Your favorite black vidya characters

your favorite black vidya characters

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I think you posted my favorite. I cant think of any other games with black characters I liked, much less would say is my favorite.

I miss Lee

But he's a scientist.


What an amazing character Lee was.

I know it's not a single character, but collectively they were pretty cool.


Donkey Kong

I liked him, he was funny sometimes


Well played ...





All I could think was "but you arnt Vahlen, where the fuck is my mad german scientist?"

No joke, he's a pretty good main character.




Lee was great

Season 2 was so fucking shit without him

damn straight

>le epic Sup Forumsedditor doing a false flag
fucking based

>that flashback to Season 1 in Season 2

A black scientist

Huh, I hadn't heard about this place until now.
Thanks for the link, this place seems awesome.


I hope you enjoy your stay. :^)

That was one of the only good parts in season 2

Everything else was just Kenny and Clem being surrounded by the most insufferable cunts

Are black people actually genetically predisposed to commit crimes and act like animals, or is it really just a variety of other factors like where they live and stuff?

I live in Australia in a good area, and all the black teens that went to my school when I was younger, and even now going back there as a teacher, act like complete and utter animals. They don't do their work, or listen, or anything. Hell, I had a student who came into class halfway through not even knowing there was a SAC (basically an exam task) on the day, despite having literal weeks of warning beforehand and time to make a cheat sheet. This was year 11.

I hate to sound like a racist and all, and I have no issue with black people, but there are so many fucking niggers around and it seems like most black people fall into that category, male and female alike.

They all seem to speak the same, act the same, listen to the same music, what the fuck?

The black cop from RE7 because he died at the beginning and i don't have to see him anymore.

Man... I find a Burger Tank in this place...

Demoman takes skill!

>I'm not going anywhere


The richest black areas commit more crime than the poorest white areas in America.

I dunno what it is, but something is going on there.

>grow up being told not to believe in stereotyping people
>almost entirely white town
>2 black kids in the entire highschool
>1 was really really good at basketball
>the other dropped out and tried robbing a gas station

ï went ch*os in my first playthrough


>that Demoman camping C on Degroot Keep with a skullcutter who has a 60% crit chance since your teammates keep feeding him damage

Here to hoping he's in 5 to help clean up the blasphemers

>replying to yourself to falseflag

there was this one book about a black guy being so fed up of trying to go aginst the stereotypes he just said fuck it and became the living embodiment of the "nigger".

Don't worry

>saw a black guy eating stuff in a bus station
>some bus driver comes near him, points at him and says "HE'S STEALING"
>they both look at each other and laugh their asses off
just wanted to share that


>They all seem to speak the same, act the same, listen to the same music,
buddy all normies are like this when observed from the outside

epic, simply epic *tips gold*

Based black man. Already a favorite in this thread

He's urban, not black

I always thought he looked Native American.

All the white kids actually do their work though and don't act like monkeys and seem to actually care about their future.

Ive played like six asscreeds does this game have enough new to keep it fresh?

>56 replies
>No B.D Joe
Come on guys.


I see

If you've played six of those dumb games I think you already have your own answer

Yeah, it doesn't feel like Assassin's Creed at all apart from the whole tower viewing and climbing.
Side-quests, RPG-like skills, side-quests and almost no filler content (collectibles and such).
The map is also pretty huge and not filled with stuff like previus AC games.

holy shit. That was actually really fucking good.





Man Master Cheif,
all these aliens, man,
man it's like space World War 2, man!
-Sargent Dude

perfect time for a remake
>inb4 redguards aren't black

What the fuck was his problem?

Ubishills pls go


Why do blacks act like this?

Why the TWD went downhill every season famalam.
I sure hope TWAU doesn’t disappoint.

it's called culture wh*tey. i wouldn't expect you to know what that is LMAO.

did you try asking one

those are the we had space age technology before whitey came black people
those types are mostly the ones with money saying they care for all black people even though they are making things worse and calling people like morgan freeman racist

>proud of black representation
What's wrong with that?

this but unironically

thanks bro

Wtf I thought he was like polish

cuck thread

Fuuuuck. Wasn't ready for that nostalgia.

>misses three shots
>lands a crit on 4th shot which hits
>Exactly where I called it!
I love my glass nuke anyway though

>81 posts
>No Coach

It's called dense city where rich suburbs are next to ghettos vs rural areas. Crime in the rich areas in LA doesn't come from the residents, but wannabe thugs that walk a mile or two to loot shit


does brown count?

My Nekiga

>our nigga who art in heaven
>holla'd be thy name

He acts like a human being. That alone makes him better than all AC protags.

gonna respond to your shit bait. I dont like ubisoft but i thought that looked good

Beat me to it by seven minutes, damn shame nobody has posted him yet. Coach is the best

>when you kill the Crocodile
His voice actor did an amazing job portraying how pissed Bayek was


>no one posted coach from l4d2
Jesus christ guys.


>mfw black panther got saved by an army of niggers literally chimping out

Damn, you beat me to it as well

The Cannon version is to make him black when it gives you the option. (It also makes your brother look cooler)