Will you double-dip?
Will you double-dip?
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I was always more of a Spyro kind of kid.
I haven't bought it yet, so I'll probably getting the Switch version, as long as it's no more than $40 because that would be fucking ridiculous. The PS4 version is 30 fps anyway so I feel the portability meme would be worth it.
Nigga ill triple dip
no, the originals are far better. No reason to play the remakes.
If they used the extra time to finish Coco's animations, I'll consider it.
it's coming to the switch?
I still have my original disk that somehow got scratched while sitting inside my case for 10 years
>it's coming to the switch?
It's strongly rumored to but it hasn't been officially confirmed yet.
yeah the originals were great
Won't even single dip.
Call me when they bring Wipeout on board
>this leaves the door open for crash to get in smash
It's just rumors, no official announcement yet. Probably a lot of "this game should be on Switch!" types adding to it too.
No, Switch games universally perform like shit and/or look like shit. Why would I want to play in my bed or toilet on a shit battery life too when I can just sit by my monitor or TV?
Could you imagine?
>Smash gets iconic characters like Crash, Snake, and Cloud
>Sony Smash Bros got fucking Raiden and nu-Dante
How did they FUCK up so bad?
Sonyfags forever BTFO
>How did they FUCK up so bad?
because Sony didnt care much about PSAS and the dev team Superbot were not respected by Square, Konami and Activision to allow them to use their characters
I dunno, I thought the new Smash was shit and boring, and had too many issues online to even be fun there.
Sony's thing sucked just as much.
I'll first dip. I really wanna play this. I got a chance to play a demo and it was pretty fun
I know Sonic's been on Nintendo systems for what feels like centuries at this point, but seeing the original Crash trilogy on Nintendo hardware just feels really wrong
Honestly I still think Nintendo should just buy Capcom out of pity after all the shit they've done to poor Dante.
It's definitely weird since Crash was basically Sony's mascot during the PS1 era, and that era had a lot of shitflinging through advertisements (HEY PLUMBER BOY, MUSTACHE MAN).
But as long as more people have the opportunity to play the remaster and get exposed to Crash, I'd call it a good thing.
how is it weird?
crash hasnt been sonys "mascot" since 2001 and its game were only exclusive for like 3 years.
stop living in the past, gramps.
nice one example
>Switch games universally perform like shit and/or look like shit
[Citation needed]
Playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles on a Nintendo console used to be strange as hell once.
its weird because Sony own rights to the first 5 Crash games (Crash 1, 2, Warped, CTR and Bash)
PSAS was a C-team project.
Dude I literally followed it up with how I would like for the game to put on Switch so more people could play it. I'm just commenting on how different times are now compared to then, which is and always will be weird, inevitable or not.
Fuck no. I didn't buy the PS4 release because they still haven't fixed the pillshape Collison box on crash
Fucking hack frauds couldn't even get collusion detection for jumping right.
They only own the publishing rights to those games. N-Sane Trilogy is technically its own game, meaning Activision can whore it out as much as they want.
except they used the old games and built on top of them, meaning the old games are involved with the new ones.
I'm just going to sell my ps4 copy and turn around and buy the pc version.
Not sure what the term for that would be. Re-dip?
My dad had already bought Crash before I was born so I don't think it's double dipping.
>they still haven't fixed the pillshape Collison box on crash
>except they used the old games and built on top of them
That's funny, because every other source is telling me that N-Sane team had to build just about everything from scratch since the source was gone. All they had were 3D meshes.
yeah, all the levels were built on top of the original's skeleton wire frame. Vicarious Visions had to go to Sony to get them in order to do it.
Not true. Crash 1 PSX hasnt aged good but the remake makes it much better. 2 and 3 remakes are pretty much just as good if not better in most cases. Also you can play as Coco so you are wrong
no, the physics is wonky as hell in the remake, they didn't even try to match the momentum from the original games and you fucking slip gradually off crates whilst bouncing on them without moving the control stick at all.
>except they used the old games
Conceptually, yes.
>and built on top of them
Wrong. Trilogy was built 100% from the ground up on almost every aspect aside from re-using the scenarios for each game. You can tell that Activision purposefully wanted the game to utilize new code, new assets, and new music and sfx (instead of using hq versions of the originals that already exist) so that they'd have more freedom in considering Trilogy its own title, rather than a modern remaster.
Obviously Activation settled with Sony for a year-long exclusivity deal so they could greenlight the project, but having Trilogy purposefully NOT built on top of any of the old games gave them a chance to slide through some loopholes regarding Sony's exclusive publishing rights on the original games, since in legal terms they're not _technically_ selling Crash 1, 2, and Warped, they're selling Crash: N-Sane Trilogy.
Sony is such a dead Company Activision should have just brought them, got the rights for Crash & then shut them down
Vicarious Visions themselves said they went to Sony for the wireframe layouts of the original levels and built on top of them.
>all the levels were built on top of the original's skeleton wire frame
Aside from the fact that the dev team didn't have wireframes for every level from the original trilogy, they really just used the wireframes to makes sure their remade levels were scaled properly with Crash's movement.
They could have done a better job, honestly.
this has nothing to do with gitting good, it's literally a design flaw for a platformer to use the wrong type of collision detection. The messed up physics in the remake resulted in some levels being stupidly hard and others being stupidly easy.
and yet... a lot of people did not have a problem with this "flaw" and have played the game to completion
i loved all the rage caused from the high road levels, but yeah they probably should fix that
Honestly if the devs wanted the game to be so hard, they should have made stormy ascent the 2nd last level & made beating Crash 1 are requirement for playing 2 & 3, the tears would have been glorious
>a flaw is only a flaw if it makes the game literally unplayable/unbeatable
activision already stated that they won't bother fixing it
MY only complaint was the Bosses were still piss easy. I was hoping for a bump in difficulty, or atleast a change in their patterns. Ripper Roo in both of his boss fights could have used different patterns
But that's like putting your whole mouth in the bowl user!
Best games ever. Rumour is that they are remaking the Spyro trilogy too.
>and built on top of them
No they didn't. The devs mentioned that a lot the geometry in the data sets they were given had been deleted, so they could only use the original level geometry as a reference for scale, rather than a base to build off of.
That's one of the main factors of their fuck up. Why the fuck would they make such a pathetic attempt at their first mascot fighting game?
because Superbot approached Sony with the idea. Sony basically said "yeah sure what ever, heres some money, make it"
No? Why the fuck would anyone?
Its going to suck waiting till like 2020 or 2021 for the Spyro games on Switch, need to wait for them to actually come out. Then Sony has another cancerous year exclusive deal.
It just recently got listed as a Switch title under a few European retailers
Wipeout came out on PS4 recently
Ya, for PC