Start game

>start game
>it's turn-based
Is there a worse feeling?

i know the feel

>Start anime
>Protag is an insufferable Mary Sue

where did these anti-turn shills come from

hurr durr i hate thinking to make my moves i need to juts mash buttonnn

Turn based 4x grand strategy games are a thing of the past. Prove me wrong.

Imagine a turn-based racing game...
reddit - the place of adhd

>Start game
>There's gameplay

>Starting a game

>start game
>it's a movie

>Press any button to start
>Press the hood button on your car
>Game doesn't start but the hood opens on your car


>Not having your controls bound to the steering wheel and pedals of your car

chess is turn-based, are you going to rag on that too?

You should probably know something about the games you play before you start playing them, you shitposting hamster.

>press any button to start
>press button that alerts Hawaiian residents and tourist of an impending nuclear attack
>the game doesn't start




>turn-based racing game...

>Reddit Team Ebin posting

>Gabriel Ironic Weeb posting

Divinity Original Sin

>looks like a pretty cool RPG
>it's real-time with a pause
Between that and retarded D&D spells and rules, Icewind Dale has been insufferable.

>Megumeme chunni-autism posting

>not researching what you're about to play
I didn't expect anything less from anti-turn based plebs.

>press any button to start
>decide not to
>it starts anyway

>Axis heretic posting

> > 407490053 (OP)
stupid hamster poster

I guess this anti-turn based shitposting is here to stay

>Press any button to start
>Press power button
>Computer turns off

>look into JRPG that looks like it could be neat
>it has some godawful abomination like ATB or a similar concept instead of just being turn-based like it should be
Is there a worse feeling?

Maybe you should do some research before you blindly purchase games?

>start a game not even knowing how it generally plays or even the genre

You're the only one at fault here

>Poor man's NGE posting


>Is there a worse feeling?
Being on Sup Forums.

>not knowing what genre you're getting into before playing.

Kill yourself you dim-witted pleb.

>Stupid poster


>meme meido posting

What anime is this?

Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In a Dungeon

Dragonball Z

Aqua is a slut no matter what others tell you.

>start game
>game stops

What, do you try random games without knowing anything about them?

I despise turn based combat too, but i try the "sacred cow" games of that type of gameplay to see the appeal (Chrono Trigger, FF VII) and nope. I'm kinda tempted with trying Persona 5, but i don't want to become a weeb.

I imagine that they'd be common considering anyone that still plays turn based games are too dumb to use the internet.

underage kids with their smartphone paid for by mom

I think JRPGs are to blame for this, they ran turn based combat into the ground. It can still be done well today, but many japs are creatively bankrupt with it.

But Sup Forums is a turn-based commenting system

>start game
>lengthy cutscene
it's the worst way to do a game's beginning, it's a mood-killer

>take 2 steps out the door
>another cut-scene starts
Can these fucks just go make a shitty movie like they wanted to instead of ruining games?

levelling up stats was only invented to make garbage combat systems like turn-based seem more interesting. if your combat is actually fun levelling stats will actively hurt it.

old rpg concepts belong in the past.


I still haven't played LISA because of this, also because the gameplay is mediocre.

I kept playing, and it simply gets boring later on with its randomness. Also Earthbound's text-heavy combat system has always sucked dick, I'm not a fan of games picking up its weakest part.

man, that sure sounds like a brutal legend, am i right?

>impulse buy Deadly Premonition when on sale
>Find out later it's a horror game

Fug is it gonna be 2spooky for me?

underrated post

Not really.

>its vaguely vidya shitposting thread

There is
>Its a virtual novel


I can think of one
>Buy a game without doing any research into it
>be surprised at the kind of game it is
You only have yourself to blame faggot.


>anime Rick and morty-posting

>Time delay after making a post
You're fucking right.

How do you win Sup Forums?

>its your painfully let down by the last image on the set episode


>tfw hijabs and nuns are one of your biggest turn ons and it gets no play


Shadman is OK sometimes

Sadly the world is not degenerate enough to apreciate defiling religious women. Especially muslim bunda.

>Its turn-based cell movement that requires confirmation with each action.

I agree. Especially when he focuses on rimming pierced buttholes.

>Press any button to start
>Press my belly button
>Game doesn't start but it was actually a herna
>It ruptures, shit leaks into my gut and I die


I prefer nuns.
The thought of grabbing a matronly nun and you'd think I'd reveal my power level, but no, I'll keep my ero fiction to myself for the time being, alright?.
Yeah, that would be the fucking best.

got em


are atbwhiners people who shit the bed under pressure?

>start game
>its jrpg

>start game
>it's turn-based

>Failing to research the game beforehand so you know if its play style appeals to you.
Wew, lad.