Video game girls everyone fapped to at least once


Other urls found in this thread:


>thousands upon thousands of great fanart
>almost no good doujin

This, why is it so hard? Even OP’s artist draws great art of Chun-Li but shit doujins.

She trims up real nice



No. Just no.


You're Waifu


can we get more T H I G H S

Here's a classic

Don't even try to deny it

Not even once, I fapped to gardevoir before though.


only vidya girl i've fapped to was etna, if that counts.





Oh yes. This too.

Why wouldn’t it? She’s top tier.

I've never fapped to her, but that can be fixed, provided some fine pics, can you help me in my quest Sup Forums?


I can't fap to 2b. When i try, I remeber the game's story and get sad.

I try to forget everything about that game.



Okay then.


Not to Krystal. NEVER to Krystal.


look at that gif and listen to this

then use your imagination!!


If she considered furry? The way artists draw her is like a person painted white with a big red thing coming out of her chest.

If there's one thing League of Legends has done, it's make people realize they have a thing for shortstacks.


Maybe not everyone, but a lot of people.


She's more like an alien. She doesn't even have a fur.



The p-collection doujins are god-tier. Rival capcom's official art.

ITT: half the people post their obscure shit tier waifu instead of prime fap material

wtf stop posting my pics




Man, over half the chicks here don't qualify. Step it up Sup Forums.

Zelda from Breath of the Wild :)



Don't even try to deny it.


not vidya

Ah, there ya go.


>no poison yet
lmao you a bunch of heterosexuals

>Hey Yuna is pretty cute!
>notice some black fabric under her shirt/robe

this shit is like heroin to my dick

Fapped to the pixels too.



This is the only true answer, if you haven't fapped to her you are a faggot

>almost no good doujin
You couldn't be more wrong if you're into futa.

more like
>video game girls everyone has wished to be at least once

I must be a faggot then.

check & check. Looks like I still have a lot of work to do though

He said good.

I used to hit up a lot of strategy guides when I was a kid.



across all FF games, I'm sure Shiva could fill a caldera with semen.

Too bad p-collection died in the 2011 tsunami.
Rest in peace.

aw yeah

have no idea who these are

>How to spot ironicweebs that just found out what ZR is

my nigga

All of them except Bulleta have had quite the cum dedicated to them. Probably Lei-Lei the most since there's this one doujin that is perfect.

Her hair is shit, outfit leaves too little to imagination, and her beauty mark is anything but


literally who?



>i will never blast a thick, viscous voluminous load down her corset
why fucking live


Yep, specially the ones with bountiful breasts



How bountiful?


I’ve never in my entire life mastubated to chun li or this whore.


>all jap game girls

There are 13 (now 14) vidya girls in this thread that i have fapped to . How many of this girls have you faped to user?

>dfc and cowtits
>futafags and trapfags
>thiccposters and people with non-shit taste
>ever getting along

that might be a tad bit too bountiful, let's have some moderation

This topic needs a black girl.


