Why are you only a badass in video games but a pussy in real life?

Why are you only a badass in video games but a pussy in real life?

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cuz game are fun

asian milfs are so hot

Noo joke but I could probably kill everybody in this thread with my bare hands. I'm 185cm, genetically barrel chested and a fucking beast.

It's about that contrast.

Cause while power fantasies are fun, a mentally healthy individual realizes actively looking to physically hurt people would feel terrible. Desire for violence is a survival mechanism. That doesn't mean people actually like violence.

Video games don't have real world consequences.

Being tough and mean is a bad thing not a good thing

Because fapping daily kills my drive to do anything but the compulsion is too strong to abstain.

Joke's on you. I'm a pussy in both.

Please be my boyfriend.


In most games you start off as a significant figure due to traits like strength, heritage, or destiny and are practically born to succeed. It’s literally you versus the world.

Real life isn’t that simple.


Prove it, fuccboi

gap moe


No step aside bitch I want him to be my boyfriend.

I would fuck this pussy, if you get my drift

>Asian Waifu
>Slav Squat

what da fuq am I fapping at!?

>Complete shit in actually trading blows
>But a natural thrower/grappler by instinct
>People wouldn't back off my shit while growing up
>Everyone thinks they are hot shit and will trade punches
>But one throw in to the ground or the wall takes the fight out of literally everyone

Then you learn the difference between being feared and being respected. I am not sure the situation could have worked out any other way at the time, but hurting people feels shitty. Getting your way through violence should be left to video games. In real life, your effort should be in making friends.

And I've spent years honing the kind of social skills I've idolized that let me gently, but firmly, persuade others. I'm not going back.

>he lies
>on the internet of all places

>this pic

I'm a sissy in game and a sissy in real life.

>posts anime
Checks out.

I'm a idealistic moralfag in games but I'm a salty bastard in real life

What is your definition of a "Pussy?" Or are you making this thread to quell your own insecurities.

It's comfier.

Oh my god.

Squatting girls is a fetish of mine.

i know kung-fu


Well I could beat you because I'm smaller and smaller means faster and faster is better than stronger.

Slav squatting in heels is cheating. It's not a true flat foot squat. Anyone can do it on their toes. Flat foot squatting is genetic.

>Take Judo classes as a kid/preteen.
>Quit after like three years
>Built up enough of the basics and instincts to not let myself be pushed or thrown easily.
>Will always remember the most simple throws
>Current year
>Kickboxing training

Now I can attack, defend, evade, and if push comes to shove still throw any normie if I were to get into a fight. It'd have to take someone who practices martial arts or someone twice as broad as me to defeat me (or rather to have me avoid engaging at all costs).

If your still in High School I would join the wrestling team at your school. Best decision I ever made in High School. Besides the fact you end up getting an ear that looks like a dumpling (Most of the time).

I ask myself that everyday.

>did karate for 1 year as a kid
>enjoyed it
>it got cancelled
>now a loser skelly with no fighting ability
I like to imagine how different things would've been if it kept at it.

Because it takes more effort to git gud in life than it does to git gud in a game

>implying anyone on Sup Forums is a badass in any regard

I'm not a badass in either but I'm not a pussy by any means. I'm just not assertive in terms of decision making, I won't put up with someone's bullshit though. Fights don't happen in every confrontation, usually if you're bigger and louder it'll make someone calm their shit down if they're acting out