Dynasty Warriors 9

Thanks for bad mouthing the game, i was expecting a shit Dynasty Warriors and found a pretty solid edition. I'm pretty sure now that every one that is hating this game is not a DW veteran, many things added to the series, good gameplay and Cao Cao moveset is literally perfect. I'm already excited for the Chaos playthough and want to see how they will use the big map for battles on Empire. downsides so far, the game is much more similar to a Xtreme Legends than a numbered DW. Grapple hook is good on towns but takes a bit away from the siege and "clone" characters with the generic weapons. Which keep happening since DW 6 i guess. Discuss the game on this thread, i guess.

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How do you unlock Lianshi?

You have to be falseflagging. The game is unplayably bad.

I'm not a veteran by any means. My friend introduced me with 5, and I went and bought 8XL. The games since 8 have been a massive decrease in quality. The cutscenes in 8 are all custom animations for each scene, not the canned animations seen in pre/post battle scenes for SW4 or Berserk. Even warriors all stars got rid of them entirely and just made it VN style. KT and Omega force are complete hacks by now. Whatever talent they had left the studio long ago.

You talk like Dynasty Warriors needs bad mouthing, everyone already knows it's trash for brainlets

possibly on base consoles but on enhanced consoles(at least one x in my experience) it’s plays bad but not unplayable

Nope. Its probably the numbered dynasty warriors game that i am most enjoying since 5. People complaining about open world and how they "have" nothing are complete retardeds. The stages from the older games were translated to open world, Hu Lao Gate being a fucking gate is awesome.
If you mean technical issues, I'm playing fine, dropping frames on the end of the mission/stage. But its a Koei port from pc. I knew how it would go since they announced.

The performance is shit but it's not the reason the game is unplayably awful.

You have got to be kidding. You are delusional. Watch "The Degredation of Dynasty Warriors" on Youtube, it's fucking shameful how bad this game is.

I always favoured Xtreme Legends and Empire over the main games, so as you can expect, i really dont give a fuck about production on value on the voice acting or cutscene animations. i Liked this combat system. i know they will probably change on 10, because they always change, but really think they did something good this time.

>Uploaded by Jim Sterling
ahahahahahahahaha nah im good mate

I play DW since 3 and you want me to see a video made by a faggot that doesnt even play this game on Chaos to form my opinion? despite playing the game myself? Honestly, i saw his review before playing and after playing i disagree with almost everything, the exception being that ubisoft towers are stupid.

If one of the biggest apologists even says its trash then it's most likely trash.

Literally has a video to prove that difficulty is a meme and doesn't somehow magically change the games terrible quality.

>dynasty warriors has slowly become the most cynical and exploitative game series
your fatass was being exploited since day 1.

I guess my point is that if they skimped on the aesthetics like cutscenes and VA, why didn't anything else get better? Tell me about the combat in 9. Do you really think it's an improvement? Every piece of footage I've seen has the player infinitely combo every officer and that just doesn't seem right to me. Even in a DW game.

>Every piece of footage I've seen has the player infinitely combo every officer and that just doesn't seem right to me. Even in a DW game.
Have you played this series since 6 where there's an entire mechanic around infinite comboing everyone.

Cool let me know when they add all the unique movesets back so its worth the price.

So this is just another flop with a terrible combat system like 6. Well then.
Looks like 9 is the degradation of Dynasty Warriors.

It's a solid 7/10 game at best and that's coming from a long time DW fan of musou titles.

Nowhere near as good as 8 was in it's completed form.

