Does anyone actually like this mini game

Does anyone actually like this mini game

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better than ufo chase

I like the music....

Still it's annoying as fuck

They should have left in the "escape" portion of the special stages. It would have been much more challenging that way, because once you figure them out they're kind of a joke.

S3&k blue sphere > mania blue sphere > mania ufo > CD ufo

and no thats not a typo. mania blue sphere is annoying as shit because half the levels are s3&k but altered minutely to fuck up muscle memory.

i enjoy it, but not enough to play it at literally every checkpoint in mania

Crazy. CD ufo is a breeze compared to most of the others.

No. IT's literally an eyesore and the music is madenning. I was pissed to hear that this was the only bonus stage in Mania, as it meant the devs were clueless about the point of the bonus stages. They were introduced to be a quick break from the ordinary gameplay with a variety of different modes. Making it one mode only for every single goalpost, made it repetitive and unfun.

If they were going to go through the effort of making bonus stages, they should've had at least 3. With one or two being totally new. I think Sonic Time Twisted had the most enjoyable special stage, and would've loved to have seen that as a bonus stage. You basically raced Metal Sonic on a track with traps similar to the special stage we got in Mania, but without ledges so that it was more challenging.

>Millennials can't beat the sphere minigame

better than the previous special zones

and no thats not a typo. mania blue sphere is annoying as shit because half the levels are s3&k but altered minutely to fuck up muscle memory.
No they aren't. They're exactly the same.

I don't think I've liked any of the Sonic bonus stages. I've always felt like they grind the pacing to a screeching halt.

I never bother. And in games like 3&K and Mania that have their final stages gated behind them, I'll just beat the game normally then level select the final stage

Official Special and Bonus Stage Rankings

>not liking blue spheres

>no ratings or order to it at all

Have you ever read before?
The order is like that.

If Sonic Heroes isn't at the top of your list then what are you doing with your life?

Are you joking?

Fuck to the no. It looks like shit, it's not fun to play, there's no warning when blue nigger is about to accelerate, it's trial and error bullshit designed to appeal specifically to the mouth-breathing Chris chans that make up the sonic fanbase.

Absolutely not.

Does anybody actually like Sonic?

Unironically yes. It was quite fun.

okay so how the fuck was I supposed to know that I could run along the perimeter of a blue square and turn them all into rings?

Sort of, but sparingly. It makes me very tense. I was just doing a replay of S3&K this weekend and got all of the Chaos+Super Emeralds, and some of the Super Emeralds were a real pain in the dick.

read the manual like a normal, functional human being of the time the game was released.

by accident like I did

I was like 5 when I first played the game, but I think my mom actually helped me with the bonus stage and told me about it now that I remember.

Yes. Best one imo

>hear the "eating" sound
>turn when you need to turn while hearing that sound

Is damn easy. Even when characters speed up you will get used to that sound and that timing will just get natural

Chaotix Special stage was good, enjoyed that idea of laps.
And fuck Sonic Chaos, especially that last water tube labyrinth

I could've sworn there was a demo that played showing off the special stage that's how I learned you could do that

>that one super tricky mania level that's super easy once you know how to do it

it's the only good sonic mini game of course they do

im curious if theres any die hard blue sphere lovers though where like they boot up the game exclusively to play blue sphere for hours

of course. sonic autism is legendary. I think there's even a fan game about them

best special stage in the series

Millennials are anyone from 1980 to 1997. Are you fucking 60 years old dude

I like it as a special stage. I hate it as a bonus stage because there's no incentive to actually doing them in normal gameplay, which means you end up fighting to actively avoid them at every checkpoint. Normally not too much of a problem but there are instances when the game basically tries to force you into a bonus stage and it's annoying.

it appears so

hated them. fuck this panic inducing clusterfuck. it wasn't fun at all