I still don't get how Metal Gear Solid is a stealth game. You can run without making any noise...

I still don't get how Metal Gear Solid is a stealth game. You can run without making any noise, enemies can't see you if you're just a several meters away from them, it takes multiple key inputs to take down a guard from behind.

I just can't get that sneaky feeling I have when I play Thief from it.

That's nice and all but thief is excrement


>I was born after the year of our lord 2004

AI is bad in all stealth games. At least the overhead view of MGS1 hid it better. I can't play Styx: Master of Shadows or Dishonored without just laughing four a couple hours before dropping the games.
I won't comment on Thief itself as I haven't played it yet, I plan on playing it eventually.

>four a couple hours
Just woke up forgive me

It was a tactical espionage game not stealth.

beause you play the role of solid snake

You forgot your period at the then of your request for forgiveness.

Solid snake?

>You can't run without making any noise
This is Metal Gear Solid's greatest weakness aside from the aiming. They should have made use of the analog stick so you could control walking speed. But not everyone had the PS1 controller w/ analog sticks so maybe that's why it wasn't incorporated.

>enemies can't see you if you're just a several meters away from them
It's just a different style of stealth. Stay out of the enemy vision cones in the radar instead of relying on what you see on the screen. Works fine.

>it takes multiple key inputs to take down a guard from behind
I don't really get this one. You press one button a few times to snap a guards neck. The rapid "ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh" sound they make is legendary. What's not to love?

>at the then

Metal Gear?!?


Pretty much, Snake always was closer to James Bond rather than Sam Fisher.

>tfw fucking up insulting someone's grammar and punctuation

I prefer looking at the actual game rather than staring at the radar for the most of the playtime.

Also, I really don't like the animation and the sound they make when you break their neck. It looks and sounds retard to me.

It's not really a pure stealth game, like Splinter Cell, as it's got constant boss fights and forced combat sections.

Though, I'd say that MGS3 is a very well designed and unique stealth game nonetheless, when played on the higher difficulties.

Agreed. MGS 3 has a decent stealth gameplay. You need to mind how much noise you make and how visible you are. Although it was bothersome as fuck having to change camouflage constantly.

I always feel like MGS1 is like the arcade stealth game
fast paced short levels where you basically can just path past everyone if you know whats up
its still stealth cause you still avoid enemies but its not at all about hiding or even careful assaults on enemies(though they do support both of these to an extent) but rather just pure evasion mostly

like you take an elevator down/up to a floor, pop out, observe patterns/use radar(on lower difficulties) and then make a dash to the goal line more or less while handling specific obstacles on the way like a camera or a noisy floor

>Although it was bothersome as fuck having to change camouflage constantly
Yeah, but when you know what you're doing, you can easily get away with just changing your uniform when you change area, even on Extreme.

>mfw you could beat mgs4 by gunning down everything

Metal Gear is, and always will be, a crap ripoff of Deus Ex

What kind of shitty claim is that?

>detonate wall with C4
>guard strolls over
>"wanders off"

you'd have preferred an unnecessary alarm for 2 minutes