Or 8 where you have that easily exploitable affinity triangle thing and the ability to equip everyone with the halberd moveset which then you can just proceed blitz eveything with minor effort

Game is enjoyable on easier difficults too, Probably is that autists like this Jim guy rushes through everything on easy or normal, kill people 5 lvls above them and complain "See this game is retarded, level means nothing, and the random quests around the world map are meaningless, bring back stage and cool events" except that the meaningless quests are the events of stages, what the retarded is doing is the same as going straight for the enemy commander or main base ignoring everything else in not chaos difficulty. With the main difference being that on 9 you dont even need to form a supply line.
Honestly Dynasty Warriors game are not meant to be high production game, and its pretty niche, i've been seeing more autistic people thinking somehow that dw 3,4 or 5 arent exploits already due to anime game getting warrior, fire emblem, dragon quest and zelda, in other words, popular shit. Yes the combat is good, Only way to play on chaos is by doing infinite combos because one or two hits gonna probably kill you, since the series roots you do that, movesets without that option are trash and not used. Most of characters used to be trash back then. We will still have a tier but im guessing that more weapons are playable now.
Back on 4 i would pin a officer on a wall and juggle him to the infinite and beyond.

Sterling getting outraged at his favorite character losing their trademark weapon and generally knowing nothing about Romance of the Three Kingdoms is just laughable.

Koei literally monikered the character after a mistranslation of his name from Mandarin to Japanese using the word "cho", meaning butterfly. Nothing like the actual man from real life who was feared as being cunning, ruthless and mercurial to his enemies.

It's two folded ignorance.

No one cares about actual history you fucking retard.

who gives a fuck about the history nigger.

The games are a campy hack and slash and that fat autistic fuck is right about it being shit. It's amazing how people will defend their purchase so they can cope with wasting their money. If you just admit the game is shit you can learn a lesson for next time.

>muh realism
>muh historical accuracy
It's musou you twat.

Imagine how sad your life must be to still put up with musou shit and not only buy it but praise and defend it in 2018.

It's because retards don't listen to Jim Sterling or Jeff Gertsmann and get upset when you bring up their genuinely spot on videos.


I don't even like sterling but if anyone else reuploaded his vid and dubbed over the voice everyone would be like this video correctly sums up why this game is shit.

how is it that people can be this blind about a game.

if you guys enjoy shit so much, then go ahead, have a fun time... but stop shilling this garbage on Sup Forums.


If you enjoy eating shit so much then just admit that it is indeed shit that you are shoving in your mouth, don't try to claim otherwise.

The game is absolute trash. You just enjoy eating shit because MUH MUSOU.

I hope DW can one day make something like the PS2 games again.

>historical accuracy


what the fuck does any of this have to do with the fact that Koei homongenized everyone's movesets just to sell the good ones back at us as DLC?

This is shit is indefensible, whoever is shielding DW9 is in denial or mad because Cuck Sterling is mad about it. On fucking day one when they said it was going to be open world one could see the shitstorm brewing, Omega Force is as competent and wealthy as some small indie developer who can only make games thanks to unity covering their asses, as such Omega Force has no business making an open world game that would need high grade expertise and budget in order to look good.

Go wash away your blindness with some good DW games from the past, one can never go wrong DW4.

My main complaint is that its impossible to lose a chapter unless you yourself die. Like cmon, at least let the enemy push territory.

Or Orochi 3.
Or Hyrule Warriors.
Or Gundam 3 if robots are your thing.

Just anything but 9,8, or 6.

Careful, you'll trigger /eagg/!

Gundam Reborn was the most fun Musou I have ever played. Wish they'd make another.

fuck that general. they REEEEEEEEE anytime a spinoff comes out ESPECIALLY one of the nintendo ones and cry NOT MUH CHINK SLAYING MUSOU and shun non mainlinefags.

That's only one autist. I never mind those spin-offs.

go back to white knighting this shitty game in your general
DW9 is undefendable

>t. Jim Sterling multiposts who don't know a fucking thing about the series they're talking about

Jesus Christ, you children are fucking embarrassing.

Nigga I never mentioned DW9. I was talking about the Nintendo ones.

your general is still a shithole that defends this crap

>every one that is hating this game is not a DW veteran

Veterans have abandoned this series a long time ago. Now it's just for fujoshis and waifufags.

>Defending the most sad and pathetic excuse of an open world ever released

Get some taste, faggot

>your general is still a shithole
That can apply to any general in /vg/.

