the superior game instead

Looks like you posted the wrong pic there buddy. dont worry, I got you.

>shit combat in all three
Why is this allowed?

Aurora 4x has some really deep combat mechanics. try that.

>can't design your own race

nothing can beat moo2. it's not fair to compare

you didnt even play this game buddy

I actually like SE series more than MOO.
We all hear of Terraforming, but what other game lets you do stellarforming? creating new wormholes and collapsing old ones, making suns go nova, or turn them into black holes, or condense nebulas into new stars. condense asteroid fields into new planets.

I really wish some games would recreate that fun

>hey can assign some traits but you cant change appearance
k e k

endless space 2 is goat

And since we are on the topic of good Sci-Fi game mechanics. Why do all aliens in these 4x have the require the same conditions? SE atleast did a basic separation of species based on atmosphere type, while Sots also had a habitability rating for each species. More games should do that but neither one went far enough.

im not autistic enough for this also es aesthethics and immersion is what i prefer instead of the huge number of options n depth

I tried Endless space 1 and I got burned. the game was absolute shit, especially with its retarded card combat system. did they fix that for Endless space 2?

if you haven't been playing hyperlanes only since the game was launched you don't know shit about strategy games

Nope. Kinda sick of it sadly, just move on devs.

like appearance means shit son, where in stellaris every race feels the same and is just different by the politics u chose

>im not autistic
DW isn't autstic, it can be fucking piss easy with all the amount of AI automation you can toggle.
DW also has a engaging story. cliche but I like it none the less.

all 4x space games combat involve: a spaceship vs spaceship component, spaceship vs ground combat(planetary harassment) and ground vs ground combat. Having played SW Rebellion, Galciv,concept is starting to get old with the same dynamic.

Card combat is still there.
Decent battle mechanics in 4x seems to be rarity sadly.


Will superweapons help me avoid a Tumbling Down scenario

>Card combat is still there.
absolutely disgusting.

Have you bought all my dlc user?

Stellaris is exactly the same, you just have a few more appearences to choose from

you can add an infinite amount of portraits with mods.

>buying games made by the supreme cuck wiz

Not at all. The game will never be good, and I am not wasting any more time on it simply because they add more shit that does not fix what is wrong or lacking in the game.

>order new laptop
>check sales
>end up buying three (3) space 4x games in the same weekend despite me probably only being able to get around to one before the next sale rolls around

And you can do that in distant worlds as well.
In fact you can add an infinite amount of most stuff to almost any game with mods or other means, what the fuck is that supposed to be worth when comparing these games?

>Have a script voiced by a woman just to bait trolls
I don't know if this man is a genius or a psychopath.

What should I get, Endless Space or Stellaris?

I'm not a 4x vet btw. Only played Sins and Civ

do you like realtime or turn-based more?

which is not a 4x.
I'd recommend skipping both Endless Space and Stellaris, they're both meh. theres just no good space 4x in recent years but there have been plenty in the past.

Masters of Orion series
Space Empires series
Swords of the Stars (1st one, 2nd one is shit)
Alpha Centauri
Distant Worlds (Universe is the final standalone version with all previous content included)

Yeah they both seem pretty meh to me. ES2 a tiny bit better because it has some story. I might just pirate both
Hard to say, depends if realtime doesn't get too confusing

by playing a better game