>Finally compatible with Windows 10
Why aren't you playing right now?
Finally compatible with Windows 10
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Holy shit, it's finally compatible with Windows 10? Neat, a shame it was never finished.
Because I didn't know it was compatible with windows 10, now I do, thanks.
I didn't know, but I will be now.
Thanks user
>wangblows 10
People joke about our timeline being a crazy mess but then unlikely as fuck shit like this happens
>This is supposed to be a rat
>Tarakava are supposed to be some kind of lizards
>Then that fucking sentient mountain that grew in the island of Roodaka
I swear the Makuta as a race were fucking drunk or something when it came to designing and giving life to Rahi.
This is also a rat
>ywn experience the terror of being a Matoran fleeing from your village as it's overrun and consumed by man-faced scorpion rats bigger than you
Could be worse, could be a Skakdi
I want to. I hope the beta someday sees the light of day too.
So, I just now realized there was a 2016 and 2015 toa sets, basically "updating" the OG designs.
2015 looked okay if a bit beefy snd not very mechanical like the originals but 2016 took a huge nosedive, what the fuck happened?
Eh, one Skakdi isn't a huge deal with all those Vahki there. Vision based powers and no means of activating their elemental abilities seem somewhat less dangerous than a swarm of shrink disc wielding rodents that can almost endlessly consume all that stands in their way.
Probably one good Kanoka (e.g. Shrink, Weaken) could easily take down a lone Skakdi.
Tell me about the matoran societal structure
They're essentially maintenance workers for the giant robot.
>The equivalent of nigs of the Bionicle universe
>not a huge deal
Never relax, fellow matoran.
Christ if this game actually got finished and came out it would've been one of my all-time favorites when I was a kid. Simple action platformer where you play as all the Toa with designs straight from the toys themselves, I'd have eaten this right up.
This goddamn alpha for an unreleased game is a thousand times better than that anus Bionicle game that actually did come out.
I vaguely recall someone saying that bionicle lore is actually really good and thought out. Anyone have a link or can write up a post for me to get the general idea of things?
The basic gist is that all the islands in which the sets take place are part of an even bigger robot called Mata Nui, take everything that happens as some sort of infighting between different organisms within a body.
I don't have enough memory on my computer
>precursor race has a war
>invent a giant robot named Mata Nui and launch it into space so it can learn about other cultures and prevent future wars
>Inside the Robot is a bunch of domes which make up the Matoran universe
>Matoran maintain the giant robot, Makuta create Rahi inside the robot for the Matoran (to aid in their work I guess, or make their lives more interesting, I don't really know)
>Giant robot completes it's mission and it starts to head home
>Makutas take over and put the robot into a coma so they can rule over the Matoran, robot crashes into an ocean planet near his homeworld (the planet is actually a chunk of the homeworld that got dislodged)
>toas get activiated to unfuck things
>matorans who maintain the robot forget their mission
>Eventually Toa succeed in waking Mata Nui up
>One of the Makuta slips in at the last moment and takes over the robots consciousness
>Mata Nui's conciousness gets sent into a mask
>As the mask he travels to the home planet and meets beings called Glatorians
>they get him a new giant robot body and he battles with Makuta and wins
>Mata Nui puts the planets back together
>Fills the home planet with plants and shit (it was a desert before)
>All the matoran exit the body and go to live in the home planet
>Mata Nui dies
>They all live happily ever after sort of
this page has the full rundown lego.wikia.com