Yeah I remember when Cow Pee single handedly took down a thousand man army too without breaking a chain combo

Combat solid and the open world is a fresh approach.
I just hate how awful it looks and how bad it performs compared to 8XL.
I can't wait for 9E as the base game seems tailor-made for it

you're goddamn right. But at least our crossover games aren't shit

it isn't much worse than BotW for example and that got a shitton of perfect scores and GOTY awards

*grappling hooks your base*

tch nothin personal general...

definitive edition can't come out sooner

>not a single mention on WHY the game is bad, just dicksucking some literal who eceleb
Im not watching your videos faggot either post an argument in the thread or fuck off

>literally DEBATE ME BROing

stop being autistic and just watch it

Don't need to argue when anyone with eyes can tell it's dogshit.

Not jimfag but you have to admit the game looks bad and has a good amount of bugs in it like disappearing enemies and textures not loading in time.
Other than that, combat is good and open world is a fresh approach that I hope Koei builds on.

>Buyers remorse has deluded people into thinking DW9 is good

>open world is a fresh approach that I hope Koei builds on


This is all you need to know.

>listening to a fat autist who married a tranny and takes pics of cum in his eye

>looks bad and has a good amount of bugs in it like disappearing enemies and textures not loading in time.
That really doesnt sound like its enough for all the bitching

It's one general on /vg/ that's REALLY butthurt and desperate to defend it
Nobody other than them wants to defend such obviously bad trash

>bad graphics=gane is bad
Graphicsfags were a mistake
Any actual gameplay problems m8?

It's 2018. People on the internet will bitch about anything.

the only reason people are quoting Jimbo is because he apologized for even the shit installments in DW (besides 6 but even then he welcomed the changes) so even when the most forgiving musoufag can't stand this game it's a telling sign.

Why exactly is it such trash?
I was hoping to get a new musou game.


But I am playing the game.
Are you saying that horseback riding wasn't part of the previous games?

what the fuck does that fucking matter when you're out there launching ten men into the fucking sky and jumping into the air to stab them in the fucking face before they hit the ground again? If you want to learn about history read a motherfucking book

we know DW is Monster Hunter tier lazy with their graphic updates throughout installments. this is bad even by those lofty standards.

Bad game = bad game

Stop defending this utter trash with its 4 button combos, 80% of weapons removed, musou feel completely removed and replaced by auto running over a map. Hunting where the animals dont even react to you half the time. base battles where you just spider-man your way up the fucking wall.

This is westernized trash and you actively make the DW franchise even worse by supporting it

>likes 6
Wow thats even more reason not to listen to Jim MY WIFE IS A MAN Sterling

just get Fire Emblem Warriors. Unless you're triggered byt the roster for some reason.

>people are quoting Jimbo
People arent quoting him tho
Theyre just saying "watch his videos"
Im not gonna give that fat faggot views tho

My only complaint is the lack of urgency. You're never pressed to complete certain objectives against others, you just pick which order to tackle things from the mission list.
If I felt like I could fail objectives by timeouts I'd feel more involved in the battle.

>I enjoy eating shit, the post.

Not gonna buy a console for musou
Something on ps4 or pc

Samurai warriors is better than dynasty warriors.

Come at me.

You're not wrong.
Nobunaga shits on Cao Cao any day gameplay wise.

Fucking Christ, you musou faggots are actually fucking delusional.

>Samurai warriors is better than dynasty warriors.

Reminder that westerners didn't vote for Zhao Yun and confirmed for shit taste.

>rotten diarrhea is better than rotten turgid smelly diarrhea
who cares? they're both trash

>Zhou Tai in second

Popularity polls have always been a three-horse, both east and west.
Waifus can't compete

>three horse
three-horse race.

Why are you here?

to counteract positivity about 9
videos i saw were disgusting

Lol this game looks trash, fuckin pathetic weeb cunts defending this, the game is SHIT


Yeah but samurai warriors isn't like dynasty warriors 9.

Not yet anyways.

>mainline DW

are you okay?




This is infuriating. Not only do they get away with releasing that but people ITT actually defend it. What the FUCK


When did he ever mention that he liked 6? It didn't seem like that at all in his latest DW video.

it's the truth though

you got your worthless collecting, ubi towers, bandit camps and so on

the delusional ones are the BotW faggots