Mom walks in

>mom walks in

Other urls found in this thread:

>"Are you interested in breasts user? I can show you mine if you like..."

>"Oh, good! You're not gay!"

based mum

>starts beating on me

>dad teleports in your room

I'm going to need a name.

Blue Reflection

>looks like you won son

Do girls really swap their worn underwear?

I want to pirate this, but fitgirl hasn't put out a crack with all the DLC included, and I'm not playing for a shoddy port.


No. Anime is not real life user

Why are weebs so obsessed with looking under skirts and underwear?


You're saying undieswap is exclusive to girls only?
My, my, user. How much you've missed in life.

>dad walks in

>he never swapped undies with his bros in the locker room

He will never know the joy of wearing underwear warmed by the heat of another mans crotch.

>Hey user, just dropping off your user, aren't those girls busty?
>Well hey, at least I know you aren't gay, hah hah...
>Of course all those stains I finally got out of my sheets could have told me that anyways
>you know...I got a knew gallon of detergent earlier at the store... wouldn't mind putting a few more stains in later tonight if you are down...

Sounded like a typical Monday night to me

Who is this meant to appeal to?


That bunny ear hair is repulsive

I hate anime so damn much.

Then fuck off newfag

>Blue Reflection

I’ve seen them before, and they’re not very good, mom

I knew this dude in HS who when he jerked off always busted right into his underwear, he had a dark brownish stain on every pair in the same spot. pretty gross desu


Why did the dub give her a southern accent

Good taste, son.

Don't they usually do that if a character has an Osakan accent?

It's called being straight, faggot.


>mod Sims 4
>mom walks in on pic related
>but user her boobs are as big as volleyballs!
>alt tab to desktop

>mod Sims 4
>mom walks in
>"user, why are all those woman Asian and underaged"?
>alt tab out of life

>mod Skyrim
>dad walks in
>"user get a real girlfriend, this is just pathetic"

>>mom walks in
>"Thank god he's not gay!"
>Mom leaves quietly.

>tfw I can't stop making them thicc

Jokes on you mom! She's a futa.

>tfw dad never walks in

Literally the only interesting thing that happens in the entire game.

>dad walks out

that's not "thicc"
she has absolutely no hips
she has some weird illness that makes her thighs balloon up


>My, my, user
Faggots aren't people, you know.

Her ass looks deformed if I make her hips wider. ;_;

>unironically liking cow utters

>Retarded brother walks in
>Starts jacking it furiously

>not a single panty shot in the entire webm
You fucking lied to me

Did Sims 4 always look this plastic like?

>comes all over your face and body
>still rubbing it, looking at you with his dead eyes
>dad walks in

They all kinda look like barbie dolls, ye. I don't mind tho. You can install more realistic mods but they don't fit into the rest of the game then.

>mod Skyrim
>dad walks in
>"Ah, I see you like the mod I made. What do you think of the moans? They're your mother's"

>Dad is also retarded
>Also starts jacking it furiously

Dunno but I have seen girls swap socks.

im pissed i didint get her on my first and only playthrough

>The Pitt

People who like underwear

i just got a bunch of custom sims from /tsg/ and they're in the tray, is there a way to just place them in the world without actually putting each individual one in a house?

Can you show me?

Does anyone have that image of the ball pit from Dashcon with The Pitt written on it?

Fucking love me some panties. That shit's my crack.

No idea. Supposedly they should appear in your game as townspeople as long as you have them save in your gallery, dunno if that's true. You can just create a couple of families of 8 then put them on empty lots. That should work too.

What's /tsg/ ?


as a guy who grew up with sisters and dozens of gf, this is fucking disgusting. women's vagina secret liquids and sweat throughout the day and the taught of switching underwear is very much akin to switching your boxers to another guy. its fucking disgusting


i just went to /vg/ and sometimes there's a sims general, its pretty dead tho, sometimes not even on the catalog

she has hair?

Why have you seen every pair of this guy's underwear?

>very much akin to switching your boxers to another guy
Worse, if anything. My underwear tends to be very dry, it doesn't even get noticeably dirty, only the occasional sweat.

>mod Sims 4
>mom walks in on pic related
>ara ara, that looks like me!

>Miku with tits
No, you're the newfag.

You don't plan on trying NG+ for the Torna Blades?

because I lived with him, he was my nigga but he was weird af

How does splooging on your underwear lead to a brown stain? Does he have penis cancer?

You're a fuckin' loser lmao

>caring about your mother's approval
>not your father's
Guess that explains the weeb faggotry.

This. Women are pretty gross overall

haha, me and my bros used to do this shit all the time

I'd just be happy she could walk again.

>wanting to fuck your father


From Now On, Together With Senpai

no, the underwear sit in the dirty cloths for a couple days and they turn crusty, which turns brown

Girls' underwear habits are goddamn gross if you think about it. If anything THEY should be the ones to wear loose fitting boxers but nope; gotta vacuum seal that oozing box with tight panties and pull up the string about three inches into the rectum.

When I started living with my girlfriend I noticed she didn't put her panties and strings into our hamper, but a designated panty bucket like it was toxic waste. And she constantly nicks my boxers because they're more comfortable. Well gee I wonder why, might have something to do with the fact they're not constantly getting drenched with pussy juice and ass musk.

I can relate to this. I like men, but not in a sexual way.
>Muscles, motivates me to work out and have an impressive body
>Apply logic to most situations, while still having and understanding emotions.
>Similar hobbies
It's a little gay, but I'm cool with it.

That's pretty gay.

I see, I guess you could say that. But I just like men in my own way.

It's not gay. It's different to have a man as a role model and wanting to have sex with your role model.

>vagina secret liquids
Spooky. What mysteries lie in the abyss?

Would you imagine wearing loose boxers as a woman? All those secretions could end up running down your leg without tight panties to keep them in check. Icky.

Someone's chunks of cum.

masculinity is gay bro haha working out rofl enjoying male company lmao male activities lol

*sips soy latte*
*plays female character in MMORPGs*
*masturbates to traps*

Talking of which, how do they clean the semen once someone comes inside? Do they just leave it there?

This is one of the most virgin questions I've seen on Sup Forums in some time.

That stuff isn't really runny, it's basically mucus, like dick cheese. I doubt it would travel down that far even if you never showered.

But if you press fabric right up in there then yeah it'll absorb all of that shit.

Menstrual blood is a different beast.

They squirt out the excess cum in the toilet, if it's runny they'll wipe their cunt first.

But I've been with one girl who just took all of that gunk and held on to it for hours.

This makes my penis the big